

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Teen
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45 Chs

Chapter 33

(Luke Pov)

I went down, prepared to go with Jack.

Silas was sitting in the dining room with his entire family. He asked "I saw Jack's car. Where are you going?",

"Wherever I please. Do I have to compile a list of my whereabouts?", I stared at Silas.

"Nice notion. I'll be able to find you quickly", he added.

"Do you want me to include the steamy scenes I had with Isabel?", I said.

"Luke! That's inappropriate!", Delores remarked.

"Isn't that what he desires to know profoundly? About Isabella and I", I said.

"Enough! Get your ass on here and eat your meal quietly", said Delores.

"I'm not interested in having breakfast with you and your family", I said.

I left, joining Jack in the car.

"Morning argument?", said Jack.

"Did you put a spy cam on my shirt?", I said.

"Your face tells all. I'm grateful that I wasn't born into your family", said Jack.

"Although, you are ungrateful sometimes", I said.

He stared at me, "I shouldn't say that. How are you feeling now?", asked Jack.

"Perfect", I said

"Luckily he gave you a low dose, otherwise you'd still be lying dead on your bed", said Jack,

"I'm eager to punch that old man!", I said.

"Count me in, we. We're gonna beat him together!", said Jack.

"What's the huge news?", I asked.

"Dude, your whole family is evil! The day I sent Isabella, your father's siblings were visiting their house"

"What did they do to them?!", I glared at Jack.

Jack pulled over. He took a deep breath, He blurted everything out to me.

"He is hospitalized. Thankfully, it was a minor injury", said Jack.


"Not now, you must see them", said Jack.

"They will be glad to see you", he said.

"They won't unless Isabella is with me", I said.

"They trust you", said Jack.



We strolled out of the elevator and entered the room, where I saw Isabel's father lying weak with a bruised face.

"Luke, you're here!", Isabel's mother's eyes lit up as she saw me.

"Son, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Isabella?", asked Isabella's father.

"I've some work to do", I said.

"Isabel?", he asked.

"Isabel is in a safe place. Do you want to talk to her?", I asked.

"Better not. She'll find out I'm in bad shape", he said.

"Sir, Jack told me everything", I looked at him seriously.

They glanced at each other, then back at me.


"Are you sure you have nothing more to hide? I know my family", I said.

Isabella's father avoided my gaze.

"We have" Isabella's mother shared one last secret.

"Son, we don't want to lose our family", Isabel's mother sobbed.

"We don't know what we are gonna do. Do you have some advice?", asked Isabella's father.

"Take the money, move out of here. You'll stay with us", I said.

"Jack, let me know once Mr. David gets discharged", I said.

"Everything will work out just fine. Ring me or Jack if you need anything", I said.

"Will do" said Isabella's father.

Jack and I left the room.

"This time our plan will succeed", I said.

"What do you have in mind?", asked Jack.

"We followed my father's trick. A business trip", I said.

"Where are we headed now?" Jack

"My Palace" I said.

"And?" Jack

"PUNCH SETH!" I said.

"Dude, you really mean that?" Jack

"100%" I said

"Will you take my advice?"Jack

"No" I said

"Avoid fights, just focus on our plan" Jack

"It's your duty, buddy." I said

Jack turned the car over to my house.

"I hate to say this, but can I watch the MMA fights?" asked Jack.

"Get your ass a cozy seat, buddy!", I said.

"EXCELLENT! The entire family is here!"

All eyes were on me.

"What's up with you?", said Indy.

"I can wait no more to PUNCH YOUR HUSBAND FUCKING FACE!"

Indy's eyes widened, and Seth jerked up from his chair.

"He's your uncle! You're not supposed to do that", said Silas.


Silas glared at Seth,"Is that true, Seth?"

Seth looked away.

"Wasn't that part of your plan, dad?", I said.

"I never instructed him to strike them", said Silas.

"Hard to believe!", I said.

"Be honest with me, Seth!", said Silas.

"Brother, they provoked him, Seth lost control", said Scott.

"I didn't ask you. I need his response", said Silas.


"I WON'T SETH!" Silas

"That's not how to handle them!", said Silas.


"AND THIS IS THE RIGHT WAY TO HANDLE YOU!", I swung my fist at Seth's face.

"Seth!", Indy raced to her husband.

Seth gasped in surprise when the punch hit his face.

His bloodshot eyes flamed at me as if they were about to slash me.

"HOW DOES THAT FEEL UNCLE SETH?! DO YOU WANT MORE?", I shared with a dirty look.

"I'm going to kill you, Luke, I'M GONNA KILL YOU NOW!", Seth grasped my neck. They rushed to him, struggling to rip his grip.

I plastered a wicked grin on my face, while Jack and my parents marched to take my side.

"Get your hands off my son's neck!", said Silas.

"What if I don't, Brother?!", said Seth.

"Stop! He is our nephew!", said Shane.

"I CARE NOT!", said Seth.

"Please stop! Don't make that mistake", said Indy in a desperate tone.

"I beg you, don't kill my son", said Dee.


"OR WHAT?!", said Seth.


He ignored his elder brother's command and kept grip on Luke's neck.

Silas lost his patience, he cast a punch at Seth's face.

Seth fell backward, the other swiftly caught him.

"You hit me? You never...", Seth stared at Silas in shock.

"Whoa! What an emotional scene...!" I said.

"I warn you!", said Silas.

"Match over! Silas's team won vs Seth 0", I said.

"Dad, that was a grand blow! I know you're gonna choose me over your bastard brothers", I rocked his shoulder.

"I'm contented"

"Keep your temper under control if you don't want me to hit you!", said Silas.

Together with Delores, he stormed out.

