

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Teen
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45 Chs

Chapter 29

"Luke...! My dear nephew", Reggie hurled herself upon me.

"I miss you so much, how are you?"

I hate when she hurls herself at me every time she sees me.

"How do you see me?", I said.

"Vigorous!", She pressed my arm.

"Could you just excuse yourself? I'm short on time," I said.

"Where is he, Mom?" I asked.

"That's your father! Be more respectful", said Delores.

"I'm not in the mood to debate with you. Where is he?" I asked.

"I'm here, son," Dad emerged from his study with his brothers.

I swung around. He stood a short distance behind me.

He moved in my direction while the brothers remained where they were.

"Papers," he said, handing me the files.

I got closer to him, "Are you sure there was an issue? I had a feeling it was part of your plan," I said.

"Love has blinded you, son. Look at yourself, you frequently accuse us of falsehoods," he continued.

"Or you take advantage of the circumstance," I said.

"Son, a father only cares about his child's well-being. He will not do anything that endangers his child's life," he explained.

"I witnessed how you care about my well-being. Such a... don't make me say that word", I said.

"You don't fully understand our situation, son. Soon you will, I'll make you realize it.", he said.

"Listen, dad, if you do anything...to her, I'll destroy Abrams," I said.

"He's your father! You don't talk to him like that," Beth pointed out.

"Oh, Beth, is that you? What exactly are you doing here? Where's your husband? Why don't you go home and take care of your family instead of lecturing me?" I said.

"Luke!", shouted Beth.

"Mr. Silas, you should warn your brothers and sisters not to meddle in our lives", I said.

"You have changed a lot since you met her. " Reggie

"She must have brainwashed you and turned you against us! Get away from her, she's not good for our family," Reggie urged.

"It's your behavior that has changed me! She and her family are the most wonderful people I've ever met," I said.

"They're not like you, Bastards!" I said.

"Enough Luke! You've crossed the line. All they did was show you fake affection." Silas

"Look around you! Your mom and I live you in luxury. Everyone covets your life, son. What's mine is yours!" Silas

"I need my parents, Dad, not just your money! Do you even give a damn about my heart's desire?" I queried.

"Do you even care about us? You are my only child, my beloved son." Silas

"You are more concerned with preserving your reputation than with spending time with me, even learning what I want!", I said.

"Son, everything I do is for the benefit of our family. I don't want those scumbags to step on us again!" he remarked.

"Leave her, son. Women are waiting for you in their lives, they're intelligent and beautiful. Furthermore, they come from well-known families," he said, pressing my upper arm.

"Whatever your offer is, my heart has belonged to her", I said.

I stormed out of the house.

I'm sick of these people! I muttered beneath my breath.

"I've never seen such an obstinate man! Someone needs to detain him." exclaimed Seth.

"He's madly in love. Do you believe she has done something to him?" Shane asked.

"He has found 'The one'. He won't let go of that woman, no matter what we do. He'll keep coming back and fighting for her", said Silas.

"So you're saying we let them be together?!", asked Scott.

"Brother, he became a monster! If you bring them together, our family will be shattered!" said Reggie.

"Gie is absolutely right! He was never harsh to me, all because of that demonic woman!" exclaimed Beth.

Silas smiled, "Did I say I wanted to unite them?"

"Umm... no," Reggie and Beth exchanged glances.

"I stick to my decision. No one can defy my orders!" declared Silas.

"You worried us for a second, brother-in-law. I'm overjoyed with your decision," remarked Indy.

"Dee, is my decision wrong or right?", Silas looked at Delores.

"I don't know. This is related to our child.", said Delores.

"Do you trust me, Dee?" His thumb caressed her knuckles.

"If I didn't, I wouldn't be here by your side," she explained.

"You are a perfect match for me", He pecked the back of her palm.

Then Silas faced his brothers.

"Boys, it's your turn, bring me good news," Silas said.

(Luke POV)

I arrived at the airport on a short trip. It didn't take long for my plane to take off.

I sat up straight, my laptop in front of me. While I examined the problematic project files, a notification beeped on my laptop.

I shifted my eyes to see Jack's message.

"Bro, still mad at me?", he said.

"No", I said

"You are. Your response is quite frigid," he said.

"I'm upset, OK?", I said.

"I wanna share my idea, are you interested?", he said.

"What idea?", I asked.

"You'll be warm again after hearing my idea," he promised.

"I'm going to send Isabella to your place. Go far away from there!", he said.

"Bro! That's fantastic! I applaud your cunning plan", I said.

"Sneaky ideas are needed, especially in dealing with your family", he said.

"You made my day, Jack!" I said.

"Wait, how are you going to send her? Have you told her?", I said.

"I'm on my way there. Will fly her there in a private jet. It belongs to my friend, your family won't know," he explained.

"When?", I asked.

"Tomorrow morning. I'll take her to my home today", he said.

"At what time? I'll pick her up" I said.

"No! Your father has his eyes everywhere. Don't spoil our plan!", he said.

"Sorry, I forgot", I said.

"I'll send you the address as soon as she arrives," he added.

