
The Arrival of Naruto in the Marvel Universe

**This is a translation** ... Nick Fury: I have the Avengers. Charles Doyle: I also have an organization. Nick Fury: The Avengers are powerful. Charles Doyle: My organization is invincible! Nick Fury: We defend the Earth and show aliens that humans have the power to take revenge. Charles Doyle: In addition to defending against aliens, we also take the sacred tree to alien worlds for planting. Nick Fury: I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., overseeing all threatening beings on Earth. Charles Doyle: Hehe, Snake Shield Agency? ???? ????? Charles Doyle brings the Naruto mobile game to the Marvel world, causing the marvel world to go upside down. ... Support me and get early access to chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa

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Chapter 137: Infiltration

Barbara at this moment recalled the information about Charles Doyle. Initially, when she took the mission, Coulson brought her a paper file.

It was said that there was a malfunction in the system, which led to the loss of Charles Doyle's file. A comprehensive inspection was done, but the reason was not found.

The disappearance of Charles Doyle's file from the system was not suspected to be caused by Charles himself. After all, they knew he didn't have that ability.

Moreover, the action of simply deleting only one electronic file was too foolish, and the target was too obvious. It didn't seem like the action of someone who had made such a big name in the assassin world.

After that incident, the department decided to upgrade the internal network to prevent such incidents from happening again. This time it was only a Level 4 file loss, but what if a higher-level file had a problem next time? That would be a big issue.

Fortunately, Coulson had a backup of Charles Doyle's paper information, but the content of the paper information was not as comprehensive as the online version. Some evaluations and psychological assessments were lost, which had some impact, but not much.

However, this loss increased Nick Fury's suspicions. After all, the information of others was not lost, only Charles's was missing, which was unreasonable.

Barbara now recalled the information she had seen earlier. She remembered that the file stated that Charles Doyle was originally adopted by an assassin couple. Combined with today's performance, she was really suspicious.

Was it possible that Charles Doyle was someone who had come out of a laboratory?

But considering that Charles was in New York from a young age, it shouldn't be the result of research from other major countries. 

After all, they wouldn't establish a laboratory in New York. As for other large companies, if it were the result of a laboratory, it would have been found long ago.

Shaking off this whimsical thought, Barbara was still quite satisfied with today's gains. On her first day here, she got new information about the target of the mission—super strength!

Although she hadn't obtained information about the force behind Charles, as well as the organization represented by the symbol on his headgear, Barbara believed that she would definitely get the information she wanted after a certain period of time.


At this time, Charles, carrying the box containing Mark 1 armor, came to his room. Fortunately, his room was large enough, so there was no worry about not having enough space.

In no time, Charles violently dismantled the wooden crate and packaging box outside, revealing the detailed contents inside.

A brand-new Mark 1 armor!

Placing the armor against the wall, Charles admired the machine. This was the prototype of the Mark armor, the first armor created by Tony Stark.

Looking at the newly polished, shimmering silver-white armor, Charles nodded in satisfaction. The Mark 1 armor looked classic without any coloring.

Apart from the power source, Tony had fully equipped the repaired Mark 1 armor with all the originally equipped weapons, including small missiles.

After admiring the Mark 1 armor, Charles did not store it in his storage space.

He treated it as a large figurine and placed it in a corner of the room.

This thing didn't have a power source. In Charles's view, it was no different from a figurine. As for whether thieves would come to steal it, Charles wasn't concerned at all.

With its weight of tons, it was not something an ordinary person could carry away, especially from his room.

However, at this moment, Charles was looking forward to the exhibition hall of his collection in his base. Currently, he only had two items in his collection, so it seemed he needed to work harder.

Later, Charles took out his phone and dialed Tony Stark's number.

At that moment, Tony was in his underground laboratory, working on various equipment components.

"Sir, there is a call for you from Charles Doyle."

Both Tony and Parker heard the voice of Jarvis.

Upon hearing that it was Charles Doyle, Tony immediately stopped what he was doing and said, "Jarvis, put the call through!"

"Hey, Tony."

"I have received the Mark 1. It's pretty good!"

Listening to the voice of Charles Doyle, Tony smiled and said, "Charles, Mark 1 is nothing. When my latest armor is developed, that will be the real cool thing!"

"By then, you will know what the beauty of technology and mechanics combined truly is!"

Listening to Tony's conceited words, Charles smiled and replied, "OK, I'll be waiting for your latest technology. Then you can put on the armor and we can have a showdown."

Charles also wanted to test the power of Mark 2 with Tony's reminder.

"Bro, you must be kidding. My new armor is definitely not something that human strength can contend with, even with your pet snake Aoda."

"But then, I'll take you for a flight. You can let Aoda take me for a ride as well!"

Although Tony had already conducted a preliminary flight experiment, he couldn't forget the sensory stimulation Aoda had given him. He knew the feelings of the two were different.

On the other end of the phone, upon hearing Tony mention Aoda, Charles also found it interesting. Tony not only made armor but also remembered his Blue Snake.

"Okay, let's find an uninhabited desert and experience each other's possession!"

After a few more words of chit-chat, Charles hung up Tony's call.

Clearly, not only did Tony want to experience Aoda's extreme speed again, but Charles also wanted to experience the flying ability of the Mark armor.

After all, if there was a chance to try out Iron Man's armor, who wouldn't want to?

However, Charles was only preparing to give it a try. As a man destined to pilot "Uchiha Gundam" in the future, the Mark armor was just a toy for him.

Unless Tony developed the nano armor, after Mark 50, that would really impress Charles.

Thinking about the armor, Charles thought of Scorpion. He wondered if Scorpion, upon seeing Tony's armor and understanding what it was, would try to make one for himself.

Thinking of this, Charles touched his chin. He thought it was quite possible.

He just didn't know what kind of puppet Scorpion could make after combining the new knowledge.

On the other side-

In the desert area of Afghanistan, Zala was looking at the drawings in his hand and the footage of the Iron Man armor from the surveillance, as she was lost in thought.

Then he pulled up the footage of Tony manufacturing equipment in the cave, and with a few of his knowledgeable subordinates, they watched it for a while, but still couldn't figure out how Tony turned missiles into an Iron Man suit.