
The Arks: The Umbra Arc

This is part of my old book; The Arks. This story tells of the Mission of the Umbras within the Arks. The Umbras were a race of hostile Dark Mages that had sought refuge on earth. After waiting for their time to strike, the Umbras decided to target the Five Domains on earth. Due to people going missing and Magecraft being involved, Mavislin decided to investigate. Mavislin is a Valkyrie, a Mage that could use various different Elements. But as she investigates further, things get complicated as an old foe comes into the fray...

Mavislin11 · Fantasy
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44 Chs

A New Area

"At last, we are alone," said Minwoo, smiling happily.

"You seemed pretty happy to get rid of them. Including Baldwin," said Mavislin, slowly keeping her hurt wing.

"I don't like interruptions. And I've no intention of training around Baldwin. That Mage of the Darkness... Let's say I'm glad to have met you instead," said Minwoo, ruffling the Valkyrie's hair.

"That's odd. The two of you used to work together?"

"Somewhat. But things got in the way. Complicated stuff."

A hint of anger and sadness was mixed with those words. But Minwoo's expression changed back to his usual, smiling self as he took Mavislin's hand.

"Enough with sad! Let's train now!" exclaimed Minwoo, dragging the poor girl.

"Oi! Calm down!"

After much protests and squirming, the two finally managed to reach the Dalles' domain. To say it was grand was an understatement for the house of Dalles. The area was massive; the entire village was under the Dalles' name.

The main house was a huge mansion, spending nearly a quarter of the entire village's land. A giant pond was right at the front door, filled with an abundance of koi. As Mavislin looked around, the more sinister she felt. She'd heard about this place but never thought it would give an atmosphere like this.

With walls painted white, the yellow light that shone through the large windows was a beacon for anyone to locate the place. But the forest surrounding the entire town was adequate to protect incoming army forces since it was much too dense for humans to go through.

Since the village is the Dalles' domain, the villagers there are not entirely normal humans. They are humans, but they aren't above-world society dwellers. Everyone, even the kids, has at least seen people get killed or have committed murder themselves.

Otherwise known as the underworld's home, the villagers there held a gaze of dread and hatred. Their smiles were fake, but heads held up high since the Marquess had come back from a long journey. Minwoo had a bunch of servants prepare a bedchamber and bath for the wounded Mavislin.

"You know you don't have to prepare all these things, right?" asked Mavislin.

"I want to train you on proper terms, not half-assed."

"Language, Minwoo."

"Likewise, my darling."

Mavislin squirmed as a handmaiden tried to dress the Valkyrie in finely made clothes. But, in the end, she was alright with a midnight blue casual dress. The few servants led the shy Valkyrie towards the Marquess' chambers, where he had just finished changing.

"You look wonderful, Lady Roydon," commented Minwoo.

"You don't look too shabby yourself, Marquess Dalles," replied Mavislin, scanning the man's outfit.

"Oh, darling. I've said so many times to call me Minwoo."

"And my name is Mavislin."

Minwoo had donned black trousers, a six-buttoned double-breasted tailcoat, and a gray vest from his battle gear. He looked like a butler.</span>

"Lord Dalles, these papers require your confirmation... A silent alarm was heard but found debunked," said a young girl, shyly giving a stack of papers to the Marquess.

Minwoo looked at the stack with disdain before smiling at the young girl.

"Right away. You go on ahead now," said Minwoo, sending the girl away.

The young girl bowed shakily as she dropped the papers on the desk.

"Are you going to send me away as well?" asked Mavislin, raising her eyebrows.

"Well, it is dangerous for a lady as beautiful as you to stick around a man's chambers alone. But, darling," whispered Minwoo with a playful smile.

"Please. Let's stay professional. Besides, you're only human," said Mavislin, turning her back against the Marquess.

"A mock Mage?"

"You've got impressive speed and reflexes, but you are still human. On top of that, you possess no Magecraft at all," said Mavislin, taking a seat at the piano.

"I can learn if you'd like me to," said Minwoo, sitting at his desk.

"Don't play tricks with me, Marquess Dalles," replied Mavislin, annoyed at Minwoo's reply.

"Why not?"

"Magecraft can't be taught unless you are a Mage yourself. Or, a mock Mage like that annoying whore of Babylon back there," said Mavislin, eyeing around.

"Your book of insults is impressive... I should learn from you."

The Valkyrie merely scoffed as Minwoo smiled once more. Then, he reluctantly started to dive straight to work, taking his wax stamp and looking through those pieces of hell.

"For a 35-year-old, you seem to be rocking that young body of yours, Marquess," said Mavislin.

"Checking me out, huh?" sighed Minwoo, looking at the fidgeting Valkyrie.

The Valkyrie shrugged her shoulders as she looked at the dusty piano. Finally, after a solid hour, Minwoo stamped the Crest Of Dalles on a victim's report and looked at Mavislin.

"Lady Roydon, please play me a song," he said, taking another paper.