"You're allowed to meet her after you solve those issues, pack your bags and leave the city immediately" he said.

"I like your idea, however, you tortured me by not letting me meet her", I said.

"You're going to spend the rest of your life with her, so brace yourself," he added.

I smiled while reading it.

Forever and ever. Nothing can keep us apart.

My dad's plan wasn't bad at all, his breakup idea brought us together. Blessing in disguise.

The wisest father ever, streamlined our plan. I can't wait to appear before you with my little family. I'm going to treasure every failed face of you and your family.

Isabella, wait for me.

(Isabella POV)

Knock! Knock!


When the sound of knocking distracted me, I set the magazine down.

"Isabella are you there?"

I opened the door, "Jack?"

"May I come in?", he said.

"I'm sorry, please come in," I explained.

"Isabella, I need to talk to you. Are your parents here?" he says.

"Sure, what's the matter? They will be here soon", I said.

"I'll make it quick. I'm going to send you to where Luke is right now. From there, you'll travel to the place that we've reserved," he explained.

"I'm coming to get you. You'll stay the night with us and leave the next morning. Luke will be waiting for you there," he added.

"Hold on! I'm confused. Didn't Luke leave because of an issue with his project?", I said.

"Change of plan. Things won't be easy from here; they're keeping an eye on Luke, and even on me," he warned.

"Who?", I asked

"Silas's men. You must leave before our plans are exposed", he said.

"So they're following you?"


"We'll get caught!", I said.

"No, if you come empty-handed", he said.


"Let's not waste our time, go pack your things, I'll send my friend to pick up your bag", he said.


I rushed to my room, I stuffed my clothes into the suitcase.

Then I changed my mind. I went back out, leaving my suitcase in the room.

"Let's Go!"

As I was about to step out, "Wait, Jack"

"What's wrong, Isabel? Did you forget something?", he asked.

"I don't wanna go without seeing my parents", I said.

"Where are they now?", he asked.

"They're on their way back," I explained.

"Call them again, we can't wait much longer," he said.

I dialed mom's number, she picked it up, "Mom, where are you?"

"We're close dear. My daughter is never afraid to be alone at home. Do you want to go?", she said.

The last words punched me in the heart. "Yes, Mom, it's time for me to go." My eyes welled up with tears.

"We'll be there in no time", she said

I wiped my tears, I turned to Jack, "They are close."

Soon after, an ancient crimson car drew up to a wide-open fence.

Isabella's parents got out of the car. The first thing they noticed was an unknown man in their house.

"Hello sir, ma'am," Jack said as he spotted Isabella's parents.

"Hello, do we know you?" Isabella's father said, puzzled.

"I'm Jack, I came to take Isabel", said Jack.

"No way! Isabella has a boyfriend!", said Isabella's mother.

"Do you want to go with this man? Are you cheating on Luke?", she asked.

"Mom, you misunderstood", I said.

"Then who's this? An unknown man comes to our house, and you dress up to go with him," dad explained.

"You weren't brought up that way, Isabel. Luke believes in you," dad remarked.

Jack burst out laughing. "Why did you laugh? Do we look like stand-up comedians?" asked dad.

"Mom, dad, please! Pay attention to what he has to say," I advised.

"I'm Luke's best friend," Jack explained.

My parents stared at each other. "Oh, we thought you... "

"I'll get to the point. I'm sure Luke told you about the elopement." Jack

"He did", said dad.

"The moment has come, Isabella will leave tomorrow morning for the city where Luke is," Jack stated.

A wave of sadness poured into mom's face.

"Oh, I... Sure take her," dad answered weakly.

"Isabella...", she sobbed.

She pulled me into a hug, "Mom.. "

Mom cupped my cheek and kissed my forehead.

"Isabella, always fill your life with happiness," dad enveloped me. He pecked my forehead.

"Take care of yourselves, Mom and Dad," I said.

"You too", said mom and dad

"Bye", I waved at them.

"Bye", their faces were covered in tears.

My chest ached as I stepped out of the house, as if I wanted to go forever.

Jack's car budged out of the fence. Meanwhile, my gaze was fixed on my parents, who were standing on the porch.

The wheels continuously moved until they obstructed my view.

"Don't worry, you'll see your family again," Jack added.

"Is that possible?", I asked.

"Yes, it is. But the process will take time", he said.

"I understand", I said

"I feel bad about marrying Luke without his parents' consent," I admitted.

"Don't even go there, they'd never approve of your relationship," he said.

"If I were born rich, life would be simple," I asserted.

"And Luke won't love you", he said.

"What do you mean?", I asked.

"Luke has seen women who are prettier than you and as rich as him. No one matches him", he said.

"He saw you and fell for you. He declared you're the woman his soul chose"

"He seeks quality over quantity, inner and outer beauty. He saw those two in you", said Jack.

"He's the best thing that ever happened to me. He's my first and last", I said.

"Sometimes Emma and I envy you two because you are willing to go any mile for your love," he explained.

"We live for love, the greatest love", I said.

Even if, at one point in our life, we chase it away, kick it out of our lives. We eventually understand that it is always present, even in our darkest periods.