

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Teen
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45 Chs

Chapter 26

I shut the door behind me. "War begins! Be ready, Jack."

I walked fiercely, till it drew employees' attention.

I drove to Jack's house. He stood outside his house, stiff and uneasy.

"What's happening?!", he said.

"I met them at the office, and we got into a fight," I said.

"Your whole family?", he asked.

"Dad, and his brothers. The whole family is against my relationship", I said.

"Waste no time, Luke, tell me what to do", he said.

"Find the safest and farthest, where they can't see us anymore," I said,

"Seth threatened me, Jack, he'd do something horrible to Isabella; I have to protect her," I explained.

"Goodness! Would they go that far?", he said.

"They would go to great lengths for the sake of their family! You don't know them, Jack", I said.

"We have to act quickly. I'll let you know as soon as I get the place," he added.

"Luke, tell her now", he said.

"That's my next move," I said.

I drove swiftly from Jack's house to Isabel's. I dialed her number,


"Isabella, I'm on my way there; please wait for me outside," I said.

"What's wrong?", she asked.

"We'll talk in person," I stated.


I cut the call.

Arriving at her house, Isabella got into the car.

"You freak me out! what's going on?", she said.

"In my place", I said.

I carried her into my house and sat her down.

I knelt and held her hand, "Isabel, listen to me carefully, we don't have much time. If you want us to be together, we have to elope."

"My entire family is opposed to our relationship. You must make a decision as soon as possible," I added.

"What about my family? I'd agree if my parents knew about this", she said.

"Don't be so obstinate, Isabel, you have no idea what we're up against!" I exclaimed,

"My parents need to know where I am. That's my condition, Luke", she said.

I averted my eyes and groaned, saying, "Okay, we'll talk to your parents. Make sure they seal their mouths", I said.

"Never doubt them", she said.

(Abrams POV)

Seth responded, "He's just like you, anything he wants must be his."

"That's why we're here today, Seth," Silas explained.

"We must end his relationship before it's too late", said Scott.

"Easy Scott, it's over. It'll happen soon", Silas said

"Are you planning something?" Shane inquired.

"It's your duty. I'm onto subtle methods", Silas said.

"While you're planning their breakup, I'm going to visit one of my son's special places, with my wife", Silas said as he walked out of his office.

"We're going out, wife. Wear something nice", he called Delores.

"Sure, love. I'm waiting for you", she asked.

Dee joined him in the car when he arrived at his mansion.

"Where are we headed?" asked Dee.

"To our son's favorite place," Silas said.

"His cabin?", she said

"Quite close", I said.

Dee cocked her head.

"We'll be there in no time, darling", Silas said.

"Come on! Not this game again", she said.

"Dee, my darling, life is a game, we have to play till our last breath", he said.

"Whatever you say, husband", she said.

The car came to a stop in front of a small and plain house.

"I doubt this is Luke's favorite place", she said.

"Wait till you're inside the house", he said.

They walked arm in arm. He rang the doorbell.

"Anyone there?", he shouted.

The door finally opened. A man stood in front of them.

"You are..."

"Mr. & Mrs. Silas! Welcome", Isabella's father greeted them with joy.

"Please have a seat, sir/ma'am", said Isabella's father.

"Honey, look who's here!", he shouted to his wife.

"A moment!", said Isabella's mother from the other room.

She emerged quickly, her eyes were wide open and her lips agape.

"They!", she stared at her husband.

He nodded..

"God, oh God! Mr. & Mrs. Silas, I couldn't believe it!", said Isabella's mother.

"Please sit with us, you don't have to stand there," Delores replied.

"You're Isabella's parents, right?", Silas asked.

"Yes, we are!", he said.

Dee turned to face Silas, he hinted to her his son's favorite place.

"We came to talk about our children", Silas said.

"Sure, sir", he said.

"I'll get right to the point. We don't approve of Luke's relationship, and we want them to split up," Silas explained.

Their happiness vanished in a split second, "May I know why? They love each other, we can't split them up", she said.

"Love is a stupid thing, we live to follow intelligence not stupidity", Silas said.

"Don't say that, sir, their love is pure, they adore each other. Don't hurt them", he said.

"Love is a temporary thing, it can come and go at any time, it's not a big deal", said Dee.

"If you take our advice, you'll make big profits out of it. Like, enlarge your mini flower shop" said Silas.

"Plus, The Abrams will assist you in marketing your business to a great level. You can lure as many clients as possible", Silas said.

"On top of that, we will find Isabella a well-established man", said Dee.

They froze in place and fixed their eyes on each other.

"You don't want to turn down this fantastic offer, do you? Imagine having a florist branch in every city," Silas said, smirking.

