
Aina gets abducted by the Master

Ivan: I'll marry her. I'm ready to marry Emma whenever she wants.

David saw him for a while and hugged him.

Carl's mother exhaled a sigh of relief.

David: she is very innocent. Take care of her.

Ivan assures him yes.

On the other side;

On call;

Guard: Master, they left the apartment at night.

Aaron: Follow them right now. I need every single detail.

Guard: ok master.

He cut the call.

In Emma's home;

Carl's mother (to Carla): it's getting dark. We need to go back to our home.

Carla: Mom, please try to understand. Emma needs me. I can't leave her alone in this situation.

Carla's mother: I know my daughter but don't you think she also needs rest. It's already the second night. If you'll be there all the time on her head, how will she forget? How will she come back to normal life? Also, I'm not restricting you. You can come back tomorrow. It's just I want you to sleep at home.

Carla: No mom, I'm not going. Do whatever you want.

Carla's mother went straight to David. She knows who can handle her daughter well.

Carla's mother (to David): David, you are my sensible son. Please ask Carla to go home with me. You know how insecure I feel without her with me at home. I just want to take her home and she is not going.

David went to the kitchen where Carla was washing a glass.

He grabbed her arm from behind.

Carla (shocked): what happened?

David: Why don't you listen to your mom? Huh?

Carla: oh, so she complained.

David: it's not about the complaint. It's about your behavior, I'm seeing you for a few days.

Carla: What I did do?

David: you are going home with your mother right now.

Carla: but I can't.

David: No buts, you are going.

He said and went out.

Carla hardly controlled her anger and went to Emma.

Emma wasn't speaking to anybody. She was sitting in the corner like a lifeless body.

Carla: Emma, I'm going home now. I'll come tomorrow again.

She hugged her and then hugged Aina and Bella.

Aina: Take care of yourself.

Carla: sure, you too.


Carl's mother: Thanks, David.

David: My pleasure, auntie.

David knew that Carla's mother is requesting for her sake. She needs rest. She knows about her health. Carla is a very sensitive girl and can become ill if she stayed longer. Her overthinking and sensitivity can lead to depression and stress which he can't afford at any cost. So he forced her to go.

Carla's mother also knew that she won't deny David that's why she asked him.

On the other side;

On the call;

Guard: Master, we have traced her location. Currently, she is in the Laxica colony.

Aaron: good.

He ordered the driver to drive toward the Laxica colony.

In Emma's home:

Bella came to Aina who is sitting with Emma.

Bella: Aina, there is no bread in the kitchen.

Aina: ask David or Ivan to bring new from the market.

Bella: ok

After a while, Bella came back.

Bella: They are nowhere to be seen.

Aina: hmmm, then make something else.

Bella: I have checked. There's nothing to be made.

Aina: hmmm, we need to make something for tonight. Nobody has eaten anything. That doesn't look good. I'm going to buy something from the market. You stay here with Emma.

Bella: but how will you go alone? Let's wait for the boys to come. They'll come soon.

Aina: Oh Bella, the market is just a few steps ahead. Why should we wait? Don't worry, I'll come back in no time. You just take care of yourself and Emma, ok.

Bella: hmmm, ok.

Aina went out of the home and started walking toward the market which she was thinking only a few steps ahead.

The market was a little far from the house.

Aina kept on walking and after some time reached the market.

She bought some eatables and paid the bill on the counter.

On the other side:

Guard: Master, her current location is the Laxica Mall.

Aaron: ok.

He instructed the driver to turn the vehicle toward Laxica Mall.

In Emma's home;

David and Ivan brought some shopping bags and handed them to Bella.

David: Where is Aina?

Bella: she has gone to the market to buy something to eat.

David (angrily): why? Why did you let her go alone at midnight? Have you girls gone mad?


Aina left the mall and started walking home. She is carrying shopping bags in one hand and walking on the footpath alongside the road.

Aaron is continuously tracing her location.

After some time, A girl walking alongside the road is seen and the car stopped near her.

Suddenly someone dragged her into the car sealing her mouth.

In the car;

Aina is continuously struggling for freedom.

Finally, Aaron broke the silence.

Aaron: So Miss Aina, where you thought you were going?

Aina couldn't speak because of his tight grip on her.

He loosened the grip and uncovered her face so that she can answer. She breathes heavily. Her body was trembling but she relaxes after listening to his voice.

Aaron: Didn't I warn you from running? You were running at midnight to escape from marriage.

Aina: what's your problem, Aaron? Why don't you let me live? What I have done? Why do you always torture me? Even if I agreed to marry you now what's your problem? You don't have the right to kidnap me like this.

Aaron: Don't forget that Soon I'll have this right too, Miss Aina. Just a few days, and you'll be all mine. What will you do then? Even you can't do anything now without my permission. Hahaha.

Aina: just leave me.

She tries to get herself free from his grip. But to her bad luck, he even tightened the grip harder.

Aaron: you want to know the reason why I'm doing this to you? Here's the proof. He showed the CCTV video of the flat in which she was discovered with John's friend.

She became astonished after watching the video. Her body started trembling again. Her throat dried up. Her cheeks became red with embarrassment.

Aaron: Still you dare to call yourself a pure virgin girl? This is my problem. I want to make a slut's life hell. This is why I'm marrying you because without marrying, I won't have been able to have full rights to you. I'll make sure that women like you who exploit the men of this society get what they deserve.