
The Arranged Marriage, Pack and Duty!

At the altar stood Damon Blackwood, his posture rigid and his gaze cold as he watched her approach. As Serena Sinclairs reached the front of the aisle, Damon offered her a tight-lipped smile that did little to ease the tension between them. She returned the gesture with a forced smile of her own, her eyes flashing with hatred as she took her place beside him. "I, Serena Sinclairs, take you, Damon Blackwood, to be my husband," she recited mechanically, her voice rigid and emotionless. Damon's lips quirked into a smug smile as he repeated the words back to her with sarcasm. "I, Damon Blackwood, take you, Serena Sinclairs, to be my wife." She stole a glance at Damon, his handsome features set in a mask of indifference as he recited his vows with mechanical precision as well. The officiant pronounced the two of them as husband and wife, and then faced them with a smile; "You both may now share a kiss." Everyone eagerly watched, waiting to see if they would eventually kiss given the hatred between those two... ********** In the mystical realms of South Queensferry Town and Edinburgh City, Scotland, two powerful werewolf packs, the Blackwoods and the Moonstones, have long vied for dominance. Billionaire businessman Damon Blackwood and socialite Serena Sinclair are thrust into an arranged marriage, their union a strategic move to strengthen their packs' positions and their businesses in human society. Damon illicit affair in their marriage brought about the downfall of their personal life and businesses. And to overcome the struggles, they both needed to work together. Will Serena agree to his terms and work with Damon? Or will his past hurtful actions toward her determine her decision? Find out in this spellbinding tale of romance, betrayal, and supernatural warfare.

Nikkybrien270 · Urban
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5 Chs

3. Intentional Attack

Serena stood frozen in shock, watching Damon and Kiera locked in an intimate embrace just like last night.

Taking a step forward, Lucas quickly pulled her away from the scene, his grip firm but gentle.

"Come on, Serena," Lucas urged, his voice low but insistent. "Let's go back inside."

Serena's anger flared at being dragged away, her eyes blazing with fury. "No!" she spat, her voice trembling with rage. "I need to confront them, I need to know what more they are hiding from me!"

But Lucas held his ground, his expression unwavering. "Trust me, Serena," he said calmly. "You don't want to cause a scene out here with reporters inside. Let's go back inside and handle this discreetly."

"Discreetly?" She scoffed. "No, Lucas! They need to be confronted."

"Please Serena," Lucas pleaded. "You can do that later, not here. Remember, your reputation is at risk." He uttered calmly.

Reluctantly, Serena allowed Lucas to lead her back into the reception hall, her mind still reeling from the shock of what she had witnessed. Not long after they reentered the room, Serena's eyes darted around, searching for any sign of Damon or Kiera.

They were nowhere to be seen, and Serena's frustration only grew as she realized it taking forever. Turning to Lucas, she fixed him with a steely glare.

"Where are they?" she demanded, her voice sharp with accusation.

Lucas shook his head, his expression grim. "I don't know, Serena," he replied quietly. "And causing a scene out there won't change anything. Let's just try to salvage what's left of your wedding day, okay? You can deal with them later on."

Serena knew Lucas was right. Making a scene would only further embarrass her in front of their guests, and the media. She has a name to protect. With a resigned sigh, she nodded curtly.

"Fine," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper. "Let's just get through this." With that, Serena allowed Lucas to guide her back to her seat.

Some minutes later, Damon came back into the hall, alone. He sat beside Serena and continued acting indifferently towards her.

Serena kept her peace just as Lucas had pleaded while glaring fiercely towards Damon every now, and then.

At last, their wedding ceremony came to an end around 7 pm, and everyone left.

Serena and Damon's anger simmered when they also finally made their way home together, without uttering a word to each other.

Immediately they arrived at their new mansion, Serena's voice raised in a heated argument that echoed through the empty halls.

"You think you can just cheat on me and get away with it?" Serena yelled, her voice laced with venom. "You're nothing but a coward for dating my best friend behind my back! Why not do it openly?!"

Damon's eyes flashed with anger as he fired back. "And you're nothing but a spoiled brat, Serena," he retorted. "You think you can just buy your way out of everything with your family's money. But let me make something clear to you. Don't you dare lay a hand on Kiera or you will have me to deal with."

"Really, Damon?" Serena let out an evil smirk. "Don't tempt me, or I will forget Kiera was once my best friend."

"Just don't dare me." He replied.

Their words cut deep, each accusation driving a wedge further between them until finally, Damon drew the line.

"I won't be staying in the same room with you starting from this night," he declared, his voice cold and final. "We may be married, but that doesn't mean I have to tolerate your rotten behaviour."

