
The Archer & Prey

Kanalaa is a smart and wise woman, to others, a dream type of woman. She grew up despising romantic relationship due to her experience not until she met Alistair who changed her perspective in love. She indulge herself with the love they shared. However, in the middle of their sweet shared love, Kanalaa felt something is amissed. The question that lingers, is there?

smithereensssxxx · Urban
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29 Chs

Life and Work

Kanalaa, visibly drained, slowly opened the door to her condo. Alistair's worried expression softened as he pulled her into a tight embrace the moment she appeared.

"I thought something bad happened to you," he murmured, his arms wrapping around her protectively. "I called you countless times, but you didn't answer any of them. I just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, especially when you didn't answer my calls tonight."

"I'm sorry, love," Kanalaa replied, her voice weary. "Something came up today, and I lost my phone, so..."

"I won't say it's okay," Alistair interrupted gently, "but I'm relieved now knowing you're home safe. Please don't do it again."

"Did you have dinner?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

"No, I just want to rest," Kanalaa replied softly, her gaze downcast.

"I'll prepare it for you then," Alistair offered, his tone tender. "And I can tuck you into bed after."

"You don't have to," Kanalaa protested, shaking her head. "I know you're tired too. Why don't you go home and rest?"

"I came here to look after you, to make sure you're okay," Alistair insisted, his expression unwavering. "I can see you're physically okay, but not on the inside. Why ask me to leave?"

"I just don't want to burden you," Kanalaa murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I could use some alone time."

"Didn't I promise you that you wouldn't have to face your battles alone anymore?" Alistair countered gently, his hand reaching out to touch her cheek. "If you want silence, I'll be silent. I just want to be by your side."

"You're making me feel bad," Kanalaa admitted, her eyes filling with emotion.

"I'm not trying to," Alistair reassured her, his voice tender. "I genuinely just want to support you. Why put me in that kind of light?"

Kanalaa sighed, frustration evident in her voice. "Because I need space sometimes, Alistair. It's not about you, it's about me needing time to process things on my own."

Alistair's brows furrowed, hurt flickering across his features. "But I'm not just anyone, Kanalaa. I'm here because I care about you, deeply. I want to be a part of your life, especially during tough times."

"I know you care," Kanalaa replied softly, her tone tinged with guilt. "And I appreciate it, I really do. But I also need to learn to handle things by myself sometimes."

Alistair stepped back, his expression pained. "So, what? You're pushing me away because you want to deal with everything alone? Is that how our relationship is going to be?"

"It's not about pushing you away," Kanalaa insisted, reaching out to touch his arm. "It's about finding a balance. I need to be able to rely on myself too, not just on you."

Alistair shook his head, a mixture of frustration and sadness clouding his eyes. "I understand needing space, Kanalaa, but shutting me out completely isn't fair. We're supposed to be partners, supporting each other through thick and thin."

"I know," Kanalaa whispered, her voice barely audible. "I just don't want to depend on you for everything. I need to be strong on my own too."

Silence hung heavily between them as they both struggled to find the right words. Finally, Alistair spoke, his voice soft but determined. "I'll respect your need for space, Kanalaa. But please, don't shut me out completely. I want to be there for you, even if it's just from a distance."

Kanalaa nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "I won't shut you out, Alistair. I promise. I just need some time to figure things out."

With a heavy heart, Alistair turned to leave, casting one last glance back at Kanalaa before closing the door behind him.

Feeling emotionally drained, Kanalaa made her way to her bedroom and sank onto her bed. She curled up beneath the covers, her thoughts swirling with the weight of the argument with Alistair. Despite her desire for independence, a pang of loneliness crept into her heart as she realized how much she missed his comforting presence.

Closing her eyes, Kanalaa took a deep breath, trying to push aside the turmoil in her mind. She knew she needed to find a balance between relying on Alistair and maintaining her own strength, but the task felt daunting.

As she lay there in the quiet of her room, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease. A part of her longed for Alistair's warmth beside her, yet another part hesitated to reach out to him, afraid of appearing too dependent.

Lost in her thoughts, Kanalaa drifted into a fitful sleep, her dreams filled with fragments of their argument and the lingering uncertainty of their relationship.

The next morning, Kanalaa rose early, determined to focus on her work. She had a court trial to attend, representing the plaintiff in an estate fraud case. Despite the emotional turmoil from the previous night's argument with Alistair, she knew she had to set her personal feelings aside and concentrate on her professional duties.

Arriving at the courthouse, Kanalaa took her place at the plaintiff's table, reviewing her notes and preparing herself for the proceedings ahead. The defendant, a wealthy businessman accused of manipulating his late father's will for personal gain, sat confidently with his legal team across the room.

As the trial commenced, Kanalaa listened intently to the testimonies and cross-examinations, carefully building her case against the defendant. Amidst the legal proceedings, she couldn't shake the nagging sense of doubt that lingered within her, a reminder of the unresolved tension with Alistair.

During a brief recess, Kanalaa found herself face to face with the defendant and his lawyer in the courthouse hallway.

"Ms. Kanalaa," the defendant's lawyer greeted her with a cordial smile. "Quite the case you've presented against my client."

Kanalaa returned the lawyer's smile politely but remained guarded. "Thank you, Atty. Johnson. I'm simply advocating for justice on behalf of my client."

The defendant, a middle-aged man with a slick demeanor, spoke up with a hint of arrogance in his voice. "You may think you have a strong case, Attorney Reese, but I assure you, we have evidence to refute your claims."

Kanalaa met his gaze coolly, her resolve unwavering. "We'll let the evidence speak for itself in court, Mr. Reynolds."

Mr. Johnson chuckled lightly, his tone condescending. "Ah, confidence is admirable, Ms. Reese, but sometimes reality can be quite different from what we expect."

"It's Atty. Reese, Atty. Johnson," Kanalaa's retort after the lawyer's jibe, Kanalaa turned her attention back to her own preparations, steeling herself for the challenges that lay ahead in the courtroom. She knew that despite the distractions and personal turmoil, she had a duty to fight for justice, both for her client and for herself.


A/N: Hi, ive been busy since last week, i lacked of time for writing. u know, i seriously need a job bcs its been months since i graduated college, i need to sustain myself now. i hope you understand :< (〒﹏〒)