

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Teen
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45 Chs

Chapter 25

"James, I..."

"Isabella, ever since I first laid eyes on you, my heart has belonged to you," he said.

He took my hand and said, "I want to live the rest of my life with you."

I gently withdrew my hand, saying, "James, I can't."

"Why? Am I less than perfect for you?", he asked.

"James....I...I've a boyfriend", I said.

He looked down, closing his eyes, "I'm late, am I? My bad"

"I apologize, James". I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Not your fault, it's mine. I move too slow", he said.

"Have you ever had feelings for me, Isabella?" he asked.

I pursed my lips as I looked down. I shake my head.

With a heavy feeling in my chest, "I didn't see you in that way"

"Who am I to you?" he wonders.

"You're my best friend, my protector", I said.

"I've spent my entire life hoping that you had feelings for me. However, my hopes deceived me", he said.

"I don't know why, it aches here, Isabel," he said, placing his palms on his chest and grasping his shirt.

"I'm very sorry," I said as I gripped his upper arm.

One problem has not been resolved, a new one has arisen. Today is my worst day. I was rejected by my in-laws, and now the man next to me has professed his love for me. My heart was shattered. I'm the poor daughter-in-law and the worst best friend. I never intended to hurt anyone, but circumstances dictated it. My chest felt heavy like a crushed stone when I realized our friendship would never be the same again. Everything changed in the blink of an eye.

His eyelids started to tear up. I'm so mean!

"Please don't cry, I can't bear seeing you like this," I begged.

"I shouldn't have appeared before you, otherwise, your life would be happier without my shadow," I said.

"Don't hurt me by saying that, Isabella. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened in my life," he stated.

"James, I don't want our friendship to end. I want my best buddy back," I remarked.

"I'm done pretending. You are the woman I love most. I can't see you as my best friend" he said.

"Years of friendship fall apart with the beat of the LOVE word", I said.

"Years of fake friendship. We live in a lie", he said.

"I live in your lie, James", I said.

"The biggest mistake I've ever made for my loved ones," he admitted.

"Enough with my sadness," he wiped his eyes, "Tell me about your relationship."

"We are in a committed relationship," I said.

"Up to the level of marriage?", he asked.

"That's our next move", I said.

"Who's that lucky man? May I see him?", he asked.

"Absolutely! Come with me", I said.

We strode along to Luke's cabin. I dialed him.

"Isabella?", he said

"I'm on my way to your home", I said.

"No need to inform me, Isabel, just come", he said.

"Um, I'm bringing my special someone, he'd like to meet you," I explained.

"He?", he asked

"See for yourself, once we get there", I said.


"What did he say? Did he allow me to meet him?" James asked.

"Of course! Why wouldn't he", I said.

In a short time, we reached Luke's place.

"Luke, we are here!" I said as I rapped on the door.

The door swung open. We stood face to face with his bloodshot eyes glaring at me, as the smell of the liquor on his breath wafted into my nose.

"Are you drunk?" I asked quietly.

My attention was drawn to the wounds on his hand.

"You're hurt!" I grabbed his hand and examined the cuts on his hand.

"All good?", asked James, who was only a few steps away from me.

"Give me a moment," I said,

I caught a glimpse of the breathtaking scenery inside the room behind Luke's shoulder.

"What's going on?! The floor is covered in shards of glass", I said.

He kept looking at James.

"Who's he? Is he my stand-in man?" he asked.

"Watch what you say! Go inside and wash your face" I said.

I shoved him in and closed the door after him.

"He'll be here," I said as I sat next to James.

"Is he fine? He seemed chaotic," he stated.

"He's totally fine", I said.

Luke soon emerged, with a pretty fresh face and changed clothes. He joined us on the bench.

"You seem familiar, are you an Abrams?" James inquired.

"Right. I'm Luke..", said Luke.

"Hold on, I'll give you a proper introduction," I said.

"Luke, this is James Ford, my best friend. And James, he's Luke Abrams, my boyfriend."

They exchanged handshakes and said "Hello."

"I didn't mean to offend you, are you Silas' son? The only child who is always on the news?", said James.

"Precisely. That's me", said Luke.

"Why do you live here?", asked James.

"Why not? I wouldn't have met Isabella if I had stayed in my mansion," Luke explained.

You shouldn't be here! Otherwise, she'd be mine! whispered James under his breath. I scowled at him and he looked away,

"Isabel never told me about you, I often saw her with her female friends", said Luke.

"I'm following your path, Luke, waiting for the right time", I said.

We chuckled.

"I was Isabella's senior at school, and we quickly became great friends," James explained.

"An old friend. They said old is gold", said Luke.

"Yeah, we left town after my graduation. I met Isabella again, today", said James.

"A very long farewell, James. However, you can get in touch with one another," he said to me, then to James.

Jealousy seemed to consume him.

"We lost contact and dispersed in our own hustle," James stated.

Great! Otherwise, I'll have to kick you out of her life! Said Luke under his breath. Really? I shared a look.

"What do you do for a living?", asked Luke.

"I'm in the real estate business. I don't need to ask you back. Everyone knows who you are," James said.

"It's the finest feeling when you don't have to explain everything to everyone," Luke added.

We chatted for a while, then I got up. "Guys, my throat is dry, do you want something to drink?"

"I'll have a cup of hot tea," James said.

