
The Archdragon Of Domination

Two magnificent beings faced eachother, one was a large dragon and the other a being bearing two pairs of golden wings, he stood noticeably taller than the dragons head, obviously not a human nor human sized. "Are you so threatened by my existence that you forget the fact you currently face a 12 year old child with such killing intent" said the smug huge red dragon with deep crimson flames all over it's body. On one of his fingers spun an orb like object, but if one were to observe even further you'd come to realise what spun atop his finger was creation itself. "Forgive me, but on this day I shall erase the greatest mistake in Creation......and my shame along with it" The Winged being opposite the dragon took in a deep breath as he suppressed the incredible ocean of guilt dwelling inside his heart and shakily pulled his sword from it's sheath. "For as The Lord God commands it, so shall it be done" he spoke underneath his breath as the words gave him a newfound determination and his sword was set ablaze by the purest golden flame in all of existence. . . . . . . . . . . . "What a joke". –The Archangel Michael had just made the greatest mistake in creation, a being so unnatural it threatens the plan itself. Given one final chance by God he is forced to take his sword against his creation and bring it down before it fully matures and becomes nigh-unstoppable. And so the Great beast of domination and Heavens greatest warrior clashed. Authors note: A little bit of a small introduction to my story and what to expect. This is a very daring story which mixes multiple universes of power. Cultivation, Sci-fi, Magic, Super powers and gods. Also expect some faithful to canon Religious and mythological references here but I will take some liberties as what I write is not the original canon itself after all. This is just the story of an author who loves these concepts and prays that he's able to not mess up badly. So I do hope you enjoy the story I'm about to write, and I really do hope I'm good enough to keep you hooked to the end, God willing I have the determination, skills and inspiration to do so. Thanks for reading my slightly longer than intended little summary.

SOLACE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 9: The golden generation and it's King.

The first mage stepped up and placed his hand atop the tablet and his information was displayed on the sphere just as always.

Name— Bastion Barkley.

Race— Human-elven hybrid.

Class(Mage)— Tier 0–stage 7 (Youngling).

Class(Mutant)— Third path.

Age— 17.

Sex— Male.

Mutant ability— Divide.

Core affinity— Gravity magic, Blaze.

Soul weapon— Emerald arrow.

Soul Class— Excellent (B+).

Attribute— Clone.

Arcane path— Battle Mage.

Innate limit (Mutant)— Omega +.

Innate limit (Mage)— Tier 6.

A wide arc appeared on the teachers lips uncontrollably, it cannot be hidden at all the joy he felt having a genius mage in his class already, he was ready to accept all being average except for one but this was an all to pleasant surprise.

The class too were unable to hide how impressed they were, a lot of whistles here and there, the existence of a genius mage was really something to appreciate even with the enmity between they and the other two lower Paths, especially practitioners.

It was like standing in the presence of a future 'god', so long as nothing unfortunate happens to him on this long path then he would definitely be fulfilling his potential.

The mage removed his hands from the tablet and the marking inscripted onto his palm was a golden Ankh with a crescent right underneath it, he stepped out of the line and returned to his seating place as another stepped forward.

The next to come up was an average Mage followed by another after that and then about four more until the eight one who also turned out to be are genius like Bastion and was a beastman of leopard descent.

Normally for the sole reason of him being a beastman his potential would have been instantly judged higher than his but for the sole purpose of Bastion possessing elven blood even if it were of the lowest royal branch made them withhold from making that judgement.

'Phew, guess it's finally my turn now'.


Raizel stepped forward, as the last participant for the day all eyes seemed to be glued to him a bit more than everyone else who came before him.

The students already got a basic idea that he wasn't in any way weak after witnessing him easily bypass the restrictions on this space but how strong is what was about to be revealed to them now.

The teachers eyes were on him for a different reason all the same, really taking note of the boy now it felt like he was truly standing before the infinite abyss of nothingness, yet for some reason something about him reminded him of the gods.

Which didn't make sense because the gods did not give the feeling of an abyss but like that of an infinite sea of power so monstrous and impossible to comprehend but yet so...Divine .

'Hm, most definitely definitely a peculiar of kids I've ever come across'.

Raizel was about to place his hand on the tablet before he paused for a moment, his mind slipped into another 'universe' of time as he began communicating with Eva.

