
The Art of Financial Success

There was a car accident, and he was reborn in 2020 to the examination room of the college entrance examination in 1999.Facing the test paper of the college entrance examination, Jiang Han’s eyes were darkened.But fortunately, rebirth also comes with cheats, the strongest deduction system bound.“Ding… the deduction is complete, and the deduction result of the test paper is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, the second prize number of the lottery is…”“Ding…the deduction is complete, and the stock rise curve is…”The world’s top ten mathematics problems, Jiang Han closed his eyes and meditated for two seconds, and then began to write the correct answer, which shocked the entire mathematics world.In the complicated and confusing futures market, Jiang Han bought the bottom many times, his assets increased tenfold, and he left gracefully after sweeping nearly tens of billions of dollars.When the whole world imposed a technical blockade on Hua, Jiang Han had already mastered the technology that was twenty years ahead of the world.It wasn’t until many years later that Jiang Hanxian deduced the method of longevity out of boredom.Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “City: God-level Deduction System”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.

Ron_Blackwood · Urban
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113 Chs


"Don't worry, parents, I've solved this matter." Jiang Han looked at Jiang Hui, who was helping Su Hongsheng, and said with a smile.

"Solved? What do you take to solve it, Jiang Han, I warn you, if you dare to mess around again, I will not recognize you as a son!" "

Jiang Hui was afraid that Jiang Han would do something stupid again, and even said the words to break off the relationship between father and son.

No matter how mature the son is, the father will always have enough majesty.

Because the father holds the 'artifact' in his hand, the belt.

When Jiang Han was a child, because he was naughty, he was beaten less.

This is a physiological response.

Jiang Han pouted, meeting Jiang Hui's stern eyes, and could only shut up.

Jiang Hui saw that Jiang Han stopped talking, and Fang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Since the college entrance examination, Jiang Han seems to have more and more ideas of his own, which makes Jiang Hui faintly feel uneasy.

He was afraid that one day he would not be able to control Jiang Han, and Jiang Han would go on a crooked road.

Su Hongsheng watched Jiang Hui reprimand Jiang Han sharply, with a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

At the same time, he glanced at Su Hao, who was gloating next to him, and reached out and directly grabbed Su Hao's ears.

"Oh, Dad, what are you doing?" Su Hao was in pain, and could only quickly say.

Su Hongsheng ignored it and said to Su Qingyi who was not far away: "Qingyi, you also come over." "

Su Qingyi nodded and walked over.

Su Hongsheng let go of Su Hao's ears, and then said seriously: "In this matter, our Su family owes Xiao Han a great favor, and if it were not for Xiao Han, our family would be dispersed." "

"This kindness must not be forgotten, and you must remember this kindness."

"Brother Jiang, in this matter, our Su family owes your family a great favor." Su Hongsheng was a man, and at this moment, tears began to gather in his eyes.

He is a man, and his wife has caused trouble, and he should bear it together.

But Su Hao and Su Qingyi are innocent.

Su Hongsheng couldn't imagine what Su Hao and the two would do if they really hollowed out the family because of this matter.

If it weren't for Jiang Han, Su Hao and Su Qingyi's future would definitely be gloomy.

It is precisely because of this that Su Hongsheng is so excited.

Jiang Hui always felt that he didn't understand something, so he looked at Jiang Han.

"What the hell is going on, how do I hear that there are a lot of things going on here." Jiang Hui frowned and looked at Jiang Han.

Then he scolded: "You said." "

Jiang Han scratched his head and said a little embarrassed: "That, there is something I didn't come to report to you, I won the lottery, and I got more than eight million…"

"Lottery? Who let you touch this thing? This thing won't hit at all…"

Halfway through Jiang Hui's words, his eyes suddenly widened.

"What did you just say? You say you won the eight million lottery? "

Jiang Han smiled and nodded.

This kind of thing, it is better to confess, anyway, now that the money is in hand, Jiang Han does not plan to touch the lottery again.

If you don't confess now, sooner or later you will be discovered.

It's better to take the initiative to confess yourself, and parents can accept it more easily.

Not only Jiang Hui, but even Lin Yueru, Su Qingyi, and Wang Mei, who had been sitting not far away and kept silent, all had a stunned expression.

Although they have occasionally heard who won the lottery, this is an isolated case, and in their opinion, the lottery is still impossible to win.

But now, Jiang Han has broken their consistent cognition.

Jiang Han really hit!

And one is eight million!

Although they don't know what level eight million belongs to, they only listen to the numbers and know how big this prize is.

No wonder Jiang Han just said that he had settled this matter.

No wonder Jiang Han would let those people follow him to withdraw money.

Su Hao looked at everyone with a shocked look with a smile on his face.

In fact, when he first learned about it, he was even worse than them.

"Stinky boy, now even I dare to lie?"

However, just when everyone was still immersed in it, Jiang Hui was the first to react, and directly began to draw the belt around his waist.