

Her Life or Your Honour? Sarah Rhodes, the princess of Marc Rhodes and Arabella, was married off by her parents without her consent to the heir of a prominent and powerful family, The Abrams. Luke Abrams, the sole child of Silas Abrams and Delores. Sarah quit school to live her parents' dream life, to fulfill her parents' wishes. Soon the decision became a crusher for Sarah's life. Luke, who appeared as an attractive and fine man, switched into a ruthless monster. Sarah's life is filled with pain, heartaches, betrayal, and most of all, living with a man that had no place for her in his heart. Shortly, those led Sarah to discover a murky secret of Luke Abrams and his family. Sarah was left with one option; to seek justice and expose Abrams. Her presence in their life is where their nightmare starts. The real war of JUSTICE is about to begin.

Jaya_Sindhu · Teen
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45 Chs

Chapter 24

Luke showed up at my home. I sorted out my horrible thoughts, and I'm ready to meet his parents.

"Do you trust me?", he clasped my hand tightly.

"I do", I said

"Have you informed your parents?" I said.

"I informed them last night", he said.

"And me?", I asked.

He nodded.

We were on our way to his parent's house. We filled the space with silent mode.

We entered the large gate, where the mansion stands firmly. The maid unlocked the door for us, and my eyes were blown away by the inside view. The furnishings are elegantly organized and opulent, well beyond the cost of my organs. The lavender aroma permeated the entire space, making visitors reluctant to leave the Abrams mansion.

We settle ourselves on the plush couch.

"Call them, Ruth", said Luke.

"Yes, sir", she excused herself.

He still clutched my hand as though I wanted to be separated from him.

"Are you all right?", I asked.

"I'm eager to end the day", he said.

The sound of stomping shoes pierced the silence of the room. A couple stepped into the living room hand in hand with a friendly smile. I stood up and smiled back at them, except for Luke, who seemed annoyed by his parents' presence.

"Hello there", Silas greeted me.

"Hello, sir/ma'am, I'm Isabella", I said.

"Hello Isabella, you have got a lovely name", Delores eyed me up and down.

"Please have a seat", Silas ushered me to sit.

"Luke called us, he wanted to introduce us to his special person. I believe you're his person", said Delores.

"And his lover", Silas' eyes fixed on our hands. I smiled shyly.

"She's my girlfriend. Soon to be my wife", he merged into the conversation.

"Luke is a straightforward man, exactly like me," Silas said.

"Before you two marry, I'd like Isabella to tell us about herself," Delores stated.

"I'm a jewelry designer, I live with my parents, have one brother, no sister at all", I said.

"And I'm from a middle-class family", I said.

"We value your sincerity. However, we need a little more time to consider it," replied Delores.

"Sure ma'am", I said.

"Nothing to think about, mom, I've made up my mind", said Luke.

"Chill, son, people like us shouldn't make hasty decisions," Silas said.

"Isabella, you are aware of who we are. As a well-respected family, it's not simple for us to marry your people. You know what I mean," he said as he sat with his legs crossed, ankle over knee.

"We have a lot to consider, particularly our society", said Delores.

"Sir/ma'am, will they detest you? or excommunicate you if Luke marries a middle-class woman?", I asked.

"That's a good question, Isabella. You're one of those intelligent women. It makes sense why my son likes you", Silas replied.

"If you're in a position of power like us, you'll understand. You can't mix water with oil", said Silas.

"I came here to introduce you to my future wife. I don't give a f*** about your society's considerations, as well as your disapproval," Luke replied emphatically.

"Wow son, she changed you a lot. You're not meant to speak to your parents in such a vulgar manner," Delores explained.

"Son, it's not that we disapprove, it's difficult, and for our own good", said Silas.

"Separating us is not a good thing, but a BAD THING!" he said sharply to his father.

"Calm down, they're your parents", I rubbed his upper arm.

"Son, you have a lot to learn from Isabel. Look how well-mannered she is when she knows she'll be apart from you," Silas stated.


"WE'RE GOING HOME!" he tugged me out, almost making me stumble.

"Luke!", Delores called him back.

Silas held up his hand and signaled Delores to let him go.

He pushed me in and smashed the car door shut.

He clasped the steering wheel in one hand. He drove at speed. While his other hand was still clutching mine.

"Go slowly! Do you want to kill us?", I said.

"I shouldn't have told them! I messed up!" he exclaimed.

"You did the right thing! They must know who their son's with", I said.

"No! They only complicate my life", he said.

"They care about you, Luke", I said.

"They don't F****** care about me, Isabel!", he said.

"All they want is for ME TO FOLLOW ALL THEIR RULES!", he said.

"I'M THEIR SON, NOT A SLAVE!", he said.

"That's how parents are, they still think we're kids," I remarked.

"How can you be so positive? AFTER WHAT THEY SAID TO YOU!", said Luke

"I get what they said, Luke. They're right, it is not easy to make a decision when you're in a position of power", I said.

