
The Arslan Chronicles

Aiden's life of material abundance is overshadowed by a lack of familial and romantic love, plunging him into a deep depression. Filling his days with extracurricular activities, Aiden seeks solace in an unexpected confession to both his unsupportive parents and the object of his long-standing affection. When all seems lost, Aiden's escape into the virtual realm takes an unforeseen turn. A Quantum AI named Apollo, residing within his mind, employs the familiar comfort of a PS2 to transport Aiden to Eldoren, a fantastical world of swords and magic. Here, Aiden discovers his newfound role as a Shepard, destined to combat the encroaching miasma threatening Eldoren. As Aiden navigates this captivating world, little does he know that the boy of his dreams has been unwittingly crafted from his unrequited crush. The intersection of reality and fantasy blurs as Aiden grapples with self-discovery, love, and the impending fate of Eldoren. Will he find the strength within himself to save both worlds? Dive into a unique blend of romance, self-realization, and epic adventure in this enchanting tale of reincarnation with a twist. [MON] - [FRI]

FJFreeman · LGBT+
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51 Chs

Part One - Third Year - Chapter [024]

We dabbled in the silence for a minute. 

But it wasn't long before his skin started glowing.

It was just faintly. 

"You're glowing?" I asked

He looked in the mirror. 

"You're right!" He said showing off his shoulder and back. 

"Must be the mana," he explained.

Just like that, it glowed faintly.

He picked me up and spun me around.

I just shirked. 

"What's happening?!" He seemed happy.

"Without even doing the contract, you were able to erode mana as a heart," he explained. I remembered something like that had been said in the science building. 

"Right - " Our dicks had stopped gaining altitude.

So I went out of the bathroom and started dressing. 

He came out sheepishly with a towel on his hips. It was a tiny towel that only covered above his knees.

He looked sexy like that. 

"I hate to ask this - but can I borrow some clothes?" 

I don't think I had any clothes that fit him. But I played it off. 

"Sure let me check my bag, what size are you?" I asked 

"Usually 32 -" he said. 

Apollo, I need some help.

[Happy to assist!] 

Can you make some clothes for Arslan? 

Put them in my bag




There was a chime and my bag flashed from the inside. 

I found a pair of black shorts and a dark blue muscle T-shirt, the one with no sleeves. 

This is perfect - he'll look so hot in this!

I said and took out the clothes giving them to Arslan - he changed in front of me. Putting on the sleeves shirt in such a manly way.

It almost made my nose bleed. 

He shook his hair like a dog.

It was escalating.

The pants fit him perfectly and covered his legs up to just above his knees. 

The fact he had put them on commando. 

And the fact I got a peek at his legs - like two Bison meat. They were royalty-perfect. 

I blushed a little.

I was still just in underwear.

As I realized this I went to grab a t-shirt and put it on.

It fit me like a boyfriend's shirt. 

I then plumped myself into the bed, it was squishy and soft. 

It was heaven. 

"May I cuddle down as well?" He asked.

Weird he would ask that when his dick has just been in my but.

But I just ushered him with my hand. 

He slowly crawled into bed and lay down on his stomach. 

He let out a sigh of relief as his face hit the pillow. 

"This is such a good bed," he said almost giddy.

I laughed a little.

And then slowly started rubbing his back. 

There was silence as his breathing rose and fell.

He was out of breath.

Slowly he regained normal. 

"Is that a healing spell?" He said as I slowly rubbed the soreness away. 

"No just me -" I said. 

"You're good -" he mentioned. I could feel the knots that had formed on his neck around his shoulders and his trapezoids. I tried releasing them softly and accidentally pushed his bone a little too hard and it cracked. 

He tightened in pain and I swiftly let my hand go from touching him - but he sighed so heavily that I relieved the tension - must have been there for weeks. 

"That felt too good -" he said blissfully. "I don't deserve you -" he joked. 

"Let's just call it free service," I mentioned. Thank god for that first aid class I had taken in college. They showed us some chiropractic techniques that were coming in handy. 

"Is that part of being a healer - most of the red lion hearts only care about research - we've never actually had a full-on healer like you," he gasped.

"You did join the Red Lions, right?" he peeked from under the pillow.

"Yes I did - and no - it's just my special anti-stress technique," I bluffed. 

"Well it's really good," he said in between mumbles on the pillow. 

He turned on his other side. Now facing me. I had a hand groping up my neck. 

"Did you meet the hearts of the science building?" He asked. 

"I did -" 

"And what did you think of them?" 

"They're an eccentric bunch for sure - " I took a beat to remember their names. 

"Dan, Arthur, and Kit, right?" 

"That would be them - Dan is the hardest heart to track down - he's never actually completed a ritual of Nuptial," said Arslan. I raised an eyebrow asking for more information.

He continued while looking comfy and rested. 

"Kit has never failed to make a Nuptial contract - everyone has had at least him once as an inamorato," he continued. "But most Red Lions are quick to dispose of him - he's too needy." 

"And since our science building only has a couple of hearts - we're forced to look for them outside the guild."

"That explains a lot," I mentioned.

"And Arthur only had one inamorato long ago - but the warrior died in battle - and he's never had one ever since - I don't know much about it, he was a platoon below me." Said Arslan, he seemed happy to tell me all of this.

"Kit explained inamorato to me, but I don't think I quite grasped it." I mentioned, Arslan stood up and sat on the bed. 

"Okay - so for example - say you and I become inamorato through a contract of Nuptials."

A smile came on my face. 

