
The Archdragon Of Domination

Two magnificent beings faced eachother, one was a large dragon and the other a being bearing two pairs of golden wings, he stood noticeably taller than the dragons head, obviously not a human nor human sized. "Are you so threatened by my existence that you forget the fact you currently face a 12 year old child with such killing intent" said the smug huge red dragon with deep crimson flames all over it's body. On one of his fingers spun an orb like object, but if one were to observe even further you'd come to realise what spun atop his finger was creation itself. "Forgive me, but on this day I shall erase the greatest mistake in Creation......and my shame along with it" The Winged being opposite the dragon took in a deep breath as he suppressed the incredible ocean of guilt dwelling inside his heart and shakily pulled his sword from it's sheath. "For as The Lord God commands it, so shall it be done" he spoke underneath his breath as the words gave him a newfound determination and his sword was set ablaze by the purest golden flame in all of existence. . . . . . . . . . . . "What a joke". –The Archangel Michael had just made the greatest mistake in creation, a being so unnatural it threatens the plan itself. Given one final chance by God he is forced to take his sword against his creation and bring it down before it fully matures and becomes nigh-unstoppable. And so the Great beast of domination and Heavens greatest warrior clashed. Authors note: A little bit of a small introduction to my story and what to expect. This is a very daring story which mixes multiple universes of power. Cultivation, Sci-fi, Magic, Super powers and gods. Also expect some faithful to canon Religious and mythological references here but I will take some liberties as what I write is not the original canon itself after all. This is just the story of an author who loves these concepts and prays that he's able to not mess up badly. So I do hope you enjoy the story I'm about to write, and I really do hope I'm good enough to keep you hooked to the end, God willing I have the determination, skills and inspiration to do so. Thanks for reading my slightly longer than intended little summary.

SOLACE · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 3: Raizel's awakening.

-[1,000 years later:– The year 3155]-

"Earth had undergone massive changes with the knowledge and power gifted to them by the gods, the planet itself had underwent the biggest change of all as it had been turned into a nearly endless realm, although anyone who was to look at it from an outside perspective would not see it as anything other than the same old planet.

A big change had occured in humans and beasts alike and earth was also no longer habitant to just these two alone but many other advanced intergalactic species had become part of the planet, they also didn't join because they were forced to, neither were they conquered.

All came by themselves to humbly submit themselves before the gods, not out of fear but reverence that they felt from different multiple galaxies away. A portion of each race also had a hand in causing the super fast enhancements of earth's technology, and with multiple races all willingly sharing their secrets, the advancements they made surpassed the advancements made by each race as individuals.

But even with these advancements, science wasn't the greatest universe of power on the planet as that belonged to the three gifts given by the gods unto all races and they were all a universe of power unto itself.

Ranked from the bottom to highest it went:

Superpowers or more often referred to as mutants.

The Dao which was also referred to as Cultivation.


-Most mutants could only awaken one ability, rare geniuses could awaken two and supreme geniuses could awaken up to three or four. Mutants grow stronger as they age and could also grow even faster by training or fighting, most also had their awakenings anywhere between the ages of 4,5 and 6. Mutants could also be born from the non-gifted part of the population and it has been recorded as a moment of extreme joy for any non-gifted who finds themselves birthing a mutant child, the average of lifespan of a mutant was up to 500 years.

They were also the only universe of power who could have their powers suppressed by the use of advanced technology although it didn't apply to every mutant, for example. There has been no record of advanced technology ever being noted to suppress a supreme genius mutant, and suppression was only half effective on rare geniuses while fully effective on the normal ones.

Mutants were divided into the levels of:

Low Mutant.

Intermediate level Mutant.

High Mutant.

Supreme Mutant.


-Dao practitioners was where the gap truly began, their awakenings began at age seven and although most are born with one attribute it wasn't a restriction. With their ability of supreme comprehension granted to them by their innate connection to the heavens they could use an entire multitude of abilities through various cultivation techniques, their spiritual energy was flexible enough to imitate any of the basic five elemental natures.

One most terrifying aspect about Dao practitioners was when it was discovered they had to ability to read and copy the physiology of a mutant, forcefully awakening themselves to whatever ability they would luck out on. And as this could only be done by great geniuses and above they would all be awakening up to three or four abilities with all being able to further be enhanced by improving their cultivation.