'My age, Eva what do I do about my age, how does it even figure out ages too' he asked.

[There's three possible options, it either reads the history of an individual by taking a peek in time, read their memories and lastly it could be caused by some form of enhanced clairvoyance].

[Based on what I've been able to read it's most likely the first option, but it should be able to use the second and third].

'Tsk, dammit, I've only recently become a being with a history in time, even after I lost my transcendent state aunty tweaked the rules a bit and kept me in a place it couldn't touch for the next calculated 1,000 years'.

'It could basically see just three days worth of history right now and that would be....disastrous'.

[I guess your age will have to be the least of the worries they focus on, your abnormality is your only saving grace here master].

Raizel was silent for a couple of moments and brought his mind down to a normal speed as his hands eer placed onto the tablet, he along with everyone else in the room waited for a few moments yet nothing happened.

'Oh come on, please don't let me an underdog story for hell's sake'.

Lamented Raizel within himself as he removed his hand and placed it onto the tab again but nothing happened, the teacher squinted his brows and opened his mouth to say something but the tablet finally reacted.

It shook for a moment as five spheres popped up right before the bewildered gazes of everyone present, the teachers eyes the most bewildered of all.

'So it did pick up something after all huh'.

The first sphere read;

Name— Raizel O. Dragon.

Race— (???) (???) (Dragon).

Class— First path mutant.

Age— 13.

Sex— Male.

Ability— Infinite <sealed> Zero <sealed> Copy <sealed> Nine,

Soul Class— (?????????).

Innate potential— Undeterminable.

'14, thank goodness it at least partially went with my mind's fabricated age and past for myself'.

Raizel heaved an internal sigh of relief, this really was his biggest worry meanwhile the class were still shocked out of their minds at the monster before them and the worst part is it wasn't anywhere near over.

The second sphere began displaying a new reading;

Name— Raizel O. Dragon.

Race— (???) (???) (Dragon).

Class— Qi Condensation stage 1st layer.

Age— 13.


Martial soul— (???) Ancestral twin Phoenix god <sealed> Five Great Ancestral Dragon gods <sealed> Twin Ravens

Soul class— (?????????).

Attribute 1— Kings domain.

Attribute 2— Spirit eyes (mutation).

Attribute 3— Spirit link.

Attribute— Killing aura.

Attribute— Dark ice.

Body affinity— Body and Soul.

Innate limit— (?????????).

A long hiss followed by a huge exhale rose up from the whole class as they struggled in coming to terms with exactly what was transpiring before them right now, it was just too much. Some, with the teacher included were super dumbstruck and unable to make a single sound or perform any action other than sitting down with their eyes focused on those spheres.

'Aunty really is serious with the letting me work hard part huh, so many sealed options'.

[It would seem so master].

Raizel scoffed softly and watched as the third sphere began it's own display;

Name— Raizel O. Dragon.

Race— (???) (???) (Dragon).

Class(Mage)— Tier 0–stage 1.

Age— 13.

Sex— Male.

Core affinity 1— Destruction <sealed>.

Core affinity 2— Void magic <sealed>.

Core affinity 3— Darkness <sealed>.

Core affinity— Dragon magic <sealed>.

Core affinity 4— Death magic <sealed>.

Core affinity 5— Dream magic <sealed>.

Core affinity 6— Light magic.

Core affinity— Druid magic.

Core affinity— Elemental magic.

Core affinity— Word magic.

Core affinity— Summoning magic.

Core affinity— Gravity magic.

Soul weapon— (???) (???) Ragnarok <sealed> Murasame, Gloves of pain, Gáe Bulg <sealed> .

Soul beast— (???) Divine dragon of destruction<sealed> Golden serpent, Abyssal Lion. Kyuubi no Kitsune.

Attribute— Charm.

Arcane path— Tyrannic mage.

Innate limit—(?????????).

The last two spheres just displayed question makes all through for anything other than his name, race, sex and age.

Raizels eyes widened for a slight moment the second he set his eyes on one thing in particular, he cursed loudly to himself mentally.

'Dammit, why in the hell do I have that!'.

[What do you mean master].

'The damn gauntlet, it's something that links me to that bastard now'.




'Yeah, those things are definitely his although not comparable to the original and just a shadow, yet no one else makes a name as terrible other than he'.

