

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Teen
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45 Chs

Chapter 30

"Hey!" Emma

"Emma!" Isabella

We locked into a bear hug as if we hadn't seen each other in decades.

"How are you doing?", she said.

"Not bad, I suppose", I said.

"Hmm, I feel you, gal," she said.

"Come on, let me show you your room," she said.

We walked up to the room next to the balcony. Emma pulled a key out of her pocket and slotted it into the keyhole.

"This is your room, do you like it?", she said.

"Wow, I was expecting a modest room for myself," I said as I stepped into the room. My eyes were taken in by the sight of a spacious and luxurious room.

"We fancy spacious rooms, small is suffocating", she said.

"Anyway, what do you want for lunch? Jack and I are craving Chinese food."

"I think I'll gonna pass, I'm stuffed", I said.

"Okay then, what about dinner?", she asked.

"It's up to you. My mind is out of place", I said.

Emma sat next to me.

"I know this whole situation is overwhelming, your love journey is wonderful. Still, a lot of abysses to walk through," she remarked.

"I feel my life is in danger at times", I said.

"I wanna give up, but I love him so much. My life without him is unimaginable," I explained.

"This is the most difficult period of a relationship, whether we are ready or not, we must overcome all hurdles," she remarked.

"That's why I avoid relationships. I never saw myself being part of it, until Luke came, and changed my whole life."

"Here I am fighting for us," I explained.

"You will lose everything if you don't fight," she said.

"Remember, Isabella, we'll always be there for you," she crunched my shoulder.

"Thanks", I hugged her, as she stroked my back.

"I'll let you rest. If you need anything, we're in the main room", she said.

I lay alone in a huge room. Feeling ecstatic about meeting my man and aching to leave my parents. As well as fearing what would happen in our lives in the future.

My mind kept bouncing around nasty thoughts, blocking my eyes which longed to close.

I slumped back in the chair, glancing at my phone.

Still no call from Luke. I miss his voice. I replaced my phone on the table.

My phone rang, Luke!

I grabbed my phone when I saw the name on my screen. It's my brother.


"Our parents told me about your elopement. Are you certain you want to do this? I can come and talk to his parents", he said.

"It's pointless, they won't change their minds," I said.

"Right. They'll approve you as their daughter-in-law once we're fabulously rich, that's how these people work," he continued.

"Thank heavens Luke isn't them", he said.

"He sees people not for who they are, but for who they are on the inside," I explained.

"You got a good man with the opposite family," he added.

"Yeah, there's nothing we can do about that", I said.

"I'm feeling convicted, marrying him without his parents' consent. I'm scared it will come back to haunt me," I explained.

"In life, there are moments when we must make bitter steps. Cause a convenient one won't lead us to the light", he said.

"Isabella, how do you feel about this plan?", he asked.

"I'm positive."

"Even so, I have to leave our parents," I said sadly.

"I worry about them, they cry during the call", he said.

"Oh dear! What am I doing? I called to cheer you up! No fear, sis, I'm here", he said.

"Please, forgive your dumb brother," he said.

"Haha, you're forgiven, my dear brother," I said.

"Best wishes, Isabella, may your life be full of blessings," he said.

"Don't make me cry, Big Brother. I'm going to miss you all", I said.

"So are we, little sister", he said.

"Isabella, I have a meeting in a few minutes. I'll call you later, bye", he said.

"Bye", I said

I found myself in deep grief as I reflected on everything I had to leave behind. My parents and brother are the only family I have.

(Luke POV)

I stepped off the plane to find an unfamiliar man waiting for me. He took my luggage and placed it in the trunk. He flung open the car door. I entered as my gaze continued to scrutinize him.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before. Where's my driver?", I asked.

"He's feeling unwell. Meanwhile, Mr. Silas instructed me to take his place", he said.

He orchestrated everything. He knew Henry was devoted to me.

"What's your name?", I asked.

"I'm Eric, sir", he said

"So, Eric, am I staying at a different hotel or the same one?" I inquired.

"The same hotel, sir," he explained.

"Can you speed up? I'm exhausted", I said.

"Yes sir", he said.

Silas employs a robotic man, with an expressionless, flat speech response. He's that expert at getting men like that.

"Eric, where are you staying?" The car pulled up to the hotel foyer. "Can you give me your number?"

"No need sir, I'll be on guard here." Eric

"On guard? Are you spying on your boss's son, or is it one of Dad's instructions?" I asked.

"No sir, you're misconceived. I'll be here whenever you need me," he said.

As I stepped down, Eric took out my suitcase and handed it to the servant.

I was escorted to the elevator and my room by the manager and the servant.

I shut the door, switched on my laptop, and texted Jack.

"I've arrived, how are things there?", I said.

"So far so good. Isabella is here, waiting for her departure tomorrow morning. How's there?", he replied.

"I was picked up by an unknown person, Eric, a new driver hired by dad", I replied.

"Where's Henry?", he asked

"Sick. Perfect lie", I said.

"Henry would do anything for you. Have you called him?" he asked.

"I've tried, but his phone is out of reach," I said.

"We'll deal with it later. Be wary of the new driver," he said.

"That Eric guy won't give me his number. Moreover, he's flat like your ass", I said.

"F***! Dude, I got a bubble butt. I grew it over the years" he said.

"Careful someone will smash your 'bubble butt'" I said.

"I'll have Emma pump it", he said.

I shared a smirking emoji, "Can I call Isabel? I'm in the mood"

"Dude, you wouldn't do that on the phone!"

"Oh, I do, whenever, and wherever I want", I said.

"Fine, as long as you don't meet her without my permission. You're in a danger zone!", he said.

