
The Art of Financial Success

There was a car accident, and he was reborn in 2020 to the examination room of the college entrance examination in 1999.Facing the test paper of the college entrance examination, Jiang Han’s eyes were darkened.But fortunately, rebirth also comes with cheats, the strongest deduction system bound.“Ding… the deduction is complete, and the deduction result of the test paper is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, the second prize number of the lottery is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, and the stock rise curve is…”The world’s top ten mathematics problems, Jiang Han closed his eyes and meditated for two seconds, and then began to write the correct answer, which shocked the entire mathematics world.In the complicated and confusing futures market, Jiang Han bought the bottom many times, his assets increased tenfold, and he left gracefully after sweeping nearly tens of billions of dollars.When the whole world imposed a technical blockade on Hua, Jiang Han had already mastered the technology that was twenty years ahead of the world.It wasn’t until many years later that Jiang Hanxian deduced the method of longevity out of boredom.Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “City: God-level Deduction System”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.

Ron_Blackwood · Urban
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113 Chs


Jiang Han and the two went to say hello to Su Qingyi.

After letting Su Qingyi go back, tell Jiang Hui that Jiang Han will not go back at noon.

Then I left the school.

Su Hao's entire face was full of excitement.

After all, it was his first time doing business, he didn't understand anything, and it was such a large amount.

In fact, Jiang Han and Su Hao are not much better.

However, Jiang Hansheng has much richer life experience than Su Hao.

I have experienced such a big storm before, and now talking about a business of hundreds of thousands is not sprinkling?

After stopping a taxi, Su Hao turned his head to look at Jiang Han.

"Brother Xiaojiang, where are we going?"

"Where to go you ask me? Didn't you have a plan for a long time? Jiang Han glared, and Su Hao was immediately stunned.

"Ahem, that, I almost forgot, Master, go to the urban village in the west."

Su Hao turned to the driver sitting in the front seat.

Urban villages are a product of the rapid development of a city, and belong to the category of being semi-abandoned by the city.

In '99, there were still many urban villages in Suzhou.

In fact, the community where Jiang Han and them are located actually belongs to the scope of the urban village.

There are only a few scattered buildings, and they are all very old.

Otherwise, it would not have been demolished later.

Su Hao's first place, the location he selected, was around his home.

However, Jiang Han was not very satisfied with this.

Although it is close to home, but the economic development is limited, it is estimated that there will not be many guests.

But looking at Su Hao's excited appearance, Jiang Han didn't say anything.

Ten minutes later, the taxi stopped.

Jiang Han and the two got out of the car.

Su Hao pointed to a façade in front of him and said, "Brother Xiaojiang, how about this?" "

Jiang Han glanced at it and couldn't help but shake his head a little helplessly.

Su Hao had obviously done some research before determining the location.

The front of the store is very good in terms of orientation, size, and ventilation.

And there are no merchants inside, it seems that it should have just been relocated.

Everything is very in line with Jiang Han's requirements.

But in the end, he forgot what he wanted.

This shop is surrounded by an urban village.

Although the rent is cheap, correspondingly, the foot traffic will be much less.

This shop Jiang Han has been here.

It used to be a restaurant, and when it first opened, there was a lot of noise, and it attracted a lot of traffic to try it for three days.

But after the event, the traffic deteriorates day by day.

In the end, I had no choice but to go out of business.

Internet cafes are in a similar situation to restaurants.

The customers are all people within the boundaries of residential areas within a kilometer of the surrounding area.

Choosing this kind of place, although it can barely guarantee the income, but it is too different from Jiang Han's expectations.

"This place can't work, change to something else."

"Huh? Good. Su Hao didn't say anything when he heard this, there were several alternative places, and the reason why he was the first to come here was just because he was close to home.

Reaching out and stopping another taxi, Jiang Han and the two rushed to the next location.

Jiang Han was still not satisfied.

There is a pig killing factory next to the Internet café, and there will be a bad smell in summer.



And the next one.

Jiang Han was still not satisfied.

After looking at four places in succession, Jiang Han was still dissatisfied.

Su Hao was about to collapse.

"I said Brother Xiaojiang, what kind of place do you want to find?" Su Hao looked at Jiang Han and said helplessly.

Jiang Han shook his head, did not explain, just said to go to the next place.

"I can tell you, this is the last place, if you are still not satisfied, I really can't help it."

Su Hao said in his mouth, but still got into a taxi with Jiang Han.

A few minutes later, Jiang Han looked at the situation around him, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

So many neighborhoods around?

It's a treasure trove!

As long as the storefront meets Jiang Han's requirements, there is no problem.

It took another minute or so before the taxi stopped.

"Let's go, I can tell you, this is the last place, and the landlord is in a hurry to use money, and the rent will be much cheaper, but it will be necessary to pay for three months at once."

Su Hao looked at Jiang Handao after getting out of the car.

This is a three-story commercial building that has just been built.

It's just that at the moment, the entire three floors, only the third floor is occupied by merchants, and it is being renovated.

The first and second floors are not yet occupied.

You don't even need to renovate, you can simply decorate it.

Jiang Han looked at the scene in front of him before nodding with satisfaction.

All the conditions are very in line with Jiang Han's requirements.

And if the Internet café develops well, the first floor and the second floor can be packaged, and it is convenient to expand the scale of operation at that time.

"Go inside and take a look." Jiang Han did not explain that he was dissatisfied, and walked inside.

Su Hao's eyes lit up when he saw this.

Jiang Han didn't even enter those places before, and this one in front of him looks promising.

Su Hao quickly followed.

Jiang Han circled inside twice and roughly estimated.

Each floor covers an area of about 300 square meters, and each floor has a large bathroom.

At the moment, there was nothing, but it seemed extremely empty.

But after placing the computer, it is estimated that it will not seem so empty.

If you follow the same arrangement as other Internet cafes, it is estimated that this floor can hold 12 to 150 computers.

Jiang Han will not be so excessive, but he must also use the venue, about a hundred computers.

Of course, you can't use so much in the early days, but you will definitely use it as you develop.

"This place is okay, call the boss and ask him to come and we discuss the specific details."

After Jiang Han looked at it for a long time, Fang Cai said.

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