'Recognise them all too well because of the first and only time I ever bothered Asura for a simple spar'.

'Worst experience I've ever had with an opponent, he named all of his great attacks the most absurd things'.

'I genuinely thought this was an insane tactic of his to give mental shocks to his enemies mid-battle due to how terrible they were'.

'But no, he was absolutely serious and not just that, he genuinely thought they were great names'.

'I ended our spar pretty quickly after that and he wanted to become my friend for some reason, thankfully I wasn't looking and even if I was he'd never be an option no matter what'.

'The gauntlets bear some of the least atrocious names he's ever bequeathed onto his things, but the fact I have a shadow of it links me to him and I do not like this at all'.

[But at the level he is then there exists no chance he would care about something so...much further down below, especially since this place is a no-go zone for beings beyond a certain level].

Raizel 'tsked' mentally 'That's not the threat here, Asura has this weird hobby you see'.

'The moment any of the many unlucky beings out there who possess a shadow of some aspect of him reaches a certain level then he would seek them out for a battle'.

'The level is always just right, not too weak and definitely impossible to be too strong as Asura is Asura after all'.

'And that's exactly what a being whose level barely scratches the surface of a demi-gods power is'.

'The stipulations of the fight is usually just one thing, if the victim is unable to grow into the level of a god-king in a matter of minutes then he shall retrieve the aspect of him they possess and gift to them a thousand years of Hellish agony before ripping away every last bit of power they possess and throwing the now basically empty and broken vessel onto the mortal plane'.

[..... Those stipulations..].

'Yeah, it's not such a straightforward thing to do. As stupid, loud and classless he is Asura is still a demon god and one of the most sadistic beings in creation'.

[But that's not enough reason to fear him master, your aunt or Esna could—

Eva froze in her words as she felt an unholy chill permeate every last bit of her existence, it felt the cold hands of death were readily wrapped around her neck fully prepared to take her at any time.

'What gave you the idea that I, possibly feared him. That I, would fear anyone'.

His cold voice resonated in all parts of he, she looked upon the figure of Raizel standing in his mental realm which was visibly deforming and twisting by the sheer aura emanating off him.

But behind Raizel was something even more monstrous, she could it, could feel it, the faint outlined shape it was taking upon itself.

It felt greater, so much greater than lady Sheva. In a split moment Eva's senses were drawn into a void of absolute nothingness and right there she saw it. A single gigantic eye that was opened ever so slightly but it was enough and it was too much for her, just too much.

Eva felt her mental state begin crumbling as visibly thick and palpable fear and terror began enveloping her existence, she wanted to make a single sound, to reach Raizel to plead with him but she couldn't and so little by little her existence began to truly crumble apart.

Tears which should be something impossible for a bring such as she to shed began rolling down her cheeks as she pleaded so loudly with a completely silent voice.

And it hit Raizel like a powerful mental shock, he woke up from his unstable state and the horrible realisation of what he was doing hit him. With the unstable state lifted his mental realm retuned back to normal and Eva was freed from both the void and the pressure.

He rushed towards her like a blur and called her name with palpable worry and guilt in his voice but the moment he had tried to catch her in his palms she turned away in fear and screamed.

Raizel froze, just right there, that very moment it felt like a thousand shards and a thousand needles had both pierced and cut his heart into a million pieces.

His voice got caught up in his throat for a moment and he instinctively backed off, looking upon her small form shivering so much in fear with her back turned to him made the guilt pangs in his heart so much worse.

'I....I'm sorry...Eva, I didn't intend to— I have no idea why I lost control that badly".

His voice trailed off and got a bit shaky halfway way through the end, his eyes were averted to the sides, he balled his hand into a first and squeezed so hard he released his claws on instinct which dug into his spirit form.

He forced himself to look at her one more time 'I'm sorry, forgive me Eva' he pleaded one last time as he released himself from this space and was now back to the physical word in which only a fraction of a second had passed.

Just in time for whole class and the teacher to go into an uproar, the teacher shedding tears of joy at the level of bragging rights he just attained, he might even get a super promotion and influx of resources just for this alone.

No, he was damn sure he was getting them and more, there couldn't have been a greater blessing that this, having a god-level genius born as a tribrid, a never before seen existence.

