
The Archdragon Of Domination

Two magnificent beings faced eachother, one was a large dragon and the other a being bearing two pairs of golden wings, he stood noticeably taller than the dragons head, obviously not a human nor human sized. "Are you so threatened by my existence that you forget the fact you currently face a 12 year old child with such killing intent" said the smug huge red dragon with deep crimson flames all over it's body. On one of his fingers spun an orb like object, but if one were to observe even further you'd come to realise what spun atop his finger was creation itself. "Forgive me, but on this day I shall erase the greatest mistake in Creation......and my shame along with it" The Winged being opposite the dragon took in a deep breath as he suppressed the incredible ocean of guilt dwelling inside his heart and shakily pulled his sword from it's sheath. "For as The Lord God commands it, so shall it be done" he spoke underneath his breath as the words gave him a newfound determination and his sword was set ablaze by the purest golden flame in all of existence. . . . . . . . . . . . "What a joke". –The Archangel Michael had just made the greatest mistake in creation, a being so unnatural it threatens the plan itself. Given one final chance by God he is forced to take his sword against his creation and bring it down before it fully matures and becomes nigh-unstoppable. And so the Great beast of domination and Heavens greatest warrior clashed. Authors note: A little bit of a small introduction to my story and what to expect. This is a very daring story which mixes multiple universes of power. Cultivation, Sci-fi, Magic, Super powers and gods. Also expect some faithful to canon Religious and mythological references here but I will take some liberties as what I write is not the original canon itself after all. This is just the story of an author who loves these concepts and prays that he's able to not mess up badly. So I do hope you enjoy the story I'm about to write, and I really do hope I'm good enough to keep you hooked to the end, God willing I have the determination, skills and inspiration to do so. Thanks for reading my slightly longer than intended little summary.

SOLACE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 7: 3 Tailed White fox.


Was Raizel's reaction the moment he stepped into one of the main buildings which was like a whole new dimension onto itself but still fused together with the current world, it reminded him of the obelisk a bit though nowhere as exaggerated.

     "How many insides and outsides could one possibly need" 

He asked Esna besides him while looking at the people riding Azure dragons and giant bird summons to different floating Islands and different clouds which he couldn't see through for some reason, the air in here felt so unbelievably rich which spiritual energy of which his body was absorbing without even meaning to.

"god's aren't exactly the type to do anything in moderation, more is always best is how it goes isn't it" she smirked.

      Raizel's lips twitched but he couldn't refute that it's always been that way in anything gods do, Esna placed a finger onto Rai's forehead and passed something onto him.

      "That's the full mapping of this entire space and the class you'll be in, I can't accompany you all the way for now as I have someone to meet, don't tell your aunt I didn't take you all the way please"

Raizel nearly chuckled but he put his hand up in solemn promise he won't do so, Esna heaved a sigh of relief and nudged him playfully.

"Take care you little idiøt, don't forget the main goal for this"

She smiled then rubbed his head and left, Raizel looked up and took in the scene once more , he according to the map he was still standing just a little bit into the final inner, then he cracked a small smile and went on his way.

       "Here we are".

Before Raizel was the section he'd be in, an octagonally shaped building that spanned about 1.5 kilometer wide and was embedded into a modified mountain formation at one end of it, Azure dragons and other summons perched down as the proud owners stepped down and began interacting with eachother in a way Raizel could only describe in four simple parts.

  – Ass kissing contest.

– Dick sucking contest.

– Dick measuring contest.

– Ego stroking contest.

The one thing he found constant amongst them all was the fact they all were children of pretty good influential figures and then the most special ones amongst them were the direct heirs and disciples to some of the main pillars of this World.

He also observed the female species of this world, all a different type of race but the thing that seemed to be constant amongst them was that pairs of them were either in the arms of these direct heirs and disciples, thereby contributing to the ego boosting fest that was going on here or they were in groups of their own, either by way of being a parasite or by just being what seemed to be genuine friends.

Then there was the third type, cold and aloof with a certain pressure around them that seemed to send chills down the spine of almost everyone present, one thing he noticed with these types was the seed of power flowing through them was noticeably purer compared to these unsavoury loud direct heirs and disciples compared to, at least most of them.