Serena's eyes narrowed with fury, her fists clenched as she seethed with rage. "Fine," she yelled. "But don't think for a second that I'll let Kiera get away with this. I'll make you both regret ever crossing me."

With that, Serena stormed off to her room with resentment as she vowed to pay Damon back in kind.

Their marriage may have been born out of family obligation, but now, it seemed destined to be consumed by hatred and betrayal.

Serena and Damon retreated to their respective rooms for the night. Each step echoed their unresolved conflict.

As Serena lay in bed, her mind churned with thoughts of revenge. Meanwhile, Damon paced the length of his room, thinking of possible ways to protect Kiera from Serena.

He had never imagined that their marriage would devolve into such animosity so quickly, and yet here they were, at odds with each other from the very start...


The next morning, as the sun began to rise, a knock echoed through the silent halls of their mansion.

Serena, still groggy from her restless sleep, opened the door to find Lucas standing there.

"Lucas? What are you doing here so early?" Serena asked, her voice tinged with annoyance at being disturbed.

Damon appeared behind Serena, his expression cold as he saw Lucas.

"Serena, Damon, we have a public event to attend this morning," Lucas said, his tone serious. "It's crucial for both companies. We need to present a united front with your just concluded wedding to boost our stocks."

"An event? This early?" Damon questioned, his face laced with irritation.

"Yes, Damon. It's important," Lucas replied, his tone firm. "We need to show the world that despite any personal differences, the Sinclairs and the Blackwoods are still a force to be reckoned with."

Serena exchanged an angry glance with Damon, both of them knowing that they had no choice but to agree. Despite their animosity towards each other, they understood the importance of putting on a united front for the sake of their families' businesses.

"Fine," Serena said curtly. "But don't expect us to over-act all lovey-dovey just for show."

Damon nodded in agreement, his expression grim. "We'll do what's necessary, but not overdoing it." He said tersely, his voice devoid of warmth.

Lucas gave them a nod of approval before turning to leave. "Get ready quickly. The event starts in an hour," he said before disappearing down the hallway.

As Serena closed the door behind him, a sense of resignation settled over her. She knew that the charade they were about to put on would be difficult, but she also understood the importance of maintaining appearances for the sake of their families' reputations.

Turning to Damon, she sighed heavily. "Well, I guess we should start getting ready," she said, reluctantly.

Damon nodded in agreement, his expression stony as he headed back to his room. Serena followed suit to her room as well, steeling herself for the upcoming ordeal.

An hour later, Serena and Damon emerged from their rooms, dressed impeccably for the event. Despite their best efforts to maintain a facade of civility, the tension between them showed as they made their way to the waiting car.

As they drove to the venue, the silence between them was deafening, broken only by the occasional terse exchange about logistics and timing.

When they arrived at the event, they were greeted by a throng of reporters and photographers, their cameras flashing as they clamoured for a glimpse of the newly married couple.

With forced smiles plastered on their faces, Serena and Damon posed for the cameras, their body language rigid and distant. Inside, they both seethed with resentment, knowing that they were being watched and judged by the public eye.

Throughout the event, they went through the motions, shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries with various dignitaries and investors.

When the event drew to a close, Serena and Damon breathed a collective sigh of relief, grateful that they had managed to get through it without losing their cool.

Serena and Damon made their way back to the car, and reporters clamoured for one last photo of the couple, their voices blending into a cacophony of noise.

Ignoring their requests, Serena focused on reaching the safety of the car, her nerves already frayed from the tense event.

Just as they reached the car, a sudden commotion erupted from the crowd. Someone lunged towards Serena, their intent unclear in the chaos. Without a moment's hesitation, Lucas sprang into action, shielding Serena from the oncoming threat.

In the blink of an eye, a gunshot rang out, and Lucas stumbled back, a look of shock on his face as he clutched his stomach. Panic swept through the crowd as people scattered, seeking cover from the danger.

"Lucas!" Serena cried out, her voice filled with horror as she rushed to his side, Damon close behind her.

Lucas grimaced in pain, his face pale as he struggled to stay upright. "I'm...I'm okay," he gasped, his words strained. "Get...get me to the car."

With Damon's help, they managed to lift Lucas into the car, his breathing laboured as they sped away from the chaos. As they drove, Serena examined the wound, her heart sinking at the sight of something embedded in his stomach.

"It's a silver metal! This...this can kill a werewolf," she whispered, her voice trembling with fear. "This is an attack, not an accident."

Damon was shocked as he glanced at Lucas, his expression dark with concern. "Hang in there, Lucas," he said firmly, his tone leaving no room for doubt.

The car raced through the streets, the urgency of their situation weighing heavily on them.

As they approached the pack hospital, Serena's heart raced with fear because she was the target before Lucas stepped in to save her. But who could have wanted to kill her? And why?