"The more intimate our relationship gets, the more mana we make, the stronger I'll become, and in turn the stronger your healing spells will be. The potency of potions also depends on a healer's inamorato bond." He explained. It made sense. It seems healers in this world depend on warriors and warriors on healers. 

"Nuptial ceremony is only between men though," he said. 

I smiled like a cat would smile at its prey. 

"And say - how many inamoratos have you had before meeting me?" 

He looked shocked. 

"Well - to tell you the truth - I've never been able to successfully perform the ritual - there's always some blunder or something goes wrong -" 

"And how have you been replenishing your magic?" 

"It's not a bottle that needs feeling up - mana replenishes by itself over time - one needs only rest - however - we only use inamorato when we want to power up and go beyond our current level, mostly whenever we know we can't win a fight - we're not savages - we know hearts need their rest." 

I started debating whether to believe him or not. 

"That's why I made sure to get strong and trained for a body like this," he flexed his arm. The muscle looked hard as rock. About the size of a pigskin, maybe a little bigger.

The dark blue shirt fitted him so well and showed off his arms. His pecs had resided in the front and I could see his abs wanting to pop out through the fabric. Even though he was hunching towards me and everything. 

"What about women - have you ever been with one?" 

He laughed and looked to the side. 

He regained his confidence. 

"What's up with all these personal questions," he said and started to tickle me. 

I was very sensitive and couldn't help but fight him on it. 

He took it as a challenge and did some type of move so that I ended up being embraced in his arms. We were back to back, his legs were the size of my body, and I felt like I was being held by a titan. 

His embrace relaxed and it became a hug. 

But he didn't let me go. I grabbed his forearm and accepted it. A smile came on my face and I blushed. 

"To tell you the truth - " he softly whispered in my ear. 

"I'm not personally interested in women - relationships with men are just - easier - and that's enough for me - although no one has ever been as romantic as you." He explained.

A beat as I felt his breathing softly wind against my neck. 

A dark veil over his eyes.

"It's okay," I said. 

"You can be with me - and that's more than enough - as long as we love each other - respect each other - we can be together - just you and I, and it will be perfect." He hugged me and hid his face on my shoulder. 

"Even though I can't give you child -" he said. 

That was a weird thing to say. 

"And you reside now within the guild - how are people gonna react if I tell them you're my inamorato, won't they think less of you?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter - I'll deal with that when the time comes - and how do you mean - we're not inamorato yet - did you make the contract in my sleep?" He stated. 

"I wouldn't even know how to do the contract," I stated, my face fell to the floor.

There was a beat - like he felt sorry for doubting me. Still he didn't let our embrace go.

He continued by breaking the silence.

"Well I've only ever been able to - umm - finish - with other men, so asking a minder for help is out of the question," he said.

I didn't mind.

It's not like I'm ready to have a child just yet - maybe one day we could adopt?

"I don't think I can take care of a child right now," I said half-jokingly. "I can barely take care of myself." I could feel him sulking.

He was like a giant sad cat. 

It was adorable. 

"Would you like to give your seed to a minder maybe?" He said like there was nothing wrong with that sentence. 

"Not at the moment - no thank you," I said bluntly. 

He embraced me again, sweet and tender, not wanting to let me go. 

There was a beat. 

"I'm glad we're on the same page - because our inamorato will only be able to happen like this - if we're on the same page, the percentage of the circle appearing on bodies goes up." 

I turned to meet his eyes. A devilish smile crept on my face. 

"Do you mean to say you'd have me as your inamorato," 

He blushed, tomato red. 

"I - uh - umm - I suppose so - although I was planning on this at a later time," he said. I turned around and he made room for me between his legs. 

He blinked as I met his face. My face twirling into a devilishly sweet smile.

"Would you do it?" He asked. "Would you be my inamorato?" He asked a little flushed - but still his hands were on me.

My eyes softened, and I put my hands around him. I had to stand on my knees to reach his neck. 

"I'd like that - but I have a few rules." I whispered.


"I want to be your only inamorato - no one else can touch you put me."

He swallowed.

But seemed happy about my proposal. 

"You'd want that?" He asked.

"More than anything." 

"Then we can ask the minder to put that in the scrolls before we do the ceremony of Nuptial - how soon? How soon would you like for it to happen?" 

"How soon are we talking about?" 

He grabbed me by the waist to support me. 

"Well - tomorrow?" He asked seriously but not seriously. 

"Let's do it tomorrow then," I said giddily. 

His smile crept on his face, it was sweet and he looked so pretty with that smile. I couldn't help but touch his face and feel his beard against my hand. It was prickly and welt-kept. 

"Tomorrow at Day Break then," he started. "We go to the minder and ask for a ceremony!"

He kept talking, manhandling me. But I let him.

"Then - Well go see if you're application arrived afterwards and report to the chief." He continued. 

"Sounds good," I said. And then continued our tickle war like it had never stopped. 

After some playing around - we drank the spirits which were surprisingly still very cold thanks to a freezing spell they had attached to it with a little note that hung from the bottle. 

It tasted sweet like raspberries.

After some talking and laughing the night away, we crawled into bed in our usual crown and heart position, him fully embracing me.

His hand went up my shirt. It was almost involuntary.

And we fell asleep.

Shoulder to shoulder in a sweet embrace.

scenes like this just make me wanna fangirl and squeal!! xD

oh girl it's too much for me to handle lol.

hey I'm opening up a patreon for all my art (inlcuding the naughty bits), if you'd like to check it out follow my ig for more.

(thoru is my artist name, FJ Freeman is my pen name, but I'm still the same person! :D )



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