But if there was one emotion that could be used in describing Raizel's feelings for everything he saw beneath him it would be disgust, for each of these beings who had so much pride in themselves yet were nowhere near qualified enough to possess an inkling of it at the level that they boast, especially with how fragile and artificial it was, dependant on the constant validation they received from everyone around them.

True pride was naturally embedded in the bones, every living cell, every hair follicle and every ounce of the soul right from birth. It could show and be felt by the soul without you even meaning to, seeing such artificially generated Pride felt like an insult and a disgrace.

 And so their pride was only to be valid if they were of the given birthright, bloodline and also with the power to back that pride up thereby being utterly deserving of it. 

Feeling such a concentrated storm of emotions a good number of mages and cultivators looked to the the point where it generated from and their gazes all fell upon Raizel, looking upon this being who looked so ethereally beautiful it felt like a sin, they would've been overwhelmed if if weren't for what they all felt in those eyes.

Those eyes, like a father staring down at his children with nothing but disappointment and palpable disgust, for what oh so great of a sin could a child have committed to possibly receive that gaze from a father it was unknown.

 All of sudden those who were gazing into Raizel's eyes felt a huge pressure upon their souls causing them to break contact as they staggered a little and found their balance but were greatly out of breath, people around seemed confused meanwhile the close companions had worry written all over their faces as they queried them for answers on what the problem was.


Eva's voice rang in Raizel's head, drawing him out of the small trance he unknowingly entered.

    'Ahh, what am I doing, feeling so strongly about something like this, so embarrassing' he chided himself mentally.

"Thank you Eva" whispered Raizel, he received a mental nod in response and ascended a little higher as he steadily walked towards his main destination.



A voice called out to him from the crowd, Raizel paid no heed to the voice and continued on his way so the voice called again.

   "Hey! Stop right there you bastard".

This time, along with a much angrier tone came an immediate action. In a split second the young man was before Raizel and grabbing onto his collar as he flared up his spiritual energy.

"What did you do to my little brother".

His tone was not that of one asking a question but demanding for an answer, an answer which could either save his life or make it living hell.

At least this was what it looked on the outside to everyone here who knew of this young man and the background he stems from.

    "Has anyone seen that guy before"

"No, it's the first time I'm seeing someone like this at our section"

      "He's definitely new, there's no way it's possible to miss someone who looks like that, sticks out like a sore thumb"

"What is that face even, how can someone like that really exist"

      "Haizzz, so unfortunate to have angered  Kàng Tiān, wonder what his offense was"

The melon eaters below watched and shook their head in pity for Raizel who had a very peculiar look on his face, that being utter confusion.

"You're not deaf are you"  said the young man named Tiān grabbing even more strongly onto Raizel's collar as his energy flared even higher.

 He tilted his head for a moment and stared at him, then to the hand grabbing at his collar, 'Eva, what is this' he questioned.

But before an answer would arrive action had already been taken, Tiān all of a sudden felt his hand slowly slip off.


   Looking down he saw that his arm had been cleanly separated from his wrist which was still grabbing tightly onto Raizel's collar.

The realisation and the pain of what just happened hit his brain only moments later as let out an ear grinding roar in agony, blood gushed out like a waterfall from his arm as he fell down to the ground, unable to maintain his focus on levitating anymore due to the pain searing through his mind.

Onlookers looked dumbfounded at this turn of events, Tiān's little brother Kàng Xīng rushed over to him.

     "Eldest brother!" he yelled out in worry, the assigned security detail also rushed over to the young lord and immediately took out a a small brown pill from the spatial ring and fed it to him.

The pill melted in his mouth as a wave a spiritual energy washed over him, in seconds his arm had stopped gushing with a waterfall of blood although the injury hadn't healed yet.

Tiān grit his teeth, his head full of sweat as he turned his gaze to Raizel above, his eyes filled with absolute bloodlust.

   "You two, cripple that bastard, he dared to harm me" he ordered through grit teeth and then rolled over, holding his hand in pain while his little brother desperately tried to calm him down.

