
The Art of Financial Success

There was a car accident, and he was reborn in 2020 to the examination room of the college entrance examination in 1999.Facing the test paper of the college entrance examination, Jiang Han’s eyes were darkened.But fortunately, rebirth also comes with cheats, the strongest deduction system bound.“Ding… the deduction is complete, and the deduction result of the test paper is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, the second prize number of the lottery is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, and the stock rise curve is…”The world’s top ten mathematics problems, Jiang Han closed his eyes and meditated for two seconds, and then began to write the correct answer, which shocked the entire mathematics world.In the complicated and confusing futures market, Jiang Han bought the bottom many times, his assets increased tenfold, and he left gracefully after sweeping nearly tens of billions of dollars.When the whole world imposed a technical blockade on Hua, Jiang Han had already mastered the technology that was twenty years ahead of the world.It wasn’t until many years later that Jiang Hanxian deduced the method of longevity out of boredom.Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “City: God-level Deduction System”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.

Ron_Blackwood · Urban
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113 Chs


Two or three hours later, Jiang Han glanced up at the time on the computer, stood up and said, "It's twelve o'clock, go home for dinner." "

"Don't, Brother Xiaojiang, play again." Su Hao saw that Jiang Han was going to get off the plane, and quickly said.

"Hurry up and go, you'll have to play later." Jiang Han lifted Su Hao up, and then pressed the shutdown button on the main machine.

Su Qingyi also stood up, but her face was full of excitement.

Just now, Jiang Han taught her how to type, and although she was practicing typing from beginning to end, it still filled Su Qingyi with a sense of novelty.

People are like this, always full of anticipation for new things.

I went to the counter to find the boss and got off the plane, and after returning the money, the three of them walked out of the Internet café.

Su Hao had long been hot and took off his suit, and even unbuttoned his shirt twice.

"Brother Xiaojiang, next time there is such a market investigation, remember to call me." Su Hao said with a smile.

Jiang Han glanced at Su Hao, and then said, "Then tell me, after this market survey, what do you think." "

"Huh?" Su Hao was stunned when he heard this.

He just came to play with the computer, what are the ideas.

Jiang Han looked at him with some hatred.

Su Qingyi, who was following Jiang Han, spoke: "Internet cafes have great potential, at least in my opinion, the market for Internet cafes is far from reaching the point of saturation." "

Jiang Han turned his head to look at Su Qingyi with some surprise, and then said with a smile: "You continue to talk." "

Su Qingyi nodded and continued: "There are several drawbacks in the current Internet café, but they can still reflect the vigorous vitality. "

"As a new thing, Internet cafes can meet the needs of ordinary people to temporarily access the Internet, and with the development of the Internet, it will only become more and more obvious."

"So I think Internet cafes need to invest and make money."

Jiang Han snorted.

"However, the current Internet café charges, hygiene, and safety hazards are all things that need attention."

"If you want to enter the Internet café market, these points have to be addressed."

Su Qingyi is worthy of being a talent who can reach the score line of Mizuki University, and in just a few hours of experience, he can point out the drawbacks of these Internet cafes on the market.

Hearing this, Su Hao was stunned.

He muttered, "I feel good." "

Jiang Han and Su Qingyi turned to look at him at the same time.

Su Hao suddenly stopped talking.

"After I go back, I will write an analysis report, and I must write down the shortcomings and solutions of the Internet café, and show it to me this afternoon." Jiang Han waited for Su Haodao.

Su Hao, this guy is a typical passive personality.

Although the mind is smart, but also lazy enough.

If Jiang Han doesn't force this guy to do things, it is estimated that he can keep dragging on.

However, Su Hao has a little appreciation that Jiang Han appreciates, does things seriously, and as long as he determines something, he will do his best to do it.

It was as if Su Hao's grades were not good when he was in junior high school, and as a result, Su Hongsheng compared Su Qingyi and taught Su Hao a lesson.

This guy began to get angry.

Although the results are still not comparable to Su Qingyi, they also exceed the vast majority of people.

It is precisely because of this that Jiang Han will hand over the business of the Internet café to him.

The hardships that the physical business needs to endure are not a little bit.

Su Hao nodded when he heard this, "Don't worry, I will definitely make it before the afternoon." "

Jiang Han snorted and said, "You can discuss with Qingyi, I just want the final result." "

In fact, the Internet café starts from applying for a certificate to finally renovating and opening, and the time required in between is definitely not short.

It's always good to have someone to discuss with.

Su Hao and Su Qingyi didn't say anything.

The three of them walked together all the way to the house.

On the way, Jiang Han's mind finally remembered the system's prompt sound.

"Ding… The system upgrade is complete and can be used normally. "

"Current System Level: Level 2."

"Number of deductions: four."

"Deducible target level: Level 2."

"Unlock the Wealth Value Mall."

Finally the upgrade is complete.

Jiang Han took a deep breath, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and ran to the phone booth on the side of the road.

He took out Zhao Yu's business card from his pocket, and dialed the phone on it after placing a coin.

The phone rang a few times and was answered.

"Hello? Hello, this is Jinling Bank, I am Zhao Yu. Zhao Yu's voice rang on the other side of the phone.

"It's me, Jiang Han."

"Mr. Jiang, you finally called." Zhao Yu seemed a little excited.

"Manager Zhao, what happened to the things I asked you to do? When will the account be opened? "Jiang Han is already a little impatient to go to the stock market to kill all sides.

"I've been waiting for your call, your stock trading account has been opened, you can come over at any time if you need it."

As the first customer, and it is also such a large amount of customers, Zhao Yu naturally attaches great importance to it.

Yesterday, after Jiang Han and the two left, Zhao Yu contacted his classmates who worked on the stock exchange, and finally opened the account this morning.

"Really? Then I'll go over this afternoon and wait for me. Jiang Han said excitedly.

After all, the development of the real industry is still much slower, it takes time to precipitate, and only the stock market is what Jiang Han is most interested in now.

Plus the additional deduction permissions after the system upgrade, as well as the number of deductions.

Jiang Han set a goal in his heart.

This time in the stock market, you must make a big profit!

The kind with a hundred million bottom!