
The Arks: The Umbra Arc

This is part of my old book; The Arks. This story tells of the Mission of the Umbras within the Arks. The Umbras were a race of hostile Dark Mages that had sought refuge on earth. After waiting for their time to strike, the Umbras decided to target the Five Domains on earth. Due to people going missing and Magecraft being involved, Mavislin decided to investigate. Mavislin is a Valkyrie, a Mage that could use various different Elements. But as she investigates further, things get complicated as an old foe comes into the fray...

Mavislin11 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

The Trio's Fight

"Perhaps that's true since I've never heard of your kind. A Valkyrie is supposed to be a Maiden Of War, not peasants and foul creatures like you," provoked Metria.

Mavislin scoffed as she knew the fate of this young princess was about to get sealed in under a few minutes.

"Perhaps you should return home to check your archives. Look under the big book called the 'Great Noble War.' You'll see I am not one to be taken lightly," warned Mavislin.

"Don't worry, and I'll let you be the judge of that. But first, you'll have to fight these bad babies," smirked Mavislin.

She subsequently placed the Emerald Wave Sword in front of Lord Atlantia, causing the two items to merge. In the present circumstances, the shield could cut through objects and still defend Mavislin. Then, with a hand free, she summoned up her infamous Fire Feather Whip.

She was undoubtedly a sight to behold as the weapons she wielded were abundant. Jeanette could only sway her head and unfurled her flag high. Placing the pole on the ground, Jeanette pointed toward the trio.

"If you have no choice but to fight," suggested Jeannette, slowly.

"Then I'll make sure you lot will not ruin the people around this area," she finished, with golden streams of light emitting from the banner.

"But there's no one here! There's a reason it is called a 'Barren Wasteland'!" exclaimed the hot-tempered princess.

"Don't ever underestimate a duel between two powerful Mages, Metria," warned Raiyen as he allowed his twin-colored Aura to come into fruition.

"It seems you've no idea how us Mages battle," said Mavislin.

"I am Metria, Princess Metria Von Dalles. And I am most prominent in the Element of Water," announced Metria, smirking at Mavislin.

The little princess balled her fists up, allowing spheres of water to engulf her hands. The Valkyrie was not bothered by the little clown; she got ready with a smirk. Raiyen pulled out his twin daggers.

"Mavislin Roydon, the last of the Valkyries. And I major in the Amalgamation of Elements," introduced Mavislin.

After delivering her introduction, Mavislin started to hover above the ground as her wings grew in size. Her body was outlined with her iconic golden Aura. Metria's eyes widened as she looked at Raiyen for approval.

"What? There's a reason why I said you had no chance standing against her alone," replied Raiyen, shrugging his shoulders.

"But isn't it against the law of Magecraft? To combine two spells of different Elements," replied Metria, seemingly shaken to the core.

"Then I shall assume that you've got no clue on the Mage beside you," said Mavislin, pointing at Raiyen.

"What do you mean? He is a Time Mage, right?" asked Metria, looking at Raiyen for confirmation once more.

"Raiyen Phoenix E. Harmony. I control three different Elements but am known for my Time Element," greeted Raiyen.

"With the formalities done, I'll show you how we Valkyries take on a fight," said Mavislin, launching straight into their faces.

Raiyen glitched away instantly while the princess tried to fend the Valkyrie off with her tiny balls of Water Element. The princess could dodge the hefty attacks from the shield but fell vulnerable to the attacks from the flaming whip.

With two enemies constantly trying to lay a scratch on the Valkyrie, Mavislin decided it was no fun using her physical weapons anymore. She tossed aside the weapons and balled up her fists.

"Flames of Hell. Water of Storms. Earth of Gaia. Wind of Gale. Light Of Valokia. Dark of Abyss... These are the Elements chosen and set."

The Elemental Energy around the area was thinning out. Streams of multi Elements were absorbed into her fists as her Aura began to increase and glow. Raiyen hid within the Time Pocket as the spell started to emerge.

The mass of Elements was scaring the foreign princess slightly, but she decided to whip out her move.

"I won't give you a chance to use it!" yelled Metria, placing her palms up.

A giant ball of blue water shot out from the girl's palms, engulfing the growing mass of Elements. But the opposing spell had disappeared. Raiyen's eyes widened as the princess desperately tried to find the spell.

The ball was now concentrated within Mavislin's palms as she chanted the attack's name.

"Array of Elements!"

The Valkyrie decided to appear behind the foreign princess, catching her off guard. A flash of light occurred, and Raiyen managed to grab Metria by the hair away from the blast. It may have shrunk in size, but the damage dealt was anything but small as it created a trench on the parched land.

Metria looked at the crack in pure terror. Raiyen was teeming with blue sparks as usual and dropped the girl.

"Now, do you get why you won't stand a chance against her?"