Two of his security detail picked Tiān up and flew away to the medical section along with Tiān's brother while the other two stayed behind and flew up right before Raizel.

  Elder 1– "You have committed a big mistake young man"

Elder 2– "Such a dark heart you have, perhaps a little lesson will teach you not to be so cruel and impulsive".

   'What is this?'

Questioned Raizel still confused about this turn of events cause he hadn't moved a single muscle and neither had he attacked anyone yet somehow he was caught up in a conflict like this. He looked down at the hand which was still gripping onto his collar and the elders followed his gaze too.

     "Elder Bîng, we should collect the young master's hand first and burn it lest it's used against the young master" said the first Elder.

 The second nod his head in agreement "good thinking elder Yè"

But before they could make a move to take the hand Raizel's clothes wriggled and swallowed the hand in a split second, Raizel raised a brow in surprise and then scrunched them as he felt something pour into his mind.

"Interesting" he whispered.

      "What is that!" Exclaimed elder Bîng.

"Tch, his clothes seem to be some kind of flesh eating monster" replied Yè whose gaze turned cold.

         "Even what you wear is wicked, there seems to be no redeemable aspect of you".

"Leave him to me Elder Bîng" declared Yè as he charged up a moderate amount of spirit Qi into his palm, in an instant was right before Raizel as he struck at his gut.

 His eyes widened mid-attack as he saw an ice wall get erected between them and instantly stopped in his tracks, shivers went down his spine as he instinctively flew back a little to escape the feeling of being so close to such potent Qi and it was one he very much recognized all too well.

The ice wall faded away into nothingness as the caster came forth, a physically blessed woman with snow white hair, fox ears atop her head and three full fox tails gracefully waving behind her

      "That's....Miss Izumi!!"

 "Man, these two are in big trouble to have pulled her out here"

 Many whispers and gossips went on amongst the crowd, meanwhile Yè and Bîng grit their teeth as they cursed their luck.

This woman was bad news no matter what, although they were at the same cultivation realm she was a literal beast. And not just that but a magic beast, it was almost always impossible for a single cultivator to match a monster at the same realm, it takes two make it a balanced fight and three to kill one.

And this was for average monsters alone with common bloodlines, for monsters born with an incomplete version of rare bloodlines it took about 5 cultivators of the same realm to put it down, those born with a complete version of a rare bloodline needed almost ten to be put down.

Then there were Supreme and Divine bloodlines, Izumi was born with the complete version of a rare bloodline and not just that, she was born as one of the top geniuses amongst her clan, capable of fully taking on someone up to two and a half major realms above her with ease she was not to be messed with in the slightest.

Along with the fact her background, clan and backing were far more superior compared to that of the young master's they were outclassed in every way imaginable, they had not one single usable card against her.

Swallowing his pride Elder Yè decided to try watering the situation, he could not be too bold but neither could he be too submissive lest he lose an unforgivable amount of face.

Yè brought his hands forward and cupped his left hands palm over the fist of his right arm as he gave an appropriately respectful bow along with Bîng who followed suit in his gesture.

   "You grace us with your presence miss Izumi, to what do we owe this honour".

Izumi moved forward and stood right beside Raizel, her eyes carried a constant glint of mischief which didn't help in calming the elder's nerves,

"You attack someone under my protection, this boy right here" her all too sweet and hypnotic but cold voice rang in the ears of everyone present though she spoke in a low and calm tone.

 The eyes of both Yè and Bîng widened a bit as they raised their heads to meet Izumi's eyes, cold sweat rand down their face as they cursed their luck even more, this situation was bad now, very very bad.

Not just because of the fact that they had attacked someone under this woman's protection, but also due to the fact their master's orders put them in a position where failure equals death.

Young master Tiān's father who was the Patriarch of the clan was a very cruel and unforgiving man, one who would not take lightly to the fact someone had cut off the hand of his original heir whom he had spoilt and invested so much resources in.

And not only did they let it happen but they also failed in raining heavens wrath upon the bastard who committed this act, it would be an absolute humiliation to the name of the Kàng family's name and something that could not be allowed to stand, life drained from the faces of the two elders the moment they came to fully realise this.

