
The Archduchess on the Well

When a girl named Angelica run for her first ever job interview for her dream job, she suddenly saw a sad and gloomy woman inside the British colonial style mirror slowly moving closer to the dark well. Out of curiosity, she raised her hand to touch the mirror where she saw the woman and there she go to Carthian Empire where she found out that she is the unfavored Archduchess of Carthian. Being bullied and belittled , she comes out with the idea of having a revenge to her husband Archduke Ezekiel of Carthian.

LadyHacker · Fantasy
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3 Chs


The guy looking at me silently and it's actually making me unconfortable.

"Who are you?" I ask. He sit on the chair beside my bed and stared at me.It's like he's searching something in my face. WTH!

Later on. He Frown "Stop your acting Veronica, It's not like I'm buying it." He keep staring at me coldly while saying it to me.

"Who's Veronica?" Ok. I'm really confused right now. Where I am? who is this people? And who the hell is Veronica?! I got startled when

a i heard something broken. "Aren't you tired Veronica? You're always like that! Don't you think it's too much?"- he look so furious and mad

what did i do to made him like that? I didn't do anything wrong. what's wrong with him?! I cried out of fear. I can't help it. This is the first time

that someone has shouted at me. "What's wrong with you? Why are you mad?" I said while crying. It's not like I did anything wrong. "Look Veronica..." He's gritting his teeth looking at me.

"Stop playing around. I'm tired and sick of you and your doing! If you can't just sit arround, let's just devorce!" After I got to react, he just go out and slam the door leaving me dumbfounded.

I force myself and manage to sit on the bed. Dumbfoundedly thingking on what was just happening. I collect my senses and think on what should I do now.

I get up and roam to the room where i am and then I pass to a mirror and stop...wait. WAIT. WAIIIIIIIT. I surprisingly staring at my face while coping it. I look at my body and touched it.

Shitness overload! "Who am I?" I ask myself. I turn around still looking at my reflection.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!"I shouted and to my panic i got sitted on the floor.

Why i am not me?! My face is completely different and my body is too sexy for me!

I looked at the door when someone opened it.

"My lady! Are you ok?!" he helped me to get up and sit beside the bed. "Who I am?" I asked him while crying. He got confused but still able to tell me. " My Lady you're Veronica, Archduchess of Alahamrah. Lady of Zephyr."

I just look at him. "What?" I have so many questions but I just can't seem to ask him. What is going on? I know Alahamrah. That's the name of Greenfield long ago. Well, I know because this is where i'm living. When i'm not in this situation.

But why i am here?! "My lady you should take a rest for a while, you seem tired. I'll ask your servant to give you have medicine" He said while helping me lie down on the bed. "I'll be back here once you're ok and tell you everything. But for now, you need to rest."

He is about to go out when I reach his vest. "Can you at least tell me your name?" I asked. At least i know a person in this place. "I'm Frederrick" He answer with smile then go out.

Later on some people have enter the room and treated me and I able to sleep. Maybe when I walk up, I'll be back in my time. This will be only my dream.

Hello! It's my first time writing a novel. Please bear with my work and my wrong grammars. I'm not really good in English.

BTW, If you're reading this, you probably read this chapter. I just wanna know you that I really appreciate you and your time reading it. THANK YOU!

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