
The Archer & Prey

Kanalaa is a smart and wise woman, to others, a dream type of woman. She grew up despising romantic relationship due to her experience not until she met Alistair who changed her perspective in love. She indulge herself with the love they shared. However, in the middle of their sweet shared love, Kanalaa felt something is amissed. The question that lingers, is there?

smithereensssxxx · Urban
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29 Chs

The Bar

The night isn't at its peak yet but the atmosphere of the bar displays otherwise. Despite that, it is not shocking for any locals nor travelers because the island is known to be a destination for both locals and foreigner in the country. Also, it is not only known for its breath taking islands but also to be the best host for the night life parties.

Alistair and Kanalaa already ordered their first set of drinks, light drinks, to warm up their bodies for the hard liquors they will consume later tonight.

As they waited for Kanalaa's friends, Alistair traced idle patterns on her palm, stealing glances at her. "You know," he began, his voice low and suggestive, "After all it's not bad that we went out. We've still got plenty of time alone."

Kanalaa smiled, a playful glint in her eyes. "Oh, really? And what do you plan to do with all that time?" she teased, leaning in closer.

Alistair's grin widened as he leaned in, his lips hovering dangerously close to hers. "Well, for starters," he murmured, "I might just have to steal a few kisses while no one's looking."

Kanalaa's laughter filled the air as she leaned in to meet his lips, the warmth of their embrace melting away the anticipation of waiting. "I think I can live with that," she whispered, her breath mingling with his.

Alistair feeling being robbed of time, gave her another deep passionate kiss that both of them shared. Kanalaa's hands started to snake around Alistair's toned body with only a fabric separating their skins. While Alistair one hand grasping her jaw 'til the back of her neck to fully control their movement while his another hand is on Kanalaa's back to support her.

From time to time they stops making out and just drink and conversing but later go back to kissing and cycle went on for an hour or two until Kanalaa saw her friend, Jean.

Kanalaa's brows furrowed when she saw someone way too familiar for both of her Jean. The least expected person she thought Jean will bring.

Alistair who notice this subtle change asked, "What is it?"

Kanalaa's eyes averted to him ang have him a smile. "Nothing, that's Jean," she said, pointing at the girl approaching their space.

"So, no more fooling around for a while, no?" He asked tauntingly, teasing Kanalaa.

"Yeah, you behave."

As Jean and Kanalaa' eyes met, she squealed, "Kanalaa!"

"Jean!" Kanalaa's shot back.

Kanalaa rose from the soft seat welcoming her friend with a warm and tight hug which Jean returned.

Can't hold back the question bugging her, Kanalaa asked, "Why did you bring that man?" while the huge smile plastered on her face didn't falter even a bit.

"Beats me," Jean's despised, only then they parted.

"Alistair, he's my boyfriend." Kanalaa's introduction to Alistair who's standing behind her, watching her intently.

Then, she gave her gaze to Alistair to introduce her bestfriend, "Love, my bestfriend from high school, Jean."

She also named the others one by one and they all exchanged pleasantries. Later they all sat, Alistair is in Kanalaa's left side while Jean is on her right side. Beside Alistair is her other friend and in front of her is the person she wished not here, Chandler. Kanalaa can't do anything about it besides, their seat is round, she has no choice but see him, regardless.

For a while they are chatting, Kanalaa always feels a gaze that could burn her, Chandler's, the reason why she can't help but look at him with glare that could stab. Her hand that's resting on Alistairs thigh is getting restless because of the stare she's getting from time to time but as much as she could, she's ignoring it continuing to mingle with her friends trying to catch up their missed moments.

Meanwhile, Alistair is also occupied with other guys who's pretty engaging so he's not left out. Yet, despite that, Alistair can be entertained even with just listening and being attentive to Kanalaa.

Again, Chandler and Kanalaa's exchange of gazes still continued for a couple of times more. Kanalaa's sending daggers theough her eyes to make him stop because it makes her uncomfortable but the guy seems to have no plans to do so. Alistair didn't miss the glances. Although he is occupied, his attention is still on Kanalaa, this didn't sit right on him. To stop the building annoyance, his resting hand on Kanalaa's back rest fell on her side and started to trace anything.

Upon feeling his touch, Kanalaa's paused from conversing with her friends and gave her attention to Alistair. She leaned on him with her one hand on his chest to support her weight.

"Are you okay?" She asked in concern.

With a controlled reaction Alistair answered, "Yes, your friends are fun to talk with. Do you want anything?"

None of them sees each other's faces for their mouths are beside their ears so they could hear one another without screaming. Instead of going back to the people they were talking with, both conversed, exchanging giggles and laughters. Despite that, Alistair being mindful of others and their surroundings, Alistair caught Chandler a couple of times looking at them.

"Alistair, I'm going to borrow Kanalaa." Jean's notice to Alistair, pulling Kanalaa out of his touch. Alistair just nodded and his eyes followed them until they disappear on his sight.

With that, he decided to occupy himself with a drink but the guys who never left his girlfriend with his gazes caught his attention when he sat beside him.

"How long you two have been together?"

"About a year," Alistair answered without doubting if the question is directed to him.

"Have you got to know Kanalaa well?" Chandler's question casually but insunuating something behind his tone.

"Pretty much but I must say there's a lot more to Kanalaa that I have yet to know."

"I see," he nodded.

Alistair was just looking at him, waiting for another word but that's it. He sipped on his drink to calm himself before questioning him, "You two met in high shool?"

"Yeah, what about that?" He asked back cockily.

Seeing him eye to eye, he directly asked, "Do you like her?"

"No, let me correct it, did you have a thing with her?" Alistair correction to his prior question.

Chandler let out an offensive chuckle, "You've got to be kidding me."

Alistair's grip on his glass tighten, threatening it to break. With his teeth gritted, he started, "My eyes don't play with me. I saw how you looked at her. The lingering stares you were giving since you came here, there's something on those. Tell me because I can feel how uncomfortable Kanalaa have been feeling. Prehaps, do you have a grudge on her?"

"It was nothing dude. It's just been so long since the last time I saw her." With that get back, Chandler left his seat.


A/N: for quite while now, ive been trying to change the book cover but it says inappropriate. It is frustrating so much. So, i made a temporary one which is the present cover. I'll put the supposed cover on the comment section. Although it was just simple, i like it better than the previous and present ones.