The only thing which served as some sort of restriction upon their ability to gain an endless amount of techniques was the fact not all cultivators were equal in comprehension ability and spiritual potential for cultivation, because as to be expected there were both average and genius rankings amongst them also.

An average newly awakened cultivator were at a level equal to most trained rare mutant geniuses, a rare genius awakened at a level equal to a supreme genius mutant with extensive training, a supreme talent genius awakened at a level greater than a rare talent genius cultivator with up to two decades of training and cultivation. Then a god-level genius were in a completely different realm of power altogether, the average god-level genius awakened at a level equal to a supreme talent cultivator with a century of cultivation and training.

But god-level geniuses were so rare only 233 of them could be found from a sum total of all races on planet earth of which was 78, 486, 231, 116, cultivators were also split into different types.

Sword cultivators.

Body cultivators.

Soul cultivators.

Sword cultivators were the most common type of cultivators around and body cultivators body type cultivators were a rare type, an even more rarer type would be those born with those born as both a sword and body type. But the rarest type of all would be Soul cultivators, the soul was the gateway to all paths so they were born with innate command over the body and naturally the sword.

Soul cultivators would be even rarer than these special geniuses and also the strongest strongest class as there would be a class above even them, Soul and body type cultivators were the rarest and also the ones with the highest potential of all cultivator types.

The Dao is endless and so were the many realms of cultivation, the lifespan of a cultivator could range from 1,000 years, 100, 000 years or eternity after entering the upper realms. Cultivation was a race for longevity and supreme power, if a cultivator reaches the end of his lifespan before breaking through to the next realm then their journey ends.

-Magic, generally recognized as the strongest universe of power and only rivaled by the Dao itself. Mages were awakened at the age of eight and most awoke one of the five basic elemental natures, a little less common were those who awoke two, three, four or five out of the five basic natures.

Then there were those with rare awakenings and godly awakenings, innate affinities were not a restriction on Mages being able to cast spells of other nature's, add different properties to the innate abilities and also use a multitude of other abilities if they so please.

As long as they've studied and mastered the spell they could perform it, although not all could perform equal to eachother. It took about 3-4X more effort and power on average to perform a spell for an affinity you do no possess naturally compared to those who do.

Geniuses cut this down to 2 and prodigies were the only ones capable of using them as easily as those born with the innate affinity, even surpassing them in most cases.

Newly awakened Mages hung somewhere at the level between a rare genius and supreme talent cultivator and rare geniuses were easily above most god-level talents while supreme talents were easily above this, but god-level talents truly had no competition but themselves hence why Mages were regarded as the biggest freaks of nature.

The amount of god-level talent Mages could be counted on both hands, they served as the second strongest force on the planet below the gods themselves. But what Mages even greater freaks was all Mages simultaneously awakened as both a mutant and a Mage at the same time, and the fact Mages were made with the intent of throwing all rules in the universe out of balance made them do the craziest of things.

It reached peak terror territory for everyone when it was discovered Mages had the power to connect themselves with the Dao, although only supreme talents and above could achieve such a feat it didn't make it any less terrifying. Being the only known universe of power capable of welding the other two, it truly earned them the title as the strongest universe, there was really almost no stopping them and their potential.

The path of the Arcane was like that of the Dao, torturous and as endless as the heavens, all Mages were immortal upon the moment of awakening, one of the very few instances where it's possible to kill a Mage was anywhere between the age of infantry to the age of 7.

These three reigned supreme as the greatest forces of all, but not everyone was actually granted the ability to posses them. To not cause an imbalance, the gods only gifted these abilities to 74% of every races population while the remaining 26% remain..... normal. It would be these remaining 26% of every race that the last remaining universe of power would work the best for as they all would keep working their hardest to advance their techs, lest they truly become obsolete in power to even the lowest ranked super powered beings.

Temples would be made in honour of the gods, academies for the gifted ones would be created and as the highest honour of all, the gods would be the ones who would teach the newest students for the first year alone and after that it's passed to the assigned teachers.