Moving forward meant a cold and chilling but quick death, backing off now meant facing the equivalent of hell itself before being given to the sweet release of death after every single ounce of dignity had been stripped away from them.

Izumi, completely oblivious to the situation of the two Elders stepped a little forward which awoke them from their sinking terror and sent their senses into high aler subconsciously as they backed off a bit further causing to almost chuckle at this.

"I have no intention of hurting you for what you almost did"

      "All you have to do is let go of your grievances against this boy and things will be settled right here".

She flashed a warm smile at them which looked and felt easing on the outside, but the Elder's knew what they were getting was a clear cut threat.

They used their telepathic link with eachother and spoke—

 Elder Yè: <Dammit, since when did this woman begin taking people under her protection>

Elder Bîng  <This too eludes me Yè, she's always the least relations of anyone or anything, this change is too sudden>

 Yè prepared himself mentally for the step he was about to take, he raised his head up and stared straight at her face.

    "Miss Izumi, although he might be under your protection this young man here attacked our young master unproved and cut off his arm, also used a concealed attack on our youngest lord"

He paused for a moment and then continued:

"Surely we deserve some bit of compensation". Immediately after he bit his lip knowing he had done it now, his body trembled ever so slightly but as a seasoned expert he managed to contain himself as did Bîng.

      "Hohh~, compensation huh".

She stepped forward a bit once more and they both nearly jumped in fright but stood their group, Izumi still kept the same smile on her face .

"Tell me old man, did you see this boy attack your young master" .

      "Hm?" The two elders were confused and so Izumi repeated her question once more.

"Did you see this boy attack your young master, did any of you watching cath this boy make a move or feel any sort of power get regulated by him".

This time Izumi had brought the crowd into this too, discussions began amongst them and the conclusion was a lot of head shaking in reference to.

   "No miss Izumi" replied most of them.

"But we did feel a strong spike of negative emotions arise from him before" said one particular brave soul who got some weird looks from those around him.

        "We???" Whispered some.

Her smile only just became a little wider as her gaze returned to the two elders.

"Since the negative emotions could have been directed towards anyone it cannot stand as proof, but most importantly as the witnesses around have said, they found no movements from the boy".

       "So Elder Yè, what compensation do you ask for. Why do you try framing an innocent kid for your incompetence".

"Your job was to protect your young master, to have allowed for harm to befall him means you failed".

       "And now for someone as old as you are wanting to put the consequences of that failure on a kid....have you no shame".

Discussions erupted amongst the crowd as they all seemed to come to the same conclusion Izumi had, support was showered as they called on the elders to take responsibility for their failures instead of putting the blame on a kid.

The confidence boost they got by Izumi's presence around assured them of the fact that there would be no consequences for them speaking out like this.

Yè and Bîng had bloodshot eyes as their nails dug deep into their palms and drawing blood due to how tightly they were squeezing their fists, shaking and trembling all over like an active volcano they could burst at any moment, this was pure humiliation and there would be no coming back from this.

"Since we have cleared this up I will be taking the boy with me now, though I urge you do a re-evaluation of yourselves sometime soon"

     "Perhaps a message to the Patriarch of the Kàng family notifying them of your shameful behaviour and lack of qualifications for the job would help".

And with this last bit they once again recalled the pending future of hell awaiting them for their great failure by the hands of the Patriarch, then they just.....snapped.

They began muttering to themselves like a mentally ill person, a wave of chaotic and incredibly dense spiritual Qi rose up from their bodies, the spiritual pressure suppressed a lot of the people in that crowd, falling to their knees and holding their necks as life was quite literally pulled out from their lungs and becoming part of the world around them.

Not even with their spiritual energy could they resist it, but those who were given artifacts by the elders of their families due to their high status moved fast to shield themselves. Their gaze went towards the unlucky ones outside who were having their life force forcefully sucked outside of them and feeling goosebumps arise all over there bodies, that too could've been their situation if  it weren't for the artifacts they had—

 'How cruel' thought all.

      "Tch, they entered a state of Qi deviation" said one, his body still trembling by from the small exposure he got to such an insane pressure and he wasn't the only one.

 "Only miss Izumi could stop them now" said another.

