
The Arks

In this Universe, there exists something called 'Elements'. From the Basic Elements like Water or Fire to the advanced Elements like Time and Constellations. And those who use it are called Mages. They are bred from all corners of this Universe. And due to a major scale war, most have fallen from the stars to seek refuge on a place called Earth. After a few centuries, the Mages have come together to create a haven called The Arks, after the previous one has fallen. Find out more on how the Arks came about, the journeys of the Arks with the humans. ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬ Credits to valeriex for making the cover! Updating One chapter per day, at 3pm SG time

Mavislin11 · Fantasy
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776 Chs

The Ark Of Our Home

"So, what's up with today?" asked Mavislin, looking around.

Gillian and Ysabeau had invited the entire group to gather within the town's square for a small meeting of some sorts.

"Seems like the couple's got a plan," replied Baldwin, folding his arms.

Though he had agreed to it, Baldwin had still hated the humans to a certain extent. Z found it amusing as the Angry Man was practically forced to come. Baldwin made no effort to consider his look of disdain towards humans.

Just as the two wanted to bicker, a woman in her mid-20s approached the group. Ysabeau nodded her head as a greeting, signaling that the group was ready. The woman clapped, capturing the attention of the townsfolk.

"In the present climate, I know you've got mixed feelings about Mages, especially after the incident years back. The Siege Of Mutants was accounted for both side's losses. It is unfair if we, the humans, keep blaming the Mages for that war when we were the ones who got scared and attacked first. So, I would like asking for the cooperation of this town to be accepting towards these few Mages right by me," declared the woman, her voice gaining the interest of the humans.

"Why would we accept them into our community?" asked a lone human, looking directly at Baldwin.

"They were the ones who massacred us by the hundreds in the past few years. Why are we so quick to forgive them for what they've done?"

"Yea! That boy over there with the girl, they were the ones responsible for the killings over at the adjacent village!"

"Murderers! Demons!"

By this time, the townsfolk were getting upset. Due to the constant fights that had been occurring for the past hundred years, the humans were getting sick and tired of having to deal with the Mages. So what made this woman think they could forgive the Mages so easily?

Mavislin looked at Raiyen with a hint of worry in her eyes. The humans might attack if they stood there long enough. Seeing two kids were frightened, the Angry Man decided that he had enough of this senseless bickering. Baldwin summoned his Ancient Relic and impaled it into the ground, generating a wave of silence amongst the noisy dwellers of Earth.

"Were you guys able to defend yourselves from the menace a few days ago?" questioned Baldwin, grinning as he came close to the shouting villager before him.

"Get real with yourselves, for once. Did you think you'd stand a chance against Poisoned Pond alone?" asked Baldwin, his tone turning serious.

"Without the help of those 'Demons' over there, you would all be the walking dead! Brief me, out of all you humans in front of me. Who possessed the balls to stand up towards Old Man Pond and confront him?!" shouted Baldwin, completely losing his cool.

"We helped out as well! Don't make it sound like we are completely useless," mumbled the villager.

Gillian went towards the two and placed a hand on each of their shoulders.

"It wasn't the humans nor us who managed to scare away Poisoned Pond. It was a joint effort between two significantly unique people. Without each other, Old Man Pond would've called upon the Husks," explained Gillian, looking at the two.

"We may be diverse in other aspects, but we still share a familiar ground. We walk on this planet, we breathe your air. This is our home too. And we plan on defending this planet and its dwellers from others who plan to kill the human race," said Ysabeau, proudly.

The villagers were calming down. Mavislin and Raiyen looked at each other with happiness.

"If we agree to accept you into our community, then you must agree to be the protectors of this town. No matter what the cost," replied the woman, shaking Gillian's hand.

"We will swear an oath to do so. A Peace Treaty will be formed very soon," replied Ysabeau, smiling.

All but a villager was alright with the promise made.

"Looks like Mr. Grumpypants found his human counterpart," said Z, pointing towards the unhappy villager.

Baldwin proceeded to whack the back of the Lost Mage's head. Raiyen sighed as he glitched into the direction of the miserable boy.

"So, why can't you accept us?" asked Raiyen, looking at the boy.

"How can you guys decide to stop exterminating us and aid us instead? It doesn't make sense. I do not have faith in your words," retorted the boy.

Mavislin caught up with the Time Mage and smiled at the human. She looked at the boy with gentle eyes. Such a youthful soul, yet so determined to challenge a child born out of Time. If Raiyen had the fuse of Baldwin, this human boy would inevitably suffer a tragic death.