
The Arrival of the Author

I was a writer. I had nothing else but my imagination, I've always read what it would be like to be transmigrated how they would live out their new lives and affect and live the story they wrote. I am no one. I was alone, everyone else was gone, I was an orphan, abandoned, but I survived through life and now I still feel empty after achieving success over the years. An Offer? A being appeared in front of me telling me that the next time after I finish a book I would die immediately. I was skeptical but still continued writing. Sacrifice Sure enough I did die, but I wrote my last book with that in mind. I'm screwed. No I am screwed, I created an entirely loose plot with plot holes since I thought everything was a joke and that I was hallucinating, I even made a damned Sequel and released it at the same time! Damn it.

OpSig · Fantasy
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43 Chs


As I was looking around me and Tear found out this place wasn't an ordinary place judging by its decoration it belongs to those I only found online of what millionaire's house are inside.

[ I don't remember reading about a Birthington ]

"I thinks probably because I said there were ten major noble clans and twenty five lower clans but never bothered mentioning the other ten other than the three relevant major clans."

[ By the look's of it looks like the Birthington name is a Major Noble Clan its either a blessing or a curse depending on where we're aligned ]

"Yeah but now we have to still be on the look out, I don't know my mother's Identity but by the looks of it she cares for me."

[ You said you had a brother and sister right? ]


[ Then let's find those potions and meet them maybe we'll have a clear direction after once we've known more details. ]

I just nodded, right now this Goddess is my only sure fire companion since if I die she dies along with me she dies too or so, as we walked down the halls I noticed that this place was a modern castle with various statues and paintings plastered on the wall.

There were maids and butlers everywhere, they were cleaning and transporting stuff in boxes, and as I looked behind me there at least two butlers following me, I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

"We were tasked to follow the Young Master around lest you collapse in the middle of daylight."

I just nodded but this place, or rather this time period it feels like it has returned to the middle ages but its still futuristic, there were holograms in place, holographic pictures of what I assume were my family, I couldn't find myself but I did notice there was an empty holographic portrait on the end.

Technically I should know the ins and outs of this world and I regret for taking it as a joke which inevitably screwed me up as right now I have little to no information since I just made the novel as a joke, right now all I know about this worlds history is that Humans have mana but not everyone can use it, Angels and Demons are real, so are other races present.

This is still earth but technically this land is divided into seven continents with each continent having its own major race, right now I'm in the Abela continent by the looks of it, Abela continent is the continent of the human race bordering the Elven and Dwarven continents.

I observed and continued looking at the decorations, as I looked at the windows on the sides it looks like this place is situated in the middle of a forest or so since I could hardly see any lights other than this place and it was night time.


[ We are gonna die ]

I was knocked down after I bumped into something and as I looked at who I knocked onto, I gulped, the man in front of me was huge, his body looked like those guys you see in the gym and took steroids. I could see the man look down on me he eventually dragged me up and to my surprised he hugged me, I could hardly breathe as I could feel his physique was not a joke.

"Ah has my brother finally decided to leave his forsaken room this is a joyous occasion!"

"Yes ugh"

[ Let me try, 'Observe!' ]

Name : Seth Birthington

{ Other Relevant Information Blocked! Tear's level is too low please level her up! }

[ What the hell! ]

"You're crushing me Seth."

"Ah I'm sorry I forgot that you for lack of a better word are a weakling brother, no matter that changes today! Come with me."

I just nodded but the amount of strength he exerted unto me was too strong, I could feel that I was getting exhausted by the second, and without losing a beat the butlers behind me coughed and brought a wheelchair.

I could hear Tear laughing in my head, damn this weak body but then again I won't force myself and I'll just enjoy the ride I supposed.

"Let me"

Seth the big brother took over from there while the butlers still remained behind us.

"Thank you"

"No problem, you know Lucas, if you really don't want to join the academy and well stay what you are right now you can, the four of us won't complain"

"I know."

Right now I just want to listen, looks like this big brother of mine really cares for me judging by his tone.

"Your Fiancé will be coming by tomorrow to what I assume would be to start forming a relationship with you as she will start accepting her fate."

"Not for a divorce?"

Seth just laughed shortly after, it looked like what I said was a joke.