"The best brother!", I said.

(Isabella POV)

My phone rang once more. I let it vibrate repeatedly. I didn't want to answer the phone, however, I felt compelled to say hello.

I succumbed to my desire and grabbed my phone. When I saw his name, my heart soared.


"Baby!", he said

"I can't wait to meet you", he said.

"I long to be in your arms," I said.

"We'll be together in a few days," he said.

"Build our little family, live in peace, serenity, and happiness", I said.

"The life I pine for. I'm going to build it with the woman I love", he said.

"Meeting you was a blessing. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me," I said.

"Isabella, I want to see you right now", he said.

"We must pass Jack to meet," I stated.

We giggled.

"He forbade me to meet you without his permission," he explained.

"Our guard is really strict," I commented.

"Yeah. How are things with your family?" he inquired.

"Don't remind me, you're going to make me cry," I said.

"I'm sorry", he said

"I'm never separated from them. Life wants me away from the people I love", I said.

"You'll see your parents again, Isabel," he promised.

"Same thing, Jack said." I said.

"If this makes you happy, I'll make your parents our neighbors," he remarked.

"You'd do that for me?", I asked.

"I'll do anything for you, Isabel. My entire life is dedicated to us," he stated.

"What would I do without you? I'm lucky to be your girlfriend", I said.

"To be my wife", he said.

My feelings of despair vanished upon hearing his voice, and he made me happy.

I want to be with you until death does us part.

The sunset gave way to a magnificent and gorgeous night moon, glazing at me as if it were beckoning our future life.

"Isabella, may we come in?", Jack's voice echoed behind the door.

"Please", I said.

Jack and Emma merged in. He placed my suitcase in the corner close to the cabinet.

"Thanks, Jack", I said.

"Anytime. Are you ready for tomorrow?" Jack asked.

"I'm so ready!", I said.

"Wow! Look who misses her person so much, some days seem to last forever, don't they?" said Emma.

I blushed.

"That's the spirit!", said Jack.

"Before we call it a day, let's have dinner together," Jack suggested.

The three of us left my room. I helped Emma in the kitchen as we completed our dinner. Then we said goodnight and went to our rooms.

I can't stop smiling, as if I'm about to meet him for the first time. My eyes keep me awake as if they are waiting for him to lie next to me.

He tortured me in his absence.

Through the white curtain, the dawn glinted on me. I stretched, rolled out of bed, showered, and dressed in Luke's favorite dress. My man, I'm coming!

I made my way down, clutching my suitcase.

"Isabella, it's heavy! Hang in there", he dashed to the stairs.

"It's light enough for me to carry," I said.

"Is this what you call light?" Jack asked as he lifted my suitcase.

"Isabella, let Jack help you," Emma said from below.

"Fine, if you insist", I said.

Jack walked over to his car and put my suitcase in the trunk.

"This is it, our last goodbye," Emma remarked, her eyes watery.

"Don't wipe my make-up away with my tears, Emma. We'll meet sooner than you think," I advised.

She chuckled.

We hugged, "Take care Isabella, and all the best to you and Luke"

"Thank you, Emma, and thank you for allowing me to stay in your lovely home," I said.

She gently patted my upper arm, "Don't mention it, you're always welcome here", said Emma.

We took off after Jack started the engine. I rolled down my window and waved at her.

We arrived at the landing strip. Jack showed the ticket to the party concerned.

"Isabel, you can get on the plane", said Jack.

"Thank you for everything, Jack, we owe you", I said.

"Happy to help. My best wishes to both of you for a happy future," he said.

"He's blessed to have you as a friend," I said.

"I'm the lucky one to have him as a friend, a rich man who never considers people's backgrounds," he remarked.

"OK, if we keep chatting, you won't be able to fly to him," he added.

"One more thing, Luke will come to your place as soon as he ends his project issues. Until then, you will not see one another," he stated.

"Tough Brother. Bye bye Jack", I waved at him.

"Take care", he said.

I hope it doesn't take him days to solve the issue. I'm pretty dressed up. I hope to meet you as soon as I get to that city.

The private jet door closed. I wandered around in the streets, to my home and flower shop. Now I'm flying in a private jet to another city.

Upon arrival, Jack's acquaintance waited for me. He escorted me to the car.

"I made it safely and am on my way to the house," I texted Jack.

"Great, tell him the news", said Jack.

"Done", I said

"Which house?", Luke replied.

"I have no idea. Jack left everything to his acquaintances. I simply sit tight here." I explained.

"I'll ask him", he said

"Are you coming to see me today?" I inquired.

"I don't know, maybe next week, there are a lot of complications with my project," he explained.



We end the chat.

(Luke POV)

"Jack, send me her location," I said.

"Has your issue been resolved?", he asked.

"It's a small issue, I don't even need to come. They were surprised when they saw me", I said.

"Your dad makes things up," he explained.

"Yep. His idea worked out in our favor," I explained.

"Your entire family would never see this coming," he continued.

"It'll be the biggest surprise they've ever received," I added.

"Good luck, Buddy, and stay safe," he said.

"Thanks, buddy, and you as well," I said.

He sent me the location. Along with Jack's acquaintance who was waiting for me downstairs.

I packed my clothes. I hurried down the elevator after making sure there was nothing left. I caught a quick glance at Eric as I walked out the back door. He was on his phone and facing the trees. Goodbye, A******!

I get in the car, spread my arms, and breathe in the very fresh air that comes in through the window pane. Isabella, my woman, we're going to create the life we ​​desire.

"Sir, may I close the window for safety reasons?"

"Sure thing"

I leaned back, and shut my eyes, imagining our beautiful life with a broad smile on my lips.