"Make it two", said Luke.

As Isabella went to the kitchen, James put on a solemn face. "I wanna have a word with you."

They proceeded to the front yard.

"Luke, I'm in love with Isabella," James said.

He glared at James.

"Hear me out before you react," James advised.

"Isabella was love at first sight to me. Ever since, I can't touch or even imagine any other woman in my mind, there's only her", said James.

"Sadly, my hopes were dashed. She regarded me as a friend, and you were the sole man in her heart," James explained.

Luke's vicious gaze softened.

"May I know the purpose of this conversation?", asked Luke.

"To get something off my chest. I won't get in the way of your relationship; I want her to be happy," said James.

"I appreciate your kindness, James", said Luke.

"I can't let her go. I can't fathom my life without Isabella," Luke remarked.

"I know. Take good care of her", he patted Luke's shoulder.

"May I hug you?" said Luke.

James flapped his arms, "Come here, buddy."

Isabella stepped out holding the tray, "There you are! I'm looking for you inside."

They pulled away and took a cup of tea from the tray.

"Why are you hugging?", I asked.

"I wanted to steal your hot man with my warmth," James remarked.

"You're turning gay now," I said.

"I am. I'm looking for a man who looks like you," James explained.

"Do you mind if I'm with him?", said Luke.

"Do you want me to kick your ass?", I said.

We laughed.

"So, this is it. I must be going. It was nice meeting you, Luke", said James.

"Nice meeting you too, James", said Luke.

"I'll be back", I said

James and I left Luke's cabin. I escorted James to his car.

"I'm leaving tonight," he said.

"I thought you'd stay for a few days", I said.

"I thought of that too, but…",

He pulled a deep sigh, "I've nothing to do in here. Only memories are left here", he said.

"I feel awful, I'm sorry once again James", I said.

"Don't beat yourself up, Isabella", he said.

He clutched my arms."Don't be sad anymore, you've a bright future, you've a man who loves you to the moon and back."

"Promise me, you'll always stay happy", he said.

I smiled and nodded as tears started to form in my eyes. I gave James one last hug.

"I'm sorry for putting a burden on you," he added.

We broke our hug. He's driving far away from my hometown.

I returned to Luke's cabin. I hugged him.

I sobbed, "He's gone."

He stroked my head.

"He left his best friend," I explained.

"All right, will it help you if I take you to his house," Luke said.

"You'd do that for me?"

He nodded. "Anything you want", he dabbed my tears with his thumb.

"Smile please", he said.

I smiled.

"Now help me clean this filthy room", he said.

"Yes sir!", I said.

We collected the large shards of glass and placed them in plastic bags. I cleaned up the remaining little bits of glass, and Luke finished by mopping the floor.

We melted on the couch. As usual, I leaned against Luke's chest.



"Will you marry me?"

I stared at Luke, "Yes, I wanna be with you, Luke."

"Will you listen to my words?" he inquired.

"Depends", I said

"There's only one way for us to be together. They won't bother us anymore", he said.

"Elope", he said.

"No way! The marriage will happen with the consent of our parents", I said.

"If you wait for my parents' approval, our marriage will not exist!" he said.

"They want us to split up, Isabel!" he exclaimed.

"We've to try to convince them, again", I said.

"I know my parents well. No means no, they'll do anything to save their honor!" he exclaimed.

"Why are our lives so complicated?", I said.

He cupped my cheek."Isabella, we have no choice but to follow my directions."

"Let me sleep on this", I said.

"Thank you, Isabel," he kissed my brow.

(Luke POV)

I texted Jack after I drove Isabel home.

"She'll come around."

"Good! Keep me informed", he requested.

Time flew by when I received a call from my father.

"Luke, meet me in the office", he said.

"Whatever it is, you can explain it here", I said.

"I'd want to speak with you in person," he stated.

These people have completely spoiled my day!

When I entered dad's workroom, I found not only him, but his entire family! Scott, Shane, and Seth.

"Why are your brothers here? I thought we'd talk one-on-one", I sat down. The three were sternly looking at me.

"Because they're my brothers. This time we will talk in a group", he said.

"I heard you're still hanging around with that chick," he remarked.

"Your spy's information is correct. Nothing wrong with hanging out with my wife, right?", I said.

"Luke, rumors circulating out there, the son of a wealthy man is dating a middle-class woman. It has to stop," Silas replied.

"Our relationship will keep going", I said.

"We receive critical criticism from our colleagues because of the rumors. Cut your relationship, we'll find a better and prettier woman than her", said Scott.

"She's a better and prettier woman than all the women in this world," I said.

"Uncle Scott, you don't have to waste your time finding me a wife, you're too old for that," I said.

"Why don't you stay at home and rest up?" I said.

"Luke, she doesn't live up to our standards, find a woman who is on par with us!" exclaimed Shane.

"I don't care about standards, nor the response of your colleagues, Uncle Shane. All I care about is Isabella and me," I said.

"LUKE! If you don't want anything horrible to happen to Isabella, bow your head to us," Seth added.

I faced him, as my wrath boiled within me. I grabbed his collar. "WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO TO HER, HUH?!?"

"We will part you and her at any cost. I won't let our names be tainted by your silly love!" declared Seth.

"Even if she has a single cut on her, you finish!" I exclaimed.

"Silas's blood runs through me, I'm worse than all of you!", I said.