        "But hey, what's with that kid behind her".

Their attention was drawn towards Raizel who stood completely unfazed by the combined pressure the two elders were dishing out, they could understand miss Izumi being unfazed but it didn't make sense for why he wasn't unfazed.

It looked like he was just enjoying a cool breeze and not the combined pressure of two 10th stage Nascent Soul Cultivators, it made no sense unless—

     'Yeah, it's definitely an artifact' they all thought to themselves.

'But that artifact truly must be a high-level one, to be undetectable to the spiritual and naked eye and also strong enough to cause absolute negation of effects' 

    'Even mine is only able to negate and water most of it down, the rest can be fought off with my own spiritual pressure but even that is not absolute' 

'His background must truly not be a simple one, his relations with miss Izumi already confirms enough' 

This was the general direction in which all their thoughts went, the mortal mind was a very weird thing. The lengths it could go to in order to deny the reality of something that defies it's self imposed logical boundaries on the way it perceives reality was dangerous and never to be underestimated.

Even more dangerous is the moment you try to make it aware of it's blatant attempt at denying reality and how quickly it can permanently reject and label you as the misguided one or the enemy, this was a trait not shared by humans alone but by almost all races present in this world.

Izumi looked on calmly at the inhumane sight going on beneath her and released a simple sigh, then in just a matter of moments what looked to be snow began falling from the skies, except normally snow doesn't have a glow to it.

She had casted a spell, the moment they fell to the ground and touched the bodies of those suffering below a small film of cold aura was formed around them and their life energy was no longer being forcefully drawn out of them.

Instead they were in fact getting it fed back into them at quite a quick pace, a deep and profound feeling of appreciation rose up in their hearts. And as much as they wanted to say it out loud the two elders who were currently going berserk were of a much greater focus, due to this none of them were able to catch the snow falling slightly to the side of Raizel whenever it came close to him, except for Izumi and some particular someone in the crowd.

The two elders suddenly yelled out into the skies as their madness reached it's full peak, their chaotic aura rising even further as they suffered a complete defeat at the hands of their heart demons.

Thier eyes began looking around frantically and their target...Raizel. Everything was on him, if he hadn't attacked their young master then they would never had befell this sort of fate, he had to die, he had to feel the pain and suffer, suffer in hell for the fate he had brought upon them.

Their heart demon amplified these negative thoughts in their minds causing even further deviation, then they attacked.

They both vanished before the eyes of the crowd down below but Izumi who perfectly capable of following their speed pointed her finger at the two elders charging straight at her and swiped downwards.

Two thick and thorny ice chains with an arrowhead pierced right through their skulls instantly killing them both, their bodies fell limp as all life got drained out of them. The cold aura in the ice chains seeped into every cell of their body and turned them into perfect icicle sculptures that would be preserved for a very long time, she didn't go as far as shattering their souls due to the fact they weren't anywhere near threats that required such level of cruelty.

     <<Ice coffin>>

She whispered, a well crafted ice coffin formed around the two elders bodies and the chains faded away into nothing as they were laid into it. Izumi mentally pulled the coffins towards her and with another mental thought to the spatial ring resting on her left hand's index finger, the coffins were sucked in by a vortex and with that marked the end.

Before leaving she lifted the effects of the snow spell she cast and walked towards Raizel, both were gone moments later and reality fully hit the melon eaters down below who began rushing into the their assigned section with discussions still running loudly amok amongst them.

Raizel found himself in a very luxurious and incredibly well spaced office like space but with a King sized bed and two comfortable couches the end, Izumi walked past him and rubbed her temple


"That was exhausting" she collapsed without a single care in the world onto the couch and mentally pulled out a jar of special wine from her spatial ring, then chugged it down hungrily.

She gave a revitalised sigh the moment she was done and dropped the jar to the ground, her gaze drifted off to Raizel who seemed to be practicing a technique and the mechanics of it looked familiar to her.

He stopped regulating power for the technique and looked up at her "are you really my assigned guardian"

    "Mhm" she answered in honest and took another chug of her wine.

"I've heard so much about you from her, mostly against my will but that woman couldn't be stopped once she began" she groaned and rubbed her temple again in remembrance of what she had to go through at the hands of Sheva.