I moved closer to Seth, "Uncle Seth, if you demand him to select between his brothers and son, he will definitely choose me, his beloved son."

"I won't ever forgive you!", Seth exclaimed.

"I can't hear you, Seth. Try again", I laughed.

"I've made my father beat you. That doesn't mean I can't do more. Don't blame me if one day you beg for my apologies", I said.

"You'll kick yourself for what you did to me," Seth warned Luke.

"Come on Jack, he's not worth my time." said Luke.

Days passed by. Isabella's dad was discharged from the hospital. They packed their belongings to move away.

I joined Jack in his study room, waiting for their call.

"Morning son, we are ready to go", said Isabella's father.

"Morning sir, I want to inform you that I'm not able to escort you, for safety reasons. We'll send the driver to pick you up", I said.

"We understand", he said

"Take care and have a safe flight", I said.

We ended the call.

"Have you told Isabel about her parents' arrival?", asked Jack.

"I'm calling her now", I said

"I thought you had informed her!", said Jack.

"Let it be a surprise", I winked at Jack.

"My love!", I said.

"My man! Been yearning for you all day", said Isabella.

"I longed for your body", I said.

Jack narrowed his eyes, "I'm sitting right here, Luke."

"Oops! Someone is annoyed, babe. Will get on that later." I said

Isabella chuckled.

"Where are you now?" I said.

"On the way" Isabella

"Once you get there, sit in one place, or your parents will be overwhelmed looking for you" I said.

"MY PARENTS?! No kidding, Luke" Isabella

"It's up to you to believe it or not" I said.

"You are joking, right?! Didn't you guys say it would take a lot of time?" Isabella

"It was. Things were going well on our side," I said.

"Oh my! It's the best surprise I ever received! I love you so much!" Isabella

She planted a kiss on her phone.

"Save that for later. I'll collect it, once I'm there", I said.

"I can't stand it!" exclaimed Jack.

"Sadly Emma has left for work", said Jack,

"Call her, dude", I said.

"She'll cut the call if I get steamy on the phone", said Jack.

"And bang me at night!", he grinned.

I smirked, "Emma really knows the timing."

"She's good at finding the timing", he said.

"So, how's your family situation? Your dad and his little grumpy brother" he said.

"They get along like before," I said.

"I thought he would hate you two to death," he said.

"With me, not dad. He got melted by dad's words", I said.

"Your father is great at playing with words. I admire that in him", he said.

"I'm glad his words didn't work on my in-laws", I said.

"Your in-laws are something else. They snapped at Isabella, believing she had an affair with me." he said.

"Tell me about that" I said.

"It was the day I brought Isabella. They didn't recognize me, they came to accuse us. Fortunately, they didn't beat me," he said.

"They don't hurt people, they are good humans", I said.

We sank onto the couch.

"How's your get-away plan?", asked Jack.

"Two weeks after today", I said.

"My dad is going to repeat those 'project issues'", I said.

"Leave that up to me", he said.

"You stay out of it, Jack. I'll handle it myself." I said.

"You wouldn't dare! We're in this together," he said.

"They'll keep nagging you. I don't want to involve you in this situation," I said.

"I'll manage everything on my own" I said.

"Life without risk is not life, Luke!" he said.

"Jack, you're the only closed one I've. Please don't lose it" I said.

"I don't wanna lose our brotherly relationship either," he said.

"Also, we won't see each other in those 2 weeks," I said.

"You're the best and worst best friend ever," he said.

We kept chatting without looking at the time when my phone rang from Isabel.

"We've reached our future home, babe", said Isabella.

I looked at Jack with relief, as I whispered, they did it!

"At last! I'm really excited to be with you guys.", I said.

"We are waiting for you," she said.

"How's the house? Do you like it?" I said.

"Superb! You have got great taste," she said.

"That's why I chose you" I said.

"When will you arrive?" she said.

"In no time, baby!", I said.

"Hurry up, I'm not sleeping in this huge bed alone." she said.

"You won't," I said.

I got up from the couch, standing before the wide open window. I gazed up at the night skies, "Now, turn on the night lamp."

"Lay yourself on the bed, close your eyes. What do you see?"

"Us, together" she said.

"What are we doing there?", I asked in a low and soft voice.

"We kissed, cuddled" she said.

"You settled me on your chest, and patted my lower back until drowsiness dimmed my eyes", her voice slowly dwindled.

"Who are you with now?" I said.

"You" she said.

"Am I next to you?" I said.

"You are right next to me", she yawned.

I smiled. "Good night, have a sweet dream."

"Night" she said.

I pocketed my phone back.

I wish the 2 weeks end quickly.

I filled my days by spending my time in my room making plans for my departure, AKA my escape. Until the knocking diverted my attention.

"Son, are you there?", said Silas.

"Yes, come in", my eyes fixed on a laptop screen.

Dad treads in with a pile of files. "We have a new problem, I want you to leave today."

I looked up to see him, "I'm going nowhere, you can clear that issue by yourself."

"Son, there are huge issues. I need you to go there," he said.

"Are you trying to trick me again? The last thing I need is for that bastard to inject me and take me back to your palace!" I said.

"Not this time, son. It won't happen again," he said.

"I don't trust your words," I said.

Silas took out his phone. He dialed a number and put it on the speaker.

"Hello, Mr. Silas, may I confirm your arrival? We need you as early as possible"

Silas cut the call.

"Do you hear that?" he said.

"I'll give you one more chance. If you lie...!", I said.

"This is your ticket," he said.

I snatched it from his hand.

"I know my son will do it for me"

He left my room.

My hard work has paid off. Time to leave, forever!

I got in the car, and gave the last sight at the palace, Goodbye Abrams!