
The Art of Financial Success

There was a car accident, and he was reborn in 2020 to the examination room of the college entrance examination in 1999.Facing the test paper of the college entrance examination, Jiang Han’s eyes were darkened.But fortunately, rebirth also comes with cheats, the strongest deduction system bound.“Ding… the deduction is complete, and the deduction result of the test paper is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, the second prize number of the lottery is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, and the stock rise curve is…”The world’s top ten mathematics problems, Jiang Han closed his eyes and meditated for two seconds, and then began to write the correct answer, which shocked the entire mathematics world.In the complicated and confusing futures market, Jiang Han bought the bottom many times, his assets increased tenfold, and he left gracefully after sweeping nearly tens of billions of dollars.When the whole world imposed a technical blockade on Hua, Jiang Han had already mastered the technology that was twenty years ahead of the world.It wasn’t until many years later that Jiang Hanxian deduced the method of longevity out of boredom.Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “City: God-level Deduction System”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.

Ron_Blackwood · Urban
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113 Chs


For Jiang Hui's support, Jiang Han seemed a little surprised, but everything seemed so logical.

In fact, Jiang Han is naturally very clear about Jiang Hui's past.

After the demolition money from the previous family came down, Jiang Han once wanted to ask Jiang Hui for a sum of money to do business.

But at that time, Jiang Hui did not agree, and refused on the grounds that he needed to keep money for Jiang Han to marry his wife.

So much so that Jiang Han always thought that Jiang Hui was extremely repulsive to doing business.

But looking at Jiang Hui's serious expression at this moment, Jiang Han was a little confused.

So agreed?

Originally, Jiang Han was ready to persuade Jiang Hui at length, but now it seems that it is useless.

But this is good, on the contrary, it saves a lot of effort.

Looking at Jiang Han's expression of disbelief, Jiang Hui suddenly felt a little funny.

Without Jiang Han saying it, he could guess what Jiang Han was thinking.

"Alas." Jiang Hui sighed and said, "Don't worry, since I said it, this money will be handed over to you to use, and there will be no more backtracking." "

"This is your own earned money, we don't care how you use it."

"All given?" When Lin Yueru heard Jiang Hui's words, she seemed to be a little reluctant.

She still thinks that Jiang Han should deposit money in the bank, which is the safest, and can also ensure that Jiang Han has no worries about food and clothing now or in the future.

Jiang Hui nodded and affirmed: "The child is older, has his own ideas, will not spend money indiscriminately, we should trust him." "

Lin Yueru rolled her eyes.

"If he really grew up, he wouldn't let me wash his socks."

Jiang Han's face turned embarrassed when he heard this.

However, although Lin Yueru was reluctant in her heart, she still listened to Jiang Hui's words and did not say anything more.

Jiang Han said solemnly: "Don't worry, Dad, you and my mother will wait to enjoy the blessing in the future." "

Jiang Hui glanced at Jiang Han when he heard this: "Although I said so, don't smash it all in, leave a little bottom, don't think about running before you learn to walk." "

Jiang Han smiled and signaled that he knew.

But in his heart, he secretly said: Run? Is there a system I still need to run? Is it okay to have a rocket launcher on the back.

Looking at Jiang Hui, who pretended to be a reprimand, but was teaching Jiang Han various experiences.

Su Hongsheng's eyes were full of envy.

From childhood to adulthood, Jiang Han has always belonged to the kind of existence that is not high or low, in addition to being handsome, he is completely incomparable with his two children in learning.

But since the college entrance examination, Jiang Han seemed to have suddenly awakened and began to bloom his own light.

Compared with Jiang Han, whether it was Su Hao or Su Qingyi, they looked much more immature.

Su Hongsheng was not jealous, but simply a little envious.

How good it would be if Su Hao and Su Qingyi could also be like Jiang Han.

But Su Hongsheng's heart is also very clear.

The current situation in his family is simply not enough to support Su Hao and Su Qingyi to complete their transformation.

Jiang Hui seemed to have noticed Su Hongsheng's abnormality, turned his head to look at Su Hongsheng and then said to Jiang Han: "When you do business, it is best to take Xiao Hao and Qingyi with you, the two of them study better than you, and they will definitely be able to help you a lot." "

Jiang Hui knew very well in his heart that with Su Qingyi and Su Hao's usual achievements, the future must belong to the top talents.

For Jiang Han, it is absolutely beneficial and harmless.

Jiang Han also nodded and said, "Don't worry, I have already found a position for Su Hao, as for Qingyi…"

Jiang Han tilted his head to look at Su Qingyi.

Su Qingyi's personality is very cold, and she rarely interacts with people even in school, so Jiang Han is worried that she will not join in.

However, Su Qingyi saw Jiang Han looking at him, so he said directly: "If there is anything that needs help, I can do it, and it should be a part-time job to make money." "

Even if there was no Jiang Han, Su Qingyi had already decided to take advantage of this holiday to go out to work.

Even if she is a tutor, she has to find a way to pay off her debts.

In the past few days, every time I heard that Su Hongsheng called to borrow money, when others refused, Su Qingyi's heart became a little uncomfortable.

It is precisely because of these few days that the world has been cold and cold, Su Qingyi will change.

It is precisely because of the foil of those people that it can show how righteous the Jiang family is at the moment.

When Jiang Han heard Su Qingyi's words, he was slightly stunned, and then nodded with a smile and said good.

In a few words, a small team has been formed.

At this moment, Rao is Jiang Han, and he can't help but be a little excited.

He is finally going to enter the battlefield and fight with the big guys who are so much ahead of him!

Thinking of the capital giants who control the global economy behind their backs, Jiang Han was not afraid, but a little excited.

Maybe this is Jiang Han's nature, but he never had the opportunity to show it in his previous life.

So the backlog exploded together in this lifetime.

Bosses of the world, are you ready?