
The Arranged Marriage, Pack and Duty!

At the altar stood Damon Blackwood, his posture rigid and his gaze cold as he watched her approach. As Serena Sinclairs reached the front of the aisle, Damon offered her a tight-lipped smile that did little to ease the tension between them. She returned the gesture with a forced smile of her own, her eyes flashing with hatred as she took her place beside him. "I, Serena Sinclairs, take you, Damon Blackwood, to be my husband," she recited mechanically, her voice rigid and emotionless. Damon's lips quirked into a smug smile as he repeated the words back to her with sarcasm. "I, Damon Blackwood, take you, Serena Sinclairs, to be my wife." She stole a glance at Damon, his handsome features set in a mask of indifference as he recited his vows with mechanical precision as well. The officiant pronounced the two of them as husband and wife, and then faced them with a smile; "You both may now share a kiss." Everyone eagerly watched, waiting to see if they would eventually kiss given the hatred between those two... ********** In the mystical realms of South Queensferry Town and Edinburgh City, Scotland, two powerful werewolf packs, the Blackwoods and the Moonstones, have long vied for dominance. Billionaire businessman Damon Blackwood and socialite Serena Sinclair are thrust into an arranged marriage, their union a strategic move to strengthen their packs' positions and their businesses in human society. Damon illicit affair in their marriage brought about the downfall of their personal life and businesses. And to overcome the struggles, they both needed to work together. Will Serena agree to his terms and work with Damon? Or will his past hurtful actions toward her determine her decision? Find out in this spellbinding tale of romance, betrayal, and supernatural warfare.

Nikkybrien270 · Urban
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5 Chs

5. Spy


Seven hours before the Incident.

In a spacious office overlooking the scenic landscape of the Town, two distinguished gentlemen in their forties sat across from each other, their faces illuminated by the soft glow of the afternoon sun streaming through the windows.

They are engrossed in conversation about the upcoming full moon and its potential effects on the werewolf community.

Their faces were serious, their voices low as they discussed the details of their plans during the upcoming full moon.

Midway through their discussion, a security guard entered the room, his presence interrupting their conversation. "Excuse me, sirs," he said respectfully. "There's someone here from Edinburgh to report as usual."

The two men exchanged a glance before nodding in unison. "Very well, show the person in," one of the men instructed, his tone authoritative.

A few moments later, the door opened again, revealing a figure standing in the doorway. The person's identity was concealed, hidden beneath a black hoodie as they stepped into the room.

"This is the recent developments in Edinburgh," the person began, their voice shrouded in secrecy. "The wedding between Serena and Damon has concluded, and both families' businesses are now firmly established in the city."

The two men leaned forward, their interest piqued by the news. "Excellent," one of them said, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "And what of the upcoming event?"

The person nodded, their expression unreadable beneath the shadows. "Damon and Serena will be attending," they replied cryptically.

The two men locked gazes before turning their attention back to the mysterious figure before them. "We understand," one of them said, his tone decisive. "And we know what needs to be done."

With that, the conversation came to an end, and the person prepared to take their leave. But before the person departed, the two men made a surprising statement.

"We appreciate your loyalty and dedication," one of them said, his voice filled with gratitude. "And we would like to formally introduce you to the main boss soon. But hope you won't betray us along the line?"

With a flourish, the person removed their hoodie, revealing their identity to be none other than Kiera. Her eyes flashed with determination as she met their gaze, her loyalty unwavering despite any dangers that might lay ahead.

"I have been spying on the Blackwoods and Sinclairs for the past five years," Kiera said, her voice filled with conviction. "And I will stop at nothing to seek revenge for my parents' death."

The two men nodded in approval, their respect for Kiera evident in their expressions. "You have served us well, Kiera," one of them said, his voice filled with pride. "And we will reward you soon."

With that, the meeting came to an end, and Kiera departed, her mind buzzing with their upcoming plans and strategies.

As Kiera departed from the mansion, her senses on high alert, she had the feeling that she was being followed. With each step she took towards the bus station, the presence of her pursuer loomed closer.

Instinctively, Kiera changed her course, veering off the main path and into a quieter, more secluded area. When she glanced over her shoulder, she confirmed her suspicions as she caught sight of the figure tailing her.

With swift and calculated movements, Kiera positioned herself in a strategic stance, ready to attack the guy first.

As her pursuer closed in, Kiera acted with precision, using her training to outmanoeuvre and disarm him. In a matter of seconds, the struggle was over, as she shot him in the head without hesitation.

Breathing heavily, Kiera surveyed her surroundings, ensuring that they were alone. She dragged the body towards the nearby river, her movements swift and efficient.

Without hesitation, Kiera disposed of the body, watching as it disappeared beneath the surface of the water. Once the deed was done, she went through the guy's phone and found out who sent him.

Kiera immediately took out her cell phone from her pocket and composed a message to Damon. With a few quick taps, she sent the message.


Back to the present, at the hospital.

"Hello Damon, I just discovered Serena sent someone to tail me. I'm so scared for my life right now. We need to talk. Urgent. Meet me at the Forth Road Bridge, I'll be waiting. Love you!" The message read, its contents cryptic yet laden with significance.

As Damon read Kiera's message, his temper flared, his eyes flashing with anger as he read the message word for word on his phone screen the second time.

Without a word, he grabbed Serena's arm and dragged her out of the hospital, his grip firm and unyielding. Lucas was about to say something as they were going, but he was too weak to even utter a word

"What the hell is this about, Serena?" Damon demanded, his voice low and dangerous as they stepped outside into the cool evening air, and he read out the content of the message to her.

Serena's jaw clenched with defiance as she met Damon's gaze head-on. "What do you care?" she shot back, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "It's none of your business."

Damon's eyes narrowed with fury as he took a step closer, his face inches from Serena's. "You stay away from Kiera," he growled, his voice a menacing whisper. "Or there will be consequences."

Serena scoffed, pushing Damon away with a forceful shove. "You don't get to tell me what to do," she snapped, her voice filled with righteous indignation. "We may be married on paper, but that doesn't give you the right to control what I do."

Damon's nostrils flared with rage as he glared at Serena, his fists clenched at his sides. "Fine," he spat, his voice laced with venom. "Forget we're married. But remember this, if anything happens to Kiera because of you, you'll regret it."

With that, Damon turned on his heel and stormed away, leaving Serena standing alone in the hospital parking lot, her heart pounding with fury and frustration.

"What the fuck just happened?" She mumbled and dialled a number on her cell phone. With almost five to six attempts, the number didn't go through at all.

Then Serena returned inside the hospital, her mind filled with thoughts of the confrontation with Damon. She was seething with anger at his audacity to dictate her actions because of just Kiera.

Entering Lucas's room, Serena was taken aback to find him asleep, his face peaceful in slumber. But her surprise turned to shock as she moved closer to his bed, and heard him murmuring in his sleep.

"I love you, Serena," he whispered, his words barely audible.