

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Teen
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45 Chs

Chapter 45

"Good morning, son. Did you have a restful sleep?". Dad set the newspaper down.

"It was a peaceful sleep", he smirked at me.

Mom entered the room with a large platter of hot chocolate pancakes. "Good morning my love."

"Morning Mom", Luke

"Morning! Let me help you", Sarah

While I set some plates on the table, mom served the meal.

"Delicious! Where did you learn that?", Luke

"I learn by myself. Do you like it?", mom

"I love it!" Luke

"That's the lovely hand of my wife.", dad

"How about your mom? Which pancake is the tastiest?", Sarah

"Not gonna lie, your mom's pancake is the tastiest" Luke

"Every mom makes a great pancake." mom

"Not like yours, mom.", Luke

"What about my daughter? Is she a great cook?"

"She is exactly like her mother."

"For real? I never teach her anything."

"Mom, we are women, it runs in our blood"

"Right, I won't protest it."

We finished our morning meal.

"Son, I've discovered a location for my upcoming antique store.". Dad took out his phone and presented a picture to Luke. "What are your thoughts? I could use some of your opinions since you are an expert at purchasing land.", dad

"I'm not an expert, just competent. My father taught me."

He took the phone from dad's hand, he studied the picture.

"A wasteland". He paused briefly and concentrated on his thoughts while keeping his eyes glued to the image.

"You like the land?" asked Luke.

"Yes, I enjoy the ambiance," said dad.

"Personally, I'd pick out an empty building over wasteland" said Luke.

"Tell me more." said dad.

"We only need a little remodeling, and we'll be ready to open our new store in no time." said Luke.

"We'll be able to launch it in a few months," said Dad.

"What about the land?" asked dad.

"Since you are an investor, you could rally your colleagues to construct something on the land."

"Do you have any ideas?" asked dad.

"With that refreshing air, the vast land, and the large lake. You could transform it into a resort with some tourist attractions," explained Luke.

"Superb! People would like to spend their leisure time there," said dad.

"A venue like that is desperately needed in our bustling city," said Luke.

"I cannot wait to share with them the good news," said dad excitedly.

"Don't leave me off your list, dad. I'd like to put money into it." said Luke.

"You are at the top of my list, son."

Dad exited the dining room.

"It stands to reason why he picked you to be our son-in-law," said mom.

"I'm glad to be your son-in-law," said Luke.

"To speak the truth, he adores you like his own sons."

"Whoa! Did Dad really say that?", Sarah

"He did" said mom.

"He might have missed his sons. They lived away from him." said Luke shyly.

"I don't think so. We video chat with them four times a week. They are very close to us.". Mom

"Somehow, he feels 'son' energy with you", mom

"I feel the same way every time he speaks to me, the fatherly warmth." Luke

"Girl, you're no longer his favorite," said Luke.

"He has been switching sides ever since you entered the picture." Sarah

"You have no one, Sarah the lonesome." Luke

"I know, I feel it." Sarah

"You two are not alone, we love you both, and we will always be at your side." Mom.

She encircled us and kissed each of our foreheads. "Go back to your space, and enjoy your day."

We walked out of the dining room.

He flung his hand over my shoulder. "My lone baby"

I shoved him aside.

He seized my waist and pulled me against his chest.

"Don't give me that look, I'm going to kiss that glum face."

"If you kiss me, I'll spit in your face."

"Do you think it'll deter me? You are dealing with a very crafty, nefarious man."

"Get away from me."

"Once you please me"

He captured my lips, we dove into a hard, ardent kiss.

"I noticed your balcony seemed pristine, it craves to become dirty" Luke smirked.

"Take me up there, Sir." Sarah

We hopped into the elevator as our lips crushed together.

When the ding sound echoed in our ears, we blended into the spacious balcony.

The brisk morning air awakens our bodies, as it heightens our lustful senses, with our backs against the white sofa,

He pressed his silky tongue sensually against my neck as he breathed in deeply.

The wind swirled all around us while we took in the magical moment.

"Oh my god! I'm sorry". Mom popped up on the balcony, we withdrew abruptly.

"What's she doing here?" Luke was suprised.

While panting, "It's my parents' place. They always have their tea time here."

"You should warn me," said Luke.

"Do you even let me?" Sarah smiled.

"Poor them, we ruined their date." he smiled.

We chuckled.

"Is she still there?" asked Luke.

I peered over his shoulder.

"Nobody's there, she has left." I said.

"I know where she is, off to your father." he smirked.

"Shut up" I said.

We giggled.

Mrs. Marc Rhodes slammed the door behind her while she held the tray.

"What's the issue? Why are you sweating?", asked Marc Rhodes.

"Give me a sec". She took a breath.

"I encountered something I shouldn't have," said Arabella.