Competitions would also be created for each universe of power to partake in both friendly and extreme, for those who partook in the extreme competitions, death was almost always the outcome. And although the gods could revive those who died they didn't ever try so, the extreme competitions were created for a reason and it's rules were laid out bare by the gods.

But some 100 years ago the gods would completely vanish from the public eye of the world, with no warning not explanation as to why, their chosen place of stay which was referred to as the tower of Babel was completely closed off from entry.

In these times too a decent change would occur. The appearance of gates, portals to different universes and dimension, they served as a new source of exploration and a new way to expand the stakes of competition between the universes of power for more benefits, but all round the gates weren't recognized as a threat

But all prayers and efforts to communicate with the gods would be left unanswered in these 100 years, but all that changed around a few hours ago after your awakening young lord, and now the doors of the tower has opened once more".

The floating life-like AI imitating the physical form of a little blue bunny like human finished her little summary on the world's history.

But the figure who sat right before her heaved a deep breath "one question, why the form of a bunny...girl?. It's just really been the only thing that got my attention for some reason".

"Well, I thought it would grab your attention more. From what I've been informed you tend to lose attention for things you find uninteresting, and this form is quite popular with every boy these days so-

And he was just dumbstruck at this "no, it failed. It's.... it's just weird, I still didn't listen to you...well mostly didn't listen to you....ah what the hell" he got up and walked towards one of the many glass panels of his skyscraper like abode, taking a good view of the world outside once again.

"So I've really been asleep for a 1,000 years huh".


She flew towards him and sat down on his shoulder for moment before she got a hold of herself "oh i-

"It's okay, you have permission to sit". She timidly sat back down and said no word.

This wasn't something that could bother him now, his mind was too occupied by many things. He looked at his left arm, specifically the six wings engraved on the back of it still unsure of what it's purpose was but he guessed this had something to do with why he currently was the way he was now.

-[6 hours ago]-

Inside the tower of Babel was a particularly great room, almost as big as the size of three football fields. Right in the centre was a 7 meter wide hole full of a bright golden liquid and this was where the bare body of Raizel lay. Then moments later the bricks in the walls of the room began giving way as someone stepped in the room, that person was his aunt Sheva.

She walked towards the edge of the hole and stood in wait, some moments later too Idris and Raizel's former peer in the clan along with the other 79 members also walked it. They knew today was the day when he would awaken, "1,000 years" Esna whispered to herself, waiting to see the kid who had once crushed her dreams.

She and Raizel couldn't be called friends in the true sense of the word but they had met, in fact she was the first person to have ever challenged Rai in the clan and that would also be the first day Esna tasted defeat.

Esna was greater than even Idris in strength although much younger than he was, she surpassed him at the dragon age of 16 and was certainly one of the top 5 strongest beings in the clan if not 2, the only person in the clan Esna knew could defeat her was Lady Batsheva.

She had one goal and that was to become worthy to be the new matriarch of the clan, so for the longest time Lady Batsheva had become her ultimate goal to surpass and she worked as hard as he could to reach this, only then would she be worthy.

And then came the kid out of nowhere to flip the script entirely, announced as the new head head of the clan on the day he was born. Never had she felt so insulted and betrayed, there was the fact it happened to come at the hands of someone whom she had respected so much.

Even now she had no idea the full extent of his birth origins nor his abilities, only that Lady Sheva was his guardian and he was a dragon archangel hybrid, but she only found this out after her defeat at his hands.

So in the light of all this, it could be said she viewed Raizel as one word.....rival, Esna just smiled.

*The being born with the potential to reach and possibly surpass the Archangel himself, there's no way this is your end as my rival. So I'll make sure of it that you rise again, it shall be the greatest shame to me if the one who defeated me remains so weak. So just wake up already you bastard*.

And a minute later there was movement which instantly alerted everyone present, the golden liquid began getting smaller and smaller until it compressed around Raizel's body like a ball and flew him out into the open. Then slowly but surely it began getting absorbed into his body, a golden pillar of light shot up, it passed through the walls and beyond the tower itself, reaching beyond the planet itself then suddenly stopped....and fell back down.

A golden stream of power washed over the planet and all it's inhabitants, all felt a great suppression upon their bloodlines