
The Art of Financial Success

There was a car accident, and he was reborn in 2020 to the examination room of the college entrance examination in 1999.Facing the test paper of the college entrance examination, Jiang Han’s eyes were darkened.But fortunately, rebirth also comes with cheats, the strongest deduction system bound.“Ding… the deduction is complete, and the deduction result of the test paper is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, the second prize number of the lottery is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, and the stock rise curve is…”The world’s top ten mathematics problems, Jiang Han closed his eyes and meditated for two seconds, and then began to write the correct answer, which shocked the entire mathematics world.In the complicated and confusing futures market, Jiang Han bought the bottom many times, his assets increased tenfold, and he left gracefully after sweeping nearly tens of billions of dollars.When the whole world imposed a technical blockade on Hua, Jiang Han had already mastered the technology that was twenty years ahead of the world.It wasn’t until many years later that Jiang Hanxian deduced the method of longevity out of boredom.Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “City: God-level Deduction System”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.

Ron_Blackwood · Urban
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113 Chs


Jiang Han's attitude, is he really going to invest?

Brother Xiao Ma looked at the expression on Jiang Han's face, and there was some hesitation in his heart.

He knew very well that Jiang Han had eight million cash in his hand!

If Jiang Han can really be persuaded to invest, then even if he can only get half of these eight million, it will be enough for the penguin to last for a long time.

Then everything will be very different from now.

But will Jiang Han really choose to invest?

"Mr. Jiang, may I ask, what is the purpose of investing in our penguins?" Pony asked suspiciously.

"Wouldn't it be too cheesy if I said I fancy the potential of penguins?" Jiang Han said with a smile.

If Jiang Han really said this, it is estimated that Brother Xiaoma or Li Zekai would not believe it.

Penguin now doesn't even have the ability to monetize traffic, and it's too much to say that the potential is amazing.

"Let me be honest, in fact, I fancy the penguins." Jiang Han smiled and said, "Being able to make an OICQ and being able to complete what I need in such a short period of time." "

"You guys have real unlimited potential."

In the last life, many people wanted to follow the trend and create their own instant messaging software after seeing Tencent's instant messaging software become popular.

But none of them succeeded.

Even Malaysia failed to make any breakthroughs, and eventually had to change its strategy and develop towards business office, which later became DingTalk.

After changing its name to QQ, OICQ has occupied the domestic instant messaging market for more than ten years, which is such a seemingly simple software, but it has stumped many bigwigs.

More than ten years later, there is only one WeChat that can compete with QQ.

But unfortunately, WeChat is also Penguin's.

Even Jiang Han had to admit it.

This group of penguins really has an innate, adaptable gene for instant messaging.

It's like an e-commerce business.

Although Jiang Han can use the knowledge in his brain to create a better software than OICQ, but after that, he will inevitably spend most of his energy for timely communication.

And Jiang Han's idea is not just to control the aircraft carrier of instant messaging,

So the best solution is to buy Penguin, and then tell Xiaoma Ge about the product design and product sales method that has been leading for twenty years, and let them make money for Jiang Han!

Including the e-commerce that Jiang Han intends to get involved in, U disk, mp3, and even mobile phones, computers, Jiang Han does not plan to personally intervene in the management.

What he wants to do is actually to exist like the boss of BBK, be a behind-the-scenes controller, and usually will not interfere in the daily operation of the enterprise.

For the first time, Xiao Ma Ge heard that investment is about people, not products.

After being slightly stunned, he said, "Isn't Mr. Jiang optimistic about our products?" "

Jiang Han nodded unceremoniously and said, "Garbage." "

The joy on Xiao Ma's face was momentarily sluggish, and then it became gloomy.

In his opinion, the penguin is what he is most proud of now, even if it does not have the ability to form blood, dragging him down to death.

But he still believes in it.

But now Jiang Han unceremoniously said that OICQ is a garbage, how can Xiao Ma Ge endure it?

It's just that his personality has always made him not stand up directly and say let Jiang Han go out.

"How? Angry? Jiang Han smiled and said, "You ask President Li to see if he has the same evaluation as me." "

Li Zekai saw that Jiang Han led the fire to him, but just smiled and did not speak.

But he already made his attitude clear without speaking.

For businessmen, what cannot be realized is chicken ribs, and it can even be said to be garbage.

Especially when the product is still burning money like crazy.

Although Li Zekai invested two million US dollars in the previous life, he did not make additional investment in the follow-up, and it can be seen that he even sold Penguin's shares.

Little Pony sat there with a gloomy face, not saying a word.

"I have an OICQ in my mind that has been optimized countless times, has a stronger ability to absorb users, has the ability to absorb gold like a pump, and has a more perfect user experience."

"So, the current OICQ is really garbage in my opinion, and it is useless."

Jiang Han struck unceremoniously.

It is impossible to persuade Pony to cede absolute control under normal means.

Only by making Pony feel threatened and making him fearful can he choose to give in.

Although Jiang Han did not think about creating a new penguin by himself, it was not impossible if he needed to.

As long as he can make Pony bow his head, then he thinks it is worth it.

As he expected, after hearing Jiang Han's words, Xiao Ma suddenly raised his head and looked at Jiang Han.

He had pondered for so long, and it was difficult to further optimize the OICQ, Jiang Han actually had an optimized version?

And the monetization problem of OICQ has been solved?

"What you said is true?" Pony spoke up.

There was even a hint of tremor in his voice.

Now he is not the undefeated Internet boss in the future life, just a young man who has just separated from his parents and is about to fail in his business.

Jiang Han nodded lightly.

Little Pony's brows suddenly furrowed.

Compared with him, Jiang Han's advantage is too great.

First of all, the capital piece, I don't know how much better than the penguin.

If it is really as Jiang Han said, as long as Jiang Han decides to do instant messaging, then the penguin is really finished!

No, you can't be an enemy with Jiang Han!

This was the only thought in Pony's mind.

"How does Mr. Jiang think OICQ should be monetized now?" Xiao Ma asked tentatively, wanting to set Jiang Han's words.

But Jiang Han kept his mouth shut, just smiled, turned his head and glanced at Su Qingyi and said, "Go and pour me a glass of water." "

Su Qingyi also gave Jiang Han face.

When I got up, I went to the front of the water dispenser and took a paper cup to bring a glass of water to Jiang Han.

Jiang Han glanced at Su Qingyi and gave her a look, and then took the water cup and just drank the water without speaking.

And Su Qingyi also instantly understood Jiang Han's meaning,

He did not sit down, stood up straight and said to Xiao Ma: "Regarding whether my boss has the ability to solve the problem of OICQ's profitability, Ma can always ask Zhang Zhidong of your company, he is very clear." "

Su Qingyi finally knew why Jiang Han had just said so much to Zhang Zhidong, and each of them could get to the point.

It is estimated that Jiang Han made this decision early on, so the design plan given to Zhang Zhidong at the beginning was actually incomplete.

If Jiang Han knew Su Qingyi's thoughts, he would only admire him, Su Qingyi understood him very well.

After hearing Su Qingyi's words, Xiao Ma thought for a few seconds in his mind, and then stood up and said, "Please wait a moment." "

After that, Xiao Ma Ge got up and walked out the door.

Then the voice of Xiao Ma Ge sounded: "Zhidong, you come with me." "