"I'm not getting it." he said.

"It's best if we leave the subject alone," she said shyly.

He looked at her strangely.

"By the way, aren't we meant to spend our time on the balcony? Why are you bringing our tea here?"

"I'd like to try a new place. I mean our room. I get bored on the balcony," she said.

"Didn't you say you couldn't get enough of our balcony scenery?" he asked.

"It was, but not anymore," she said.

"Arabella, are you keeping something from me?"

"No, it is just, we can't use the balcony."

"Why? Are there any repairs?"


He stood up from his chair. He advanced toward her and squeezed her hand.

"You can tell me anything, my dear."

"I can't. It's not what it appears to be. I'm so embarrassed"

"Embarrassed? Did you do something?"

"Sarah and Luke use the balcony"

"Why do you feel embarrassed saying that? We can have tea time together"

"They don't seem to be in the mood for tea."

"We can get them some coffee."

"We can't, they are in the middle of something."

"Could you please be more specific?"

"Gawd! Why are you still baffled? Some steamy activity going on there"



"Yes!" she said.

He smirked "They gave me an idea."

"I've been busy in recent weeks, I'd like to have a hot and passionate time with you."

"We are old enough for that," she said.

"Sex never gets older. Look at you, you gave birth to my children. You are the same as the first time I laid my eyes on you darling." he said.


"It turns me on when you are shy. Do you recall our first...?"

"I will never be able to forget that incredible moment," she smirked.

"It's our precious memories," he said.

"Let's recreate our wonderful, fantastic night." he said.

Their bodies brushed one another as their faces were pressed.

"How will I approach my mother? Such a bummer" I said.

"Chill, it's not that we are doing it on purpose. She steps at the wrong time."

"I know, it is just... You know that feeling."

"Our mother was young too. relax"

"Don't you feel the same?"

"Honestly no, we did nothing wrong. A lovey-dove locks lips"

"That's her", I pointed at my mother who was watering the flowers.

"Go talk to her. Do you want me to go with you?"

"I'll do it myself."

I went over to the yard to talk to my mother.


"Sarah", her cheek blushed.

"Sorry about earlier, we... We shouldn't... "

"Don't be, it's a common thing. A couple mess around all the time"

"I apologize for interrupting."

"No mom... we apologize, we ruined your date"

She smiled. "You ruin nothing. We carry on the date in our room. So stop worrying"

"I was a little taken aback since you are our little girl, seeing that, umm.. , I never pictured you as a married woman."

"It dawns on me that you belong to someone else, you are a wife."

"It doesn't change. I'm still my parents' little girl."

"Mom, can we stop being awkward towards each other? It made me feel uneasy."

"I can do that, but let me settle this first."

"Need a hand?"

"You're my guest, you're not doing any work here."

"Have you prepared your outfit for tomorrow's event?"

"Isn't he just bringing Luke?"

"Of course not, we all attend the event."

"Well, that means I haven't prepared anything. Should we go shopping?"

"Guess not, I have one for you."

"Did you buy it?"

"Not even close. I spent three months working on that with my designer. She delivered the gown last night. I prepared them as your birthday gift"

"I'm keen to see you in that gown, though. Tomorrow is the perfect day to put it on."

"May I see?"

"You need a little more patience, love."

"You are no fun."

"Few hours to get there" She patted my cheek.

"Mom.. "

(The following night)

My husband and I were getting ready. I entered my parents' room.

"Mom, where's the gown?"

"Wait a minute, I'll put these earrings on."

"Is dad ready?"

"Yes, you know your dad. He is waiting for us."

She flashed her jewels and asked, "How's your mom look?"

"Mom, you're stunning!"

"Hmm, you praise me a lot, is this the urge to see your new gown?"

"You're an expert at reading my mind."

A long grey gown glistened in my sight as she removed the hanger from her wardrobe.

"Outstanding! Hats off to you mom"

"I'm not taking full credit here. I sketched it, showed it to the designer, and she added some improvements. And ta da!"

"I could lose myself in this gown"

"Change up, I can't wait to see my beautiful princess"

I removed my clothes. Mom assisted me with donning the gown.

"Final touch". She took her jewelry box.

She pulled out a diamond-shaped necklace, she hooked it up around my neck. Last, a pair of earrings.

"It's adorable!"

"I value this greatly."

"How valuable is this?"

"Not even the wealthiest person on earth could afford it."

"This is my first diamond necklace. Your father bought it for me as a gift, after his business took off."

"He designed it for me."

"My dad is a darling."

"Now you inherit it for me."

"Dear Sarah, I just lent it to you. I'd never give this to anyone."

"But, mom, I'm your daughter, I'm the heir to this necklace."

"I'm sorry love, I'm the only heir. I'll take it with me to my grave."