"So you say, we are going our separate ways?!", said Luke.

"That's not what I meant, Luke... I...", I said

He pulled up the car. He grabbed my face until our faces were close to each other, "Listen, YOU ARE FOREVER MINE!" said Luke.

I sat on the bed, tears flowing down my cheeks, as the words jabbed into my heart deeply. "When she knows, she'll be apart from you." I don't want to be apart from Luke, I feel for him, I love him so much! Please, let us be together.

(Luke pov)

"AAARRGHH!" I smacked my fist on the wall.

"F*** THEM! THEY ARE GOING TO PART US HUH?! IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! WE BELONG TO EACH OTHER! NO ONE CAN SEPARATE US!" My breath blew with rage, I smashed all the things in my living room.

Still unsatisfied, I sat on the floor, my rage unabated.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, it was Jack calling me.

"How did it go?", asked Jack.


"Calm down, Luke! Where are you now?", asked Jack.

"IN MY F****** HOUSE!", I said.

"I'm coming o...."

I ended the call before he finished his sentences.

Jack arrived and immediately knocked on the unlocked door.

"Luke..Luke.. open up!", he shouted.

I remained motionless.


Jack pounded on the door loudly till it yanked open.

He barged in, "Luke..." his foot striking a mound of broken glass on the floor.

"What's going on here?!", he surveyed the disarray in my living room.

Then his eyes fell on me. "Why are you sitting down here?"

I stay silent.

Jack threw his arms around me as he pushed me back to my feet. He dropped me onto the couch.

"I'll get you some water," Jack said as he headed to the kitchen and back with a glass of water.

I jerked it away from Jack's hand. "What's wrong with you? Why did you push it away? It's water, not your family!"

"Speak up, man!" said Jack.


"No Luke! you're out of control", said Jack.

"DO WHAT I SAY!", I said.

Jack fixed his dread and worry-filled gaze on me.

He grabbed a whiskey bottle and cracked open the top. I snatched the bottle from his hand. I sucked it down my throat.

"Stop, Luke! Put that bottle down!", said Jack.

I dumped the bottle on the floor as the liquor hit the spot.

"You're losing it dude!", he said.

"I AM!", I said

Jack drew the chair and sat before me.

"Tell me what happened", he said.

"They disagree", I said.

"If that's the case, you can still change their minds", he said.


"What? They say that?", asked Jack.

"I doubt they'd approve your relationship, but it's hard to suppose they'd look at someone's status," Jack added.

"Your parents out there are so generous that they never consider someone's status. I saw it with my own eyes," he explained.

I glared at him, "It's a mask they wear on!"

"I'm speechless. What are you going to do now?", he asked.

"Elope", I said

"Are you certain of that? Your parents are watching you," he continued.

"I'll find a way. You're going to help me, Jack", I said.

"I'm ready to go to any length for both of you," he stated.

"Have you told Isabel about your plan?" he inquires.

"I just got the idea", I said.

"Tell her right away before things become messy," he said.

"I'll let you know, once I tell her", I said.

"From now on, their eyes will be on you too. Get us a new SIM card. We'll share everything in the app that we created", I said.

"OK, I'll be back tomorrow with a sim card. Take care of yourself", he said.

When his hand landed on the handle, "Luke, I'm scared."

"It's ride or die", I said.

(Isabella POV)

My tears flowed down my pillow, given the hope that had just burned.


"Isabella, are you there?", mother called me

I wiped my tears. "I'm here mom."

"Come on out, we have a special guest over here," mum remarked.

"Give me a sec", I said

I went to my dressing table and powdered my tearful face.

I stepped out of my room, to see him, my old friend!


I shouted "James!" I sprinted over to give him a hug.

James was my senior in high school. He used to protect me from bad guys in school. We've become close ever since. After graduation, he and his parents moved out of town. We met again, today.

"It's been a while, Isabel," he said.

"I nearly buried our friendship," I said.

"Please don't", he said.

We laughed.

"So, what do you do?", I asked.

"Take over my dad's real-estate business", he said.

"Ooh, look at you! A successful businessman", I said.

He laughed shyly. "How about you? Still designing stuff?"

"Yes, I received the email last night. They liked the jewelry I designed!" I explained.

"It's great news! We must celebrate it!", he said.

"Not yet, James. Later, after the product launch", I said

James sighed. "I don't want to stash the joy, just for you."

We were silent for a time, staring at the green trees in front of my house.

"Isabella," he broke the hush.

"Yes?", I asked.

"Can we talk in private?", he said.

"We are in private, James", I chuckled.

"Maybe somewhere", he said.

"At the park? It's not too crowded there", I said.


We strolled leisurely to a nearby park. We sat on the provided bench.

"Here we are. What would you like to talk about?" I inquired.

"Isabella, I... I fall for you", said James.