Raizel found her words interesting "what is your relationship with my aunt"

       "Aunt" she questioned but got ahold of herself moments later.


        "Heh, she feels and acts so much like a mother I tend to forget that she is indeed your aunt" 

"The young Ouroboros, that's the nickname I gave you some decades back".

        "Oh well, to answer your question I guess you could call me her drink buddy of sorts" she shrugged and took another continuous gulp while looking at Raizel with the sides of her eyes.

'That really is way too much beauty for one person alone huh' she thought to herself.

       "Mhmm, I see".

Raizel turned to leave but found his legs held down by ice.

"Can't leave yet kid, I still gotta make some calls before you're all set"

He listened to her and decided to stay put until she was done with the preparations, it took about 7 whole minutes in total.

    "Whew, it's done now kid. You can go for now, its— 

"I know the way".

Izumi raised a brow for a moment 'what an incredibly soothing voice he has, even more so than mine'.

She gave a slight shrugged her shoulders "if you say so then"

"Although you will be coming back to meet me, I need to run a small diagnosis on you".

     "And please do be careful with the way you use your power, I have no idea why your aunt thought it'd be a good idea for a god, a god child at that to attend school".

Izumi rubbed her temple while imagining the amount of work she had cut out for her in the future.

   'If only I could I'd use every connection I have to issue a ban of violence against him, but that woman...'


       'what a pain, why did I take this responsibility upon myself in the first place anyways'

She facepalmed herself mentally.

 "I'm not a good"

    "Hm?" She looked up at Raizel.

          "I'm not a god, not anymore".

Raizel walked out the office seconds later and Izumi who was confused and quite shocked with this development couldn't help but analyse his tone—

    "Was that.....pain"...

Eva who was able to read her master's emotions knew that would be the correct answer.

Indeed, although Raizel had been quite quick in accepting his current situation and quick in his decision to work hard towards regaining his former glory it couldn't change the reality of how much he had lost.

To have once been the highest lifeform in all of creation, the divine beast who stood at the absolute pinnacle of power with a potential that could never be matched nor recreated ever again and then..... just like that, it was all gone.

Even worse was the fact it got taken away from you by the one responsible for your creation and trusted so dearly, his Father. That level of betrayal was crushing, it amazed Eva how she could feel not a single ounce of vengeance laying deep in his heart, truly was a marvel.

Raizel drew attention from the different multitude of people heading to their different classes, how couldn't he when he looked like the most imaginative dream possible. But he played no attention to it and only focused on getting to his own class, about close to three minutes later he finally did.

Standing right at the open entrance of and face to face with a middle aged man whom he assumed would be the assigned homeroom teacher, according to the history of recorded races this man was a human and goblin hybrid.

He had a pale green skin, light brown hair and eyes, incredibly average facial features, moderately pointy and longer ears and stood at a height of 5'7 inches.

 "Alright class, we'll be having a new student of this class" 

He announced and turned his gaze towards Raizel "do come in and introduce yourself and what type of class you belong to"

Raizel already heard the mutterings of almost everyone in the air and couldn't help but break out a small smile for a moment as he decided to step into the room directly.

And almost immediately there was a silence along with a few gasps while he took a moment to notice the way arrangement of the room, there was a moderately sufficient space between the teachers podium and the first row of seats.

The seats were also placed in a semi-circular fashion and were in an ascending position which each row forming a slightly more complete circle than the next, each row also had a moderately sufficient amount of space between them and Raizel counted up to 19 rows. It was also incredibly wide, much much wider and bigger than it looked from an outside perspective.

    'seems the interlocking and stacking of space is a much too common practice here' he deduced. 

"Do introduce yourself to the class kid" encouraged the teacher.

Raizel who was no longer in his 'universe' of time gave a final look at everyone once more and proceeded with what was requested of him.


"Just Raizel?" Questioned the teacher.

  He paused for a moment before coming to terms with something, something that unknowingly to Raizel had truly become the first step onto the right path of his long journey.

       "Raizel O. Dragon".




uhh........I did it?

SOLACEcreators' thoughts