
The Art of Financial Success

There was a car accident, and he was reborn in 2020 to the examination room of the college entrance examination in 1999.Facing the test paper of the college entrance examination, Jiang Han’s eyes were darkened.But fortunately, rebirth also comes with cheats, the strongest deduction system bound.“Ding… the deduction is complete, and the deduction result of the test paper is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, the second prize number of the lottery is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, and the stock rise curve is…”The world’s top ten mathematics problems, Jiang Han closed his eyes and meditated for two seconds, and then began to write the correct answer, which shocked the entire mathematics world.In the complicated and confusing futures market, Jiang Han bought the bottom many times, his assets increased tenfold, and he left gracefully after sweeping nearly tens of billions of dollars.When the whole world imposed a technical blockade on Hua, Jiang Han had already mastered the technology that was twenty years ahead of the world.It wasn’t until many years later that Jiang Hanxian deduced the method of longevity out of boredom.Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “City: God-level Deduction System”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.

Ron_Blackwood · Urban
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113 Chs


The wine culture has a long history, and drinking is inevitable in the workplace.

What followed was the play in many wine markets.

Seeing that this group of students can play so much in such a boring way, Jiang Han couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

The size of the draw is more than the size, the smallest person drinks, and when it turns around, it drinks alone, and the atmosphere is difficult to mention.

If Jiang Han cheats with the deduction system, he can naturally guarantee that he will not be able to drink alcohol every time.

But that's a bit of an excess.

That's not how deduction opportunities are used.

"Come on, come on, I'll teach you to play something else."

Jiang Han couldn't stand it anymore, so he asked Liu Jun to bring the playing cards, and then taught everyone other ways to play.

The most common game in the wine market is to cheat the gold flower, where each person deals three cards and then looks at the size of the cards in their hands.

Then, according to his own cards, decide whether to throw or remark a few cups, and the dealer decides whether to open or not.

The gameplay is very simple, and after Jiang Han explained it, everyone basically knew it.

The first round was naturally Jiang Han as the bookmaker.

Jiang Han did not use the system to cheat, and it seemed a little excessive to play with his classmates and cheat.

I don't know if Jiang Han has bad luck today, and the cards dealt every time are very small.

These classmates are also newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers, all kinds of newspapers, after a round of play, Jiang Han drank three or four bottles of wine alone.

Jiang Han only felt that his stomach was very swollen.

After a round, everyone gradually became familiar with the rules of the game, and Su Hao unceremoniously took the cards in Jiang Han's hand.

Under Su Hao's deliberate targeting, Jiang Han's cards will be opened every round, but Su Hao's hand is not very good, and the two belong to the kind of half a pound and eight taels.

Jiang Han slowly drank about two more bottles, and Su Hao was also indispensable.

Rao is Jiang Han feels a little drunk at the moment.

Now he is not the baptized Jiang Han in his previous life, and his resistance to alcohol is still a little poor.

After saying to everyone that you play first, Jiang Han lay on the back of the sofa with his eyes slightly closed.

One after another, several more girls participated, and when the remaining girls saw this, they couldn't sit down alone, so they could only join in.

Everyone participates in the atmosphere at the wine table.

Everyone is in the grade of the beginning of the relationship, and they have been getting along for so long, usually worried about the relationship between classmates, plus the college entrance examination immediately.

So they all suppress their own thoughts.

But now that the college entrance examination is over, if you don't express your love again, it is estimated that there will be no chance in the future.

But saying this directly, it will inevitably be a little embarrassing, and many people can't muster up the courage.

Alcohol can give them courage.

Therefore, many people are deliberately trying to get themselves drunk, and then confess through drunkenness.

Boys block alcohol for their favorite girls, and girls also substitute wine for boys from time to time.

Coming and going, everyone also knows who has ideas about whom.

Liu Qian sat there, watching everyone play there, and presided over a word of justice from time to time.

"Jiang Han, you can't do it, just lie down alone, hurry up."

There was a girl sitting next to Su Hao, who looked quite beautiful, and I didn't know if she drank alcohol from time to time because she was shy.

At this moment, Su Hao's face was a little red.

Jiang Han shook his head when he heard this, and also sat up.

"Can you drink it?" If you can't drink it, forget it. Liu Qian knew that Jiang Han had drunk a lot of wine, and seeing him sit up again at this moment, she couldn't help but say out loud.

Although it is for fun, if you really drink it and hurt your body, it will not be worth the loss.

"It's okay." Jiang Han shook his head and signaled that he was fine.

"Teacher Liu, you can drink a little together." Someone at the table looked at Liu Qiandao.

"Yes, Teacher Liu, we didn't call a teacher, we only called you alone, let's drink a little."

"Teacher Liu, if you can't drink it, I'll replace it for you."

Liu Qian thought about it and nodded.

After a year of getting along, they will soon separate, and Liu Qian is embarrassed to refute everyone's face.

Just drink a little alcohol, as long as you control the amount, there should be no big problem.

Liu Qian also joined in, and the atmosphere on the wine table naturally seemed more harmonious.

With the intention of drinking, there are many jokes that I usually dare not make.

For example, Su Hao took the lead in complaining about Jiang Han.

"Brother Xiaojiang, everything is good, just look too handsome, do you feel this way?" Su Hao looked at everyone.

Everyone present nodded.

"Since I was a child, as long as I was with this guy, all the girls didn't look at me squarely, I felt bad." Su Hao took a glass of wine and then looked at Jiang Han.

"Brother Xiao Jiang, just talking about this, should you apologize to me?"

Jiang Han knew that this guy just wanted to joke, and took the wine glass and said solemnly: "Okay, I apologize to you for the ugliness of your appearance." "

After saying that, everyone burst out laughing.

Su Hao scolded with a smile in his mouth, and then touched Jiang Han.

With Su Hao taking the lead, many people revealed their hearts.

Apologies that should be thanked, apologies that should be apologized.

What's more, two boys confessed directly to the girls.

The girl blushed, and under everyone's coaxing, she agreed.

Liu Qian drank a glass of wine that others toasted from time to time, and after a long time, she also drank a lot.

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