
He looks so handsome when reading a newspaper

Zhang Lihua took her bath and changed into simple home clothes. She still felt a slight headache and she felt little pain in her stomach.

Zhang Lihua went downstairs and saw Li Cheng sitting on the coach reading a newspaper, he was still in his home clothes.

He was supposed to be at work by now. "Aren't you going to work today?" She asked curiously

He replied plainly "Am not, I cancelled all my appointments."

Zhang Lihua asked confusedly "Why?"

"Because I don't want my wife to drink herself to death when am away, besides am repaying your favour for taking care of me when I was sick"

Zhang Lihua blushed lightly when she heard him say "my wife". What was happening to her? She was acting too weak in front of him.

"You didn't have to go that far because of me"

"It's nothing, Madam Zhu has prepared your breakfast, she also kept some pills for stomach pain and headache for you, make sure you take it."

Zhang Lihua stared at him blankly, she felt as if she was falling for the man in front of her. That can't be possible, she had plans of divorcing him once her family business was stable, she can't fall in love with him.

She replied softly "thank you for helping me out yesterday, I really do appreciate."

Li Cheng continued reading the newspaper quietly.

Zhang Lihua ate her breakfast and took the pills Madam Zhu gave to her. Zhang Lihua sat next to Li Cheng on the coach. She stole glances at Li Cheng.

He looks so handsome when reading a newspaper. What am I thinking? Zhang Lihua you have to kill those thoughts, you can't fall in love with him.

Afternoon approached quickly, Li Cheng had returned to his study to go through some documents while Zhang Lihua watched a programme.

There was a knock on the door. Zhang Lihua opened the door and saw Secretary Jiao, she was holding a stack of papers. She greeted Zhang Lihua politely "Lady Boss"

"Secretary Jiao, it's good to see you again, come in."

Zhang Lihua knew Secretary Jiao was Li Cheng's secretary. She had met her during their wedding.

"There's no need for that Lady Boss, I just came to give this to Boss, please help me give it to him" Secretary Jiao handed the stack of papers in her hands to Zhang Lihua "Lady Boss, I will take my leave now."

"Okay, drive carefully."

Zhang Lihua looked at the stack of papers, she saw 10 words written in capital letters "A BACKGROUND CHECK CONDUCTED ON LIU QIANG AND ZHOA BIYU"

She was speechless, Li Cheng conducted a background check on Liu Qiang and Zhao Biyu but why did he do that?

Zhang Lihua knocked on the door of the study. A voice came from inside "come in"

Zhang Lihua entered the room and kept the stack of papers on a table "Secretary Jiao brought this papers for you"

Li Cheng replied without removing his eyes from the document "Hmm"

"Li Cheng"

Li Cheng raised his head and looked at Zhang Lihua "Hmm"

"Why did you conduct a background check on Liu Qiang and Zhao Biyu?"

"I wanted to get to know the people who made my wife feel bad yesterday"

Zhang Lihua was speechless, whenever she heard Li Cheng call her his wife, she felt a strange warmth in her heart, her cheeks burned slightly.

Li Cheng added softly "and next time, you don't have to knock before entering my study"

"Okay" Zhang Lihua left immediately, she didn't want Li Cheng to notice her burning cheeks.