This was it, his path to the absolute peak of life, his reward for the years he's spent carefully building up those other geniuses he tutored, the contributions he's made the world, it was all foe this one moment, the heavens truly were looking out for him after all.

Raizel took his hand off the tablet and turned around to leave for his seat, not bothering to check what sort of inscription could have been embedded onto his palm. His teacher outstretched his arm to call him but took a hold of himself and cleared his throat and cast a cleansing spell himself to calm himself and redo his outward attire to spotless perfection.

He walked towards the tablet and picked it up, soon enough it would send a world wide announcement about a new god-level genius appearing in the world, he placed it back into the space he took it from and then faced his class;

"Alright, since that's everybody shall we move on to other things, you'll have more than enough time to discuss todays events amongst yourselves later".

Although he said all this in a calm and professional tone, down underneath he was barely able to hold himself together even with the cleansing spell calming his emotions every five seconds.

"Ah right, I don't think I ever actually introduced myself to you all" he remembered.

"My name, is Norbert Androw. A top 500 staff in all of Leviathan and top 1,000 in the entire world".

The students apart from one person immediately recognised who he was the moment he mentioned his name, the world rankings was a system followed religiously by almost everyone on the planet, the rankings rose and fell in a heartbeat as challenges could be issued at any moment in time to anyone, no one was truly safe apart from the top 100 whom just could not be challenged so easily by anyone at all.

But to be in the top 1,000, it was no easy feat at all so he could definitely be called a big shot in this world.

Meanwhile Bellona who was seated right next to Raizel still couldn't believe her senses, she was really sitting right next to a a member of the second most revered existence after the gods themselves. It was really a frightening and most incredible thing to her.

Those guys were incredibly hard to see, they were hidden so far away from the public eye whenever one was discovered and although she was sure he too would soon be taken away like they were for now she was going to revell in this experience.

"You've been staring quite a bit you know".

Bellona blinked and felt a tinge of embarrassment wash over her "sorry" she apologized.

Raizel smiled "it's okay, with this I can call us even" his gaze still hadn't moved from the outside and the guilt was still plaguing his heart.

"Heh, I guess so huh" she replied.

Some moments later out of nowhere a sweet hymn began harmonizing throughout the entire classroom, along with it came tiny bits of what seemed to be golden dust, Norbert smiled as he realised what it was.

The hymn that they were hearing in the classroom wasn't just contained here, it was infact spread out through every last bit of the world and beyond. And as it played both people and beasts felt their spiritual power get elevated and their mind at it's most peaceful, the hymn felt like a melody from the gods.

A lot of people in the world got a very smooth breakthrough in their cultivation or their Arcane path by the power of this hymn, causing some to break down in tears as they had been stuck for decades and centuries. And a lot of old monster hidden around the world opened the eyes for the first time in a very long time, they were ancient as the new era and even older than it due to some special circumstances.

They peered through the entirety of multiple dimensions in search for a particular place on earth and they found it, right in the Ocean of monsters itself were two hundred and thirty three massive blue pillars of light.

These were know as the world pillars and they represented the number of every individual god-level genius that currently exists, the pillars released a slow and steady humm every every 6 seconds and for each humm that passes a ripple spreads out throughout the Ocean.

Each ripple carried an unbelievable amount of power and due to such heavy and pure spiritual energy the Ocean was oversaturated with it and the monsters below who either had the ability to cultivate Qi or refine mana were perhaps the most dangerous and powerful compared to any other region.

And the phenomenon they were waiting for began occuring, little by little there was a new pillar forming amongst the old ones giving the final confirmation that there really has been a new found god-level genius. But then the the most surprising thing happened, because another pillar began forming too.

Their eyes were widened, this was insanity, for two..... wait, another one!??

Another pillar was forming again and this one was like a joint fusion , this was madness to them who had been alive for so long and witnessed the craziest of phenomenons, their mental strengths were fortified more than any other being on the planet that wasn't the gods themselves.

But this was truly was absolute madness to the extreme of extremes and the worst part was, the most insane of it all was truly yet to come.

Just when they were still in the middle of processing the insanity they were witnessing unfold before their eyes another phenomenon arrived, right before their bewildered gazes was a small golden spark of lightning.

And the pillars, those very unmovable pillars began.....moving. They were moving, they were actually moving and moving apart at that while the small golden spark of lightning was growing stronger by the second.

