
The Archmage of Sin

Klaus died young without being able to do what he wanted to, to have a large family. This was his wish from childhood growing up in an orphanage. He got a new chance to be able to fulfill that wish. For able to fulfill the wish he had to go through a lot of trials. Will he be able to survive long enough to fulfill his wish or not?

MS_Reddy · Fantasy
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181 Chs

Callie Artero (2) - {R18}

[A/N: This chapter contains R-18 elements. Skip it if you don't want to read.]


(Klaus's PoV)

I made my move on her. I caught her hands which were busy trying to get dressed.

"Stop, what are you doing?" Callie questioned me.

What am I doing? This is a question that I too need an answer. I know I can increase my sin points if I make her mine, but why am I doing this way?

Is the sin causing this?

Am I under its influence or is it under mine?

I didn't face these problems with other sins. Even Pride which should have caused problems did not. Why is Lust is the only sin that is causing problems?

Never in my two lives, have I acted like this. Is there a reason for this?

The problem is my body is doing one thing while my brain is doing another. I don't want to hurt her like I did with Liliana. I have no idea why Liliana didn't lash out back then but I don't think it would be the same with Callie.


I pushed her dress away and kissed her deeply making her gasp for breath. I continued kissing her as I removed my clothes.

As my mouth is busy with hers, my hands wandered to her soft, and bouncy boobs and started to kneed her boobs.

And upon touching her, a loud moan could be heard, coming from her mouth, parting away from mine.

"Uhgg... Nmn".

Upon hearing this I smiled with joy as I pushed my hands to work on her soft breasts.

I can see the hidden feeling of longing, within her neglected heart. She desires attention but was starved of it because of her work.

And overall, the hidden feeling of longing for the love she has never experienced, but so desperately wants.

Those eyes say it all, those eyes of sadness. They long for someone to love. They wanted to be cared for by someone.

I can be that someone. Even if I lusted only for her body and the sin points I gain through that, I decided never to mistreat someone, especially one like her.

Though she wanted to seek my attention, she couldn't look directly into my eyes. I think she felt a bit ashamed as she didn't know anything about me.

I grabbed and lifted her chin, and I make her look into my eyes.

To her, all she can see is my eyes and only my eyes. I had to make sure that she feel that there are only us in this world.

I said, "I know you are a bit afraid of me but trust me I would never hurt you".

She only nodded her head like a chicken. It felt cute.

At that moment, I began to take her lips, as I devour her tongue and delicious lips. Her initial shock and panicked face soon turn to one of pleasure and ecstasy, and soon a vivid blush could be seen.

Her tongue was soft, and it was long as well, but my tongue is longer, as I can easily touch the back of her throat if I so desire, and soon the scared girl's desire start to open up to me as lustful thoughts began to transfer to me.

"This is where the fun really begins".


I turned her around because a devilish idea came to my mind.

I positioned myself behind her with her ass pulled towards me. I began to spank her ass, and at the same time started to fondle her breasts with my other hand, as if it was my toys.





Automatically she suddenly lost all the strength in her legs, fell to her knees, and gave in, to an amazing shock of pleasure.

The pleasure was intense that she didn't even object to what was going on anymore.

But one thing was clear, she just had a minor orgasm from a mere spank on her ass. My hands were slightly shaking due to excitement. I didn't think this would work as I thought.

I continued to play with her making her orgasm a few times before we even got started on the main dish.







She clearly looked excited which contrasted with her feelings a few moments ago. I felt like a liberator. She couldn't hold on much longer and fell to her knees.

As she knelt on the ground, I suddenly felt the urge to make her take care of my dragon. Before I could even say anything, I felt the cold feeling of her mouth around my cock.

She started to service me without any initiation. It is better than I expected. She did much better than Liliana.


This is heaven.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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