My name is Joseph Kranoick. I built myself from the ground up, by sacrificing most of my teenage days to be happy now. Now, the only thing that brings me joy is being stronger than anyone else. Maybe thats why, I have this deep desire that even I didn't know to conquer everything that exists.
(POV, 3rd person)
Inside of what seemed to be like a 10 million dollar mansion, there was a couple, lying in bed and cuddling together.
The second the alarm clock hit 0400 and began to ring, the man woke up and got out of bed.
The woman on the bed gave him a bright smile and a kiss on his lips as he left the bedroom.
The second he left, the first thing he did was brush his teeth and begin preparing breakfast for himself.
4 scrambled eggs with bacon. That was his breakfast, for the last 10 years. It's been 10 years and he could only count a handful of times he broke his diet.
Well, his complete self control is what brought him to his success today.
His name is Joseph Kranoick and he became a multi millionaire at the age of 22.
When he was 16, his entire life had changed. His father's business had crashed, causing him to not be able to pay enough to go to private school anymore.
After attending public school for exactly 2 weeks he couldn't take it anymore. He quit. He realized that the school there wasn't the same as his old school.
The teachers there did not know what they were talking about in regards to the real world. The way to make money isn't through degrees. Have hundreds of thousands in debt, pay it off and become rich at 45, that's their plan to success.
Well, he himself knew the truth. He has seen his father riches with his own eyes.
He also knows the reason for his fathers downfall.
After his mother had died 10 years ago, that's when his fathers business became extremely successful. His father barely spent any time home, working every single second.
And it was about 2 years ago he got remarried.
After that, everything had changed.
He fell into a vicious trap of following literally everything his step-mom said.
Taking days off work. Not hitting the gym. Not meditating. Never wanting more and being content. That's what ruined him.
His fathers entire business model was based on connections between large coal manufacturers and connecting them to some third world countries and businesses.
The second his father stopped building on these connections, everyone that knew him had their opinions changed.
His well built empire slowly crumbled and he was too blind to see it happen.
He remembers the day he decided to quit, watching his father using what little money they had to drown himself in alcohol.
"She left. They all leave." He shouted, as he threw the bottle of Vodka at the wall.
It was at that time Joseph understood that he had to become disciplined.
That's the way to success, discipline.
Doing what you don't want to do.
So he began his everlasting conquest.
The first thing he did was simple, check his family's remaining amounts of money.
When he saw a thousand dollars in the bank, he felt a little relieved.
It was in his own personal account, something his mother set up for him years ago and he never checked since he never had the heart to.
He decided to change his mindset and thus began to buy books regarding that.
He started with '12 Rules to life,' by Jordan Peterson.
This book taught him that freedom itself has restrictions.
He learnt that with order comes chaos and with chaos comes order. The perfect balance is what will hell you achieve your dream.
From there he also started to build his physique.
To go to the gym every single day of his life.
Everyone has a 'why,' to start. No matter how big it is, a why is a why.
This was Joseph's why.
His reason was simply to not be poor. He had been rich and he had been poor and he choose rich every single day.
Money can't buy happiness? Bullshit, he would worry about that after he was rich.
Joseph was always an intelligent child. He decided to play on his strength.
He started listing down all the things that made him, him.
He read books. Plenty of fictional ones, even non fictional.
He plays a decent amount of basketball, not enough to be as good as his friends, but he played for a year.
He was empathetic.
He had control over his emotions.
He was extremely talented with mathematics.
He had good public speaking skills.
This might not seem like a lot to work with, but it's what he had.
He also decided to look further than what will happen a year or two from now.
A long lasting mindset leads to success.
Skills take years to build. He didn't become good at mathematics by simply breathing. He had tutors from a young age constantly lecturing him on the basics.
That's why at the age of 16 itself he knew the basics of differential equations, University level mathematics.
His money wouldn't last him long, so he had to think of ways to make income to survive as well.
So he decided to be smart about his problem.
He decided to go through social media to become rich.
However, he wasn't going to immediately make his own channel. No, that wouldn't make him money right now, he decided to become a channel editor.
After that, he spent his next 2 weeks constantly either in front of a computer or in the gym.
Every single day felt like shit, but he knew he would feel like shit if he didn't do his work anyway so might as well just do the work.
His lifestyle didn't immediately change.
There were plenty of times he stopped and decided to quit. But he still did the work.
After 2 weeks of constant practice, he decided he had enough of a skill level to become at least a decent editor. Not a pro, but decent.
Then, he started making YouTube shorts.
Minecraft was popping off at this time, so he made minecraft shorts.