The waters grew turbulent and in an instant a powerful force blew all two hundred and thirty six pillars away to a wide enough distance but they weren't blown randomly. Right now they were in the form of an encirclement and at this moment the golden lightning and finished it's build-up, then it struck down into the waters and up into the skies.

A new pillar began forming, a pillar of gold and the weird thing about this pillar other than it being the only one with a different colour was the fact it also wasn't lodged in the sea like the others also.

It formed some meters above and only went one way which was up, the other pillars at this moment did something even weirder. Right now they were all curving a bit downwards and based on the formation they were in only one image could be presented.

They....were all bowing down to the golden pillar which resided right in the centre of it all. And so a single humm was released by the golden pillar which felt like both a statement and a command as the other pillars began humming in unison right after, so there it was, the phenomenon was over and the image completed.

The old monsters who were stuck in a deep trance regarding what had just transpired before their eyes finally got the wake up call and realisation for what this could only mean. The god-level geniuses weren't at the very top of the hierarchy as they had once thought, the system just had a massive upgrade because right now it was undeniable.

It was undeniable that there was a level, most possibly the final level above a god-level genius and it was somewhere out there in the word right now, whomsoever may possibly reach him first and get their loyalty and trust holds the key to an absolute power only truly or possibly second to the gods themselves if not destined to be right on par with them.

But as attractive as this idea was it wasn't such an easy thing to implement due to one simple reason, themselves. The only beings keeping every other old monster in check was the old monsters themselves as the gods had shared their stance centuries ago that they could care less for what anyone of them did and only one thing could cause them to make a move.

Although they were not given an answer to what it was this was still a great relief to them, absolutely not a single one of them could allow such a massive treasure to be taken so easily by one person and so right now the awareness they had around each other grew though they were all so far away from eachother.

They closed their eyes and went back into mediation all the while deliberating what and how their next step should be, meanwhile Izumi or more accurately known by her real name as Miwa had been brought out of her stupor by the clarity of mind he hymn brought to her and right now was shedding a tear.

A wide smile grew on her face as for the first time in a long time she felt hope for herself, the hymns power didn't just bring clarity of the mind, it also brought healing and right now Miwas terrible defect which she had kept hidden for a while was being healed, it was actually being healed.

Born as a rare genius but with a broken an defected core which limited her path to growth, she had been in hell and due to her extremely stubborn nature of refusing to ask anything of anyone her options were even more limited, even from the one being who could heal and even improve her situation with a single thought.

A hundred and fifty years, this was how long she had been stuck in her current realm and the only improvements she could make was her control over mana. Using as little mana to produce the most devastating results possible with her combat experience and IQ, but in terms of actual power and potency she had grown not the slightest bit.

And right now her defect was actually being slowly but surely erased and reformed into something much better, along with it was the fact she could feel her power was growing too. But all good things do indeed come to an end as they say, the golden dust began fading as the did the hymn which slowly but surely grew fainter.

Miwa instantly sensed it and panicked "no...no no no no no nooo!!" She panicked, moving her hands to catch the fading dust as tears rolled down heavily down her cheeks.

"Just a bit more, please stay just a bit more....please".

She pleaded, her head down in defeat as the feeling of hopelessness resurged back from the depths of her heart. A single dense drop of tear amongst the many she shed fell down to the ground, unintentionally packed with mana and all of her bottled up pain and emotions.

Almost instantly, Raizels heart which was all over the place and at it's most sensitive and weaker picked it up, it sprouted like a thorny branch the moment it linked up with him. He felt it, listened to it and saw them all. The bits of her past, her emotions, her pain and internal suffering, he lived it all in just a single moment and when it was all over there was only one thing Raizel could feel.

Indifference, this had absolutely nothing to do with him. In fact he might even say he was a little bit, just a tiny bit mad at her for one simple reason. Her suffering is caused by her and her alone, she has infinite help resting on all sides of her. One was her clan, the other her connections and the greatest of all being his aunt.

Yet she does nothing but prolong her suffering, all because of her extreme stubbornness in refusing to ask for something or show that she has a weakness, he wouldn't dare what she had as Pride, Raizel knew pride inside and out and she's just the absolute epitome of stubbornness itself.