He took out a card from his wallet, "I'm sure you will need this", he gave him his business card.

"Our time is up. Let's go, Dee", he walked out, and twinged his arm around Dee's waist, leaving them submerged in the offer.

"Our work is done; let's wait for an incoming call from them," Silas added.

"They won't resist the offer, they can't get it anywhere else," Delores explained.

"It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. And I appreciated the second idea. Where did you get that from?", Silas asked.

"It just pops into my head," Delores explained.

"That's why I always carry you with me," Silas explained.

(Luke POV)

As the days passed, I turned on my laptop and accessed the chat software that Jack and I had made.

"She agreed, have you found the place?",

"I got three places based on your criteria," Jack said.

He sent me three images.

"Which one is the best?", I asked.

"Place no.1", he said.

"Book it, don't use our card", I said.

"Does she have a passport?", asked Jack.

"She doesn't", I said.

"She has to have one, bro," he explained.

"How? We can't be seen taking her to the immigration office since my father's spies are out there," I explained.

"I'll figure something out. Just email me her photo," he remarked.

I hooked the USB to my phone and plugged it into my laptop, then transmitted her photo to him.

"I'll work on it, move fast, bro!", Jack

Knock, knock!, "Luke, are you there?"

Who is that now?

I got up from my seat when I heard a voice from behind the closed door. I twisted the doorknob. "Sir, ma'am?" I was perplexed to see Isabella's parents at my door.

"Son, we have something important to tell you", he said.

"I'm sorry, please enter," I said.

"Please have a seat," I said.

"We don't know how to say this", he looked at me and then back at his wife.

"Luke, we don't want to get you into trouble with them, but we have to say this." she said.

"This thing has messed with our heads," he remarked.

"What exactly do you mean, Sir?" I inquired.

"Your parents came to see us a few days ago," he remarked.

"Did they do something?", I stared at them.

"No, son, we just had a discussion," she explained.

"Don't hold back, please tell me everything", I said.

"They don't approve of your relationship; they want you both to break up," he explained.

"I know, sir, it'll happen exclusively in their dreams," I explained.

"Also, they offer us something unusual if we help them", she said.

"What's the offer?", I asked.

"Expand our mini flower shop, to market our business at a great level. Along with establishing our florist branches in every city", he said.

"And..." he exhaled deeply and held his wife's hand.

"They'll find a well-established man for Isabella," he said.

"What! Do you agree, sir?" I slapped my hand against the table.

"Calm down, we haven't given them any answer", she said.

Isabella's mother pulled a card from her handbag. She shoved the card at me.

"This is my dad's business card," I exclaimed.

"We'd like to speak with you first before we call your father," she said.

"Hiding it will kill us," he said.

"What's your final thought?", I asked.

"Isabella is my only daughter, she deserves a blissful life", he said.

"Oh" I bent in sorrow.

"Isabella deserves to be with the man she loves the most," he stated.

My eyes brightened up as I raised my head. "Sir! I..."

"You two are our priorities," he said.

"Son, we can expand our business at any time, but we can't mend a broken soul", she said.

"Thank you so much!" I knelt and squeezed their hand as I laid my head on their thigh.

"Get up son, we are just doing our duty as parents", she said.

"I too have important things to say," I added as I returned to my seat.

"What is it, son?", he asked.

"I intend to marry Isabella. I've found a safe and remote place where my family cannot find us," I explained.

"We don't know if this is right or wrong," they said calmly. "If we forbid you, we will be tormented by our dark shadow," he added.

"Go far away from here and live happily ever after," he said.

"We support you no matter what", she said.

"I've never encountered such nice people as you, sir, ma'am," I said.

"Getting to know Isabel and you is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me," I said.

"We feel the same way you do," she explained.

"That's all we have to say. We've got to get moving. I've a lot of work to do at my shop. See you soon, son", he said.

"See you". I walked them out the door.

"Sir, regarding my parents, please keep it between us. I don't want to make her sad," I pleaded.

"Don't worry, son, we've sealed it" he said as he slid his arm around my shoulder.

I locked the door. Silas started his game, we had to go before things spiraled out of hand.

I punched my fist against the table, Damn it! I hate when I have to wait patiently.

When my laptop's chat notification chimed, I returned to my desk.

"I have a friend who can do it. She can sign the paperwork from your cabin.", Jack typed.

"Is he safe?", I asked.

"Safe as no one in your family knows him", he said.

"Good!", I said

"I'll email you the paper as soon as it's ready," he promised.

"Don't take much time, Silas is in action", I said.

"What did he do again?", he asked.

"About that, we'll discuss it in person", I said.

"One last thing, don't raise any suspicions. Behave, as usual, hanging out with Isabel," he remarked.

"All right, thanks for the heads up", I said.