After a week, he was able to gain a couple tens of subscribers.
After all, no one uses YouTube shorts, Tiktok was more famous at this point.
Then, he contacted tens of small YouTube's with a couple thousand subscribers.
Showing each of them his videos and asking for a reasonable rate of money for his work.
He got ignored most of the time but eventually, he got 2 'clients.'
Like that, he became a full time editor for about a year.
Yes, a year.
He quit all of his bad habits and had self control.
Taking ice baths in the mornings, working out everyday and mainly for him, quitting porn and anime.
By this time, his father had picked himself back up, getting himself a managerial position in one of his old close friends' company.
At this time, Jonathan then decided that he has enough wealth and technical skills too.
He decided to switch courses .
He had planned out his life beforehand, and things were going according to plan.
The youtubers who were his clients had gotten to nearly 100k subscribers in total, and Jonathan changed his rates from taking fixed amounts, to taking a percentage cut of the videos.
He had around 20 thousand after all his expenses in the year.
He didn't look at the sum and belittle himself, it was his year of hard work.
Now, it was time for the next phase.
In the year, Joseph has also spent his time learning how to code, more specifically, his to make websites.
He then went to small businesses, and charged them money for creating websites, and even sometimes getting his YouTube partners to advertise their items for them.
After all, he was close friends with his clients, and he got all this from reading the book,' how to win friends and influence people.'
After this, he once again slowly but surely built more money.
He didn't make a lot, but he was working hard to build more skills.
Eventually, he created his own YouTube channel and became a social media influencer.
His channel was mainly about how to gain social skills, considering the millions of neets out there in the world, his channel got bug pretty quickly.
That was his journey for 10 years.
He picked up a lot of good habits and friends along the way and lost a lot of things as well.
He learnt to be grateful and mindful, through meditation and journaling.
He learned to look ahead into the future through delayed gratification and nofap.
He created a perfect physique anyone would die for.
He had a perfect life.
A perfect life he built through blood sweat and tears.
He understood 10 years ago, success is built through hard times.
Wanting to be rich without working, sorry the world doesn't work that way.
Wanting to get the hot girls without being hit yourself? Sorry the world doesn't work that way.
Wanting to be confident in your communication skills without accepting that that means being rejected and shut down? Sorry, the world doesn't work that way.
Wanted to be perfect without putting in the world? Sorry, the world doesn't work that way.
Joseph felt no empathy for people who said,' oh you got lucky.'
Yes, he got lucky, lucky enough to wake up with a 6 pack and 40 million dollars in his bank account.
He got lucky enough to be able to sleep with any woman he wants solely because he wants to.
Well, he didn't need to care about them. He was now the ceo of Kranoick Entertainment, and his conquest was not over.
Elsewhere, in the void, 49 extremely powerful beings were all standing near each other and casually reminiscing about the past.
"HAHAHA, remember the time when your champion decided that it would be a wise idea to tempt the Book of Death by killing herself to prove she is worthy, Death?" Asked a wise looking old man, who was wearing sapphire blue robes.
"If you would ever let me forget it, you brute!" Shouted Lady Death at the old man.
"Your situation was no better, Mana. Your champion decided to disintegrate their body and become mana itself, all to prove to Mana that they should be in complete control and not you, even though you yourself are the living embodiment of Mana!" Said another person/
Then continued on the blame game for a certain amount of time, before eventually, a man in a suit and tie appeared in this meeting.
His outfit stood out from the entire audience that was present. Literally everything about him was perfect. The suit he was wearing did not have a single crinkle on it. The void around him moved to literally follow him and himself only. His messy blond hair also stayed permanently in place, and did not seem to move no matter how much the man moved. It would come as no surprise to everyone around him that he himself is the Embodiment of Perfection.
"Ah Perfect, nice of you to join the party." Said Mana with slight jealousy in his tone.
"Well Mana, it is time for the next competition. As according to tradition, I brought the ex-champion of the last round to start the ceremony." Perfect said, as he signaled to a young man behind himself.
"Right. I remember being here over a Billion years ago. Time sure flies when you are an Omni-God huh." Said the young man with a slight smile on his face.
No one there seemed to deny it, as they all had similar expressions on their faces.
"Well then, with the blessing of randomness, I will select 50 people from a random planet."
Said the young man, and with a wave of his hand, the selection phase for the competition had officially begun.
(Author's note: I am writing this book as inspiration from the Book: Battle across the Omniverse. The rules will literally be the same. Everything of the first chapter except for where the MC is going will be the same since I don't actually like the Saint Seya Versa)