
The Arks: Dragon's Faith

A tale of dragons… A promise broken long ago. A group of Pyromancers has launched an attack on the humans and it so happens that it affects the Arks, a group of Mages who try their best to live in peace with humans. A Mission to find the truth of the Last of the Dragons and to stop the Pyromancers from destroying their home.

Mavislin11 · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The Ark Of Tomoe... Manifest Your Form!

The Kitsune was flung backward with the shockwave erupting and shaking the ground. But before he could reach the bottom, Raiyen caught him.

"Good job there. You've made the next part of this easier for me. At least, I hope so,"

"Heh... No need to thank me. Just ensure I'm at least as useful as my physical when I'm in my weapon form, alright?" whispered Tomoe as his tail grew limp.

"Of course I will... I happen to be a great person for handling blades. Rest assured, whatever form you take, you will forever be Tomoe, who slays for the Arks. Now then, Tomoe, the Blue-flamed fox! Manifest your true form and aid me in battle!" yelled Raiyen.

As he felt a surge of Elemental Energy, Tomoe's body morphed into a giant blue fireball and rushed around Raiyen's form, creating a trail of small blue flames. 

"Legends of Old, those that transcend both heaven and earth... My Familiar, I shall reveal who you truly are! For you are the embodiment of all Japanese and Chinese Legends... Tomoe!" called out Raiyen as he threw his arm out and grabbed the giant fireball.

The flame erupted and revealed a large pair of metal fans, precisely the same pair used against Wald a day ago. However, the fans were more potent than an average weapon and were still on fire. The butterflies looked shimmering while Raiyen inspected them closely.

Meanwhile, Milam was getting angrier by the Tock as her wings had been badly damaged. She let out a howl of agony, luring the nearby Husks with her voice. The Time Mage cursed as he was alone to fight the Husks and a raging Pyromancer.

Come on... There has to be a way... Maybe if he was fast enough, Raiyen could deal with the Pyromancer first and then... The Prince of The Arks glanced at the pair of metal fans before sighing. It would seem that using Tomoe wasn't enough; he had to pull that out.

"You better not let your guard down now!" screamed Milam, propelling herself towards the Time Mage in fury.

But Raiyen was as calm as his Familiar when he closed his eyes and opened his palm to catch Milam's fist, creating a large shockwave that sent rocks flying.

"I'm not letting it down for one Tick, especially when I have a brat to entertain!" yelled Raiyen as he twisted his hand and grabbed Milam's wrist.

With one primal movement, the Time Mage threw Milam across the field without a hint of control. But the Pyromancer was still bursting with fury and energy as she quickly contorted her body and rocketed towards Raiyen. However, he wasn't going to give an inch.

"Now that no one is here... It would mean that I'm free to do whatever I want. With that last blast, all of GIllian's Familiars have been destroyed, so no one is surveying this place..."

"Thus, I'm going to show you what I can truly do when I get the free pass," stated Raiyen as he cocked his head to the side.

The Time Mage stepped forward with one foot and swung his other foot to deliver a powerful kick to Milam's abdomen, sending the poor girl flying off once more. Raiyen glitched away to follow the Pyromancer and sliced her twice on her torn wings, igniting her wounds again.

Mila howled in pain once more before lunging towards Raiyen, causing her wings to slowly burn away while also trying her best to tear her opponent down. The Time Mage wasn't impressed as he glitched and dodged the maniac's punches and kicks.

When she finally had enough, Milam lost control of her powers as her Elemental Aura flared up while her Elemental Energy levels skyrocketed.

"Hmph... Looks like you've got a screw loose now... You know you haven't changed a bit since I last trained you. Your emotions control you too much. Your fury blinds you, and that would be your downfall."

"And unlike most people, I don't intend to show you a shred of mercy while doing so. I have no qualms in killing those who throw random kids into the gutter when they aren't a pure Pyromancer..." growled Raiyen as his eyes darkened, his voice icy.

"What do you mean?" questioned Milam, still holding her stance.

"Mathias Rosenberg... The codename that he gave to himself would be Wald... He was that 16-year-old kid you kicked out as you declared he wasn't a true Pyromancer. To save themselves, his parents kicked him out for fear that you would kill them."

"So, after kicking their only child out, what do you do?"

Milam slumped her shoulders as she tried to remember that name... And the incident...

"You can't even remember what you did, huh? How lucky it is that I was the one to battle you..."