
The Arks: The Umbra Arc

This is part of my old book; The Arks. This story tells of the Mission of the Umbras within the Arks. The Umbras were a race of hostile Dark Mages that had sought refuge on earth. After waiting for their time to strike, the Umbras decided to target the Five Domains on earth. Due to people going missing and Magecraft being involved, Mavislin decided to investigate. Mavislin is a Valkyrie, a Mage that could use various different Elements. But as she investigates further, things get complicated as an old foe comes into the fray...

Mavislin11 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Gathering Of Kings

The duo was beacons for the humans' eyes. Moreover, the Earl's forces were stationed nearby in case of any backups. But as the humans chanced upon the scene, it would seem too wise to stay away.

"Should we go and take a look? Help them?" asked Earl Yan as he stood from the balcony of the Viscountess' home.

"Have you taken leave of your senses?! How could we ever intervene, let alone help, those two mad creatures there?!" protested a voice within the room.

"It won't hurt to give some backups, you know. And they aren't insane, just highly energetic," commented the Earl.

"There's no need. I have faith in that Valkyrie's strength. She's..."

The Viscountess smiled as she witnessed the way Mavislin battled. Although her movements enticed the Viscountess, the display that the Valkyrie gave off was better than any old jester could perform. Her agility, her strength...

The Umbra also needed praise as it met every attack of the Valkyrie.

"Truly a Valkyrie. A God of War," continued the Viscountess as she combed her short, black hair behind her ears.

"You seem to have a lot of confidence in that Valkyrie. Is she a friend of yours?" asked the Earl, raising his eyebrow.

The Viscountess shook her head and sighed.

"You could say that I owe her a favor."

"A favor?"

"Just a small thanks for saving me at the Briton Domain," replied the Viscountess, unwilling to continue the subject.

"But still, doing that move... That's quite a jump from the norm... Is it not?" asked the Duchess, joining the duo at the balcony.

"You're one to talk. Especially with what you did back at the Urnsfield Domain three years ago," laughed the Viscountess as she elbowed the poor Duchess.

"Oh please, Viscountess. At least I wasn't the one who set fire to the Marquess' backyard last month," complained the Duchess.

"Stop it, the both of you," ordered the Earl sternly.

The two women looked at the grumpy Earl and stuck out their tongues.

"With the two of you as the Kings of the underworld, it's amazing why aren't we called the Circus of the underworld," explained Earl Yan as he walked back into the room.

The two ladies laughed at the poor Earl.

"Aww... It looks like someone is grumpy pants again," laughed the Duchess.

"Can't seem to hold his ground against two beauties," added the Viscountess.

"Not a time to make fun of the situation," said the Earl, ears getting red.

"Oh, relax a bit! And who knows..."

The Viscountess gave a small and sad smile before turning to look at the Earl.

"This could be the last time we can smile with each other," finished the Viscountess in a gloomy tone.

"After all, we've already lost the Marquess. We didn't even realize that Minwoo had been gone. Who knows what will happen? I don't think we are coming out unscathed..." asked the Duchess, matching the same tone as the Viscountess.

"Right now, we are at the eye of the storm. It's going to be calm for a little longer until the Umbras fully mobilize their members," explained the Earl, looking at the two women.

"Or until the Barren Pillars are called upon. And now, we can't trust each other. We won't know who would be turned into one of them. So we have got to be careful," ordered the Duchess.

"Roger that," replied the Earl, giving a salute.

The Earl merely gave a ghost of a nod before continuing to read the reports. The two women remained outside, watching the showdown.

"It's been a while, hasn't it?" asked the Viscountess.

"A while? From watching Mages fight?" asked the Duchess, eyes fixated on the show.

"Nope, since we last gathered. Since we last laughed together. Now that the Marquess is gone..."

The Viscountess held a sad expression as she thought of Minwoo's smile. The Duchess grasped the older woman's hand.

"He wouldn't want us to wallow in his passing. On the contrary, he would want us to continue smiling, even if we are in the shadows. So chin up, Viscountess," reassured the Duchess.

"Isn't that a mouthful to call me? How many times have I said, you can call me Ling? Besides, you are higher in ranks to me," said the Viscountess as she continued to be mesmerized by the fight.

Mavislin was starting to pick up speed while the Umbra was slowing down regarding reaction time.

"Same goes for you. You can call me by my first name as well. We are childhood buddies, no less," the Duchess replied as she sipped some tea.

"Of course. Anything for you, lil' Vernice," said Ling, ruffling the Duchess' hair.

"Oi! I'm still a Duchess, you know!" exclaimed Duchess, fixing her hair.

The two girls laughed once more, making the Earl shake his head.