"If only she could, she hails from the lower rank nobility, it was her father that asked your hand in marriage so they would have benefits and protection, although Father and Mother were reluctant we convinced them so at the very least you would not die alone."

"I don't know what to say."

"I know you are very grateful, It's the very least we can do."

I was just speechless looks like my entire family has banked on me being useless and perhaps a shut in, afterwards he began talking and describing the my supposed Fiancé and compared it to his' I just listened and didn't say anything else, shortly we reached the entrance where dozens of butlers and maids shipped box and a tall woman in black armor stood at the center overseeing everything.


Seth called her out and she turned around, she had red hair and nice figure, she was a beauty no doubt, she turned around with a serious expression she looked like she was angry at Seth for calling her but as soon as she saw me she smiled, needless to say I was nervous.

[ Looks like not only you're a neet but you're the golden child of this family ]

Aria who smiled then patted and hugged me, I was overwhelmed as her chest was pressing against my face.

"Let go you're suffocating him."


[ Yes let go don't let this guys experience joy ]

"Ah right I forgot."

Seth then let go of the wheelchair and Aria grabbed it she then moved it forward, she stopped after moving it for awhile, I could see there was a box with a glowing flower in it.

"Here eat it."

Aria grabbed it and handed it to me, It looked like it was a red spider lily flower or lycoris radiata, it was glowing red, and if I knew my references it looked like it was huge death flag for me.

[ You'll Die don't! ]

Aria and Seth looked at me, as if they were waiting for me to eat it, judging by their appearances they're the type to not kill their own kin so what the hell I immediately ate it, at first it was very tasty surprisingly it was until I felt something choke up and Aria just patted my back.

"Don't worry you're gonna choke and faint but when you wake up you'll be strong like us."

I looked at them as I was suffocating this time and I couldn't breathe eventually I closed my eyes.

[ Status! ]

{ Alive }

{ Lycoris of Death being detoxified absorbing effects }

{ Estimated Time of Completion : 15 Hours Left }

[ What does it do, Observe! ]

{ Birthington Lycoris of Death : Marginally Increases users stats by killing them momentarily, gives birth to new cells and improves constitution. This plant has been specially cultivated by the Birthington family since time immemorial }

{ Requirements for Use : User must have F- in all of the main stats especially talent to obtain the Lycoris body or an improved constitution , failure to comply will lead to real death, crippling oneself gains the effect but permanently disables the chance to gain the Lycoris body, Luck isn't counted. }

{ Activation effects : If used by a normal species will improve grades by one to two levels only if used by one from the Birthington bloodline along with performing the Birthington Ritual effects are greatly improved and grants the Lycoris Body. }

[ And here I thought it was game over ]

[ Looks like even if he's unconscious and didn't restrict me I can still see and hear the outside now where are they taking me. ]

"It was his sixteenth birthday, according to the history books it was supposed to be on his birthday."

"What are we going to do next Aria?"

"Cut open his abdomen"

[ They're not joking are they? Oh crap ]

"Alright after that?"

"The books says to gain the Lycoris Body we have to place Lycoris seeds and flowers and place it in after that there was nothing else."

"So we just killed our own brother?"

"Let me check"

[ Her eyes turned gold? I just hope she doesn't see me. ]

"He's still alive and the Lycoris veins are merging with his, Everyone Move!"

[ What the hell are they putting in his body? And Why is it Merging! ]

{ Merged with Lycoris Seed! Obtaining Tear EXP! }

{ Congratulations Tear has leveled up! }

{ Tear is now level one! }

{ Shop function unlocked! }

"Let me open it wider."

"Just don't make it bigger so I can still heal his skin

[ Oh Yes! Cut open his entire body! Place all your treasures! ]

{ Merged with Lycoris Seed! Obtaining Tear EXP! }

{ Merged with Lycoris Seed! Obtaining Tear EXP! }

{ Merged with Lycoris Flower! Obtaining Tear EXP! }

{ Merged with Atrendron Flower! Obtaining Tear EXP! }

{ Merged with Straget Seed! Obtaining Tear EXP! }

{ Congratulations Tear has leveled up! }

{ Congratulations Tear has leveled up! }

{ Congratulations Tear has leveled up! }

[ I could get used to this. ]