And with that he suppressed the thorny feeling in his heart though he still kept the relic of her emotions with him, though he had no use for it now it may perhaps serve useful someday, the future was not a predictable thing, not the current him for now at least.

Meanwhile around the world news had already travelled fast, so incredibly damn fast that more than half of the population were already made aware of the new phenomenon that had occurred in the world.

Journalists, reporters and the media as a whole, which still existed as a profession in this current age were doing everything they could, pulling every connection they had to be allowed entrance into the space where the world pillars resided in as they had been made aware of the fact a great change had occurred.

It was a sacred place and trespassing of any kind meant instant death, some were lucky and most weren't. So it became a race of who gets there first. Soon enough broadcasting began and as expected the people were in great shock at the sight of something so impossible, five.....five new god-level geniuses had been born in just a single generation alone.

But this wasn't even the most surprising part, it was the pillars, the existence of a joint pillar, the fact that they all had been both moved and also the fact that they had taken on position so undeniable in what it was portraying.

Then there was the most special one of them, it didn't even have a base in the water but instead floated above which solidified the portrayed image even more.

People rushed online to every site to share their opinions, it was damn chaos that even Raizels classmates were involved i;

{World TV Host 1— "Do you realise the implications of what this means to our current world rankings"}.

{Host 2— "what do you mean"}.

{god-level geniuses, for the longest and accepted them as the peak of power only below the gods"}.

{"But it the title of god in their rankings was only just an honourary title"}.

{"And now we have this, a new anomaly so different from all of it's peers"}.

{"What if one has actually been born, one whose title would not be honourary but a factual statement"}.

{"I mean look at this, it cannot be denied what is being portrayed here"}.

{Host 3— "Correct, but what shall we call this new one, perhaps some type of..... god-king?"}.

And the name caught on like wildfire almost immediately, it was like a unanimous decision this would be the title assigned to the special one. The main part of almost every discussion ongoing was mainly centred around this name with other subjects being dragged in here and there, things of course were bound to get heated as with any hot discussion on the web.

Meanwhile Raizels teacher too got a new shock when he discovered Raizel was not the only god-level genius that was just discovered, there were three more of them.

And the situation with the pillars too gave him goosebumps, because one out of those four new pillars was definitely Raizel, but the possibility that he was..—

Norbert refused to finish that thought and convinced himself that it was far too early, seeing and evaluating all four first would be the wisest course of action now tho it definitely wasn't easy.

Soon enough those guys would be on their way to state how they shall handle Raizels situation, the names could not be made public yet until it was granted by them.

He looked at his students whom were lost in another world entirely known as the comment section and sighed, any hope for getting to show the slightest bit of focus for anything else was gone so he just allowed this, besides with this situation even he too could become lost if he dared to lose his guard.

"That's you... isn't it".

Raizel turned his gaze away from the outside and towards Bellona, then down at the image displaying before him.

"Tho I may not know much about god-level geniuses other than what is made publicly available".

"I know damn well they're not....you. And it seems some people around the class follow my train of thought".

He gave a careless look around the class then scooped a replica of the image and zoomed it out, his gaze on the golden pillar, seconds later he swiped his hands in a closing motion and the image was gone.

He looked at Bellona and flashed a soft smile as he returned his gaze back to the outside–

Bellona was a little in disbelief, though she was sure of her assessment seeing him give such a soft acknowledgement really just was the final nail in the coffin. Her gaze wandered towards him once more, a new bag of mysteries had just been opened concerning him with all she had witnessed and she could not deny her every growing interest in wanting to discover just all there was to about him.

'Heh, that I would be so old-fashioned, truly a day of surprises isn't it Bellona' she gave a defeated scoff internally.

But she reigned it in and forced herself to come to terms with the fact this was something way too out of her league and soon enough perhaps out of reach forever, but what could she do, this is how it worked.

Raizel's gaze wandered towards her for a second then it returned back towards the outside, a small smile crept up on his lips as he had finally located what he was looking for. Or to be more accurate, whom he was looking for, two people to be exact.

'Found you'.

'How curious the type of existence you are and the knowledge you possess'.


'Heh, is that so'.


'Hm, I guess time will tell won't it'.

His smile grew noticeably wider after he was done;

'Perhaps i may have underestimated this world after all, this really is going to be an interesting race".


number 9, done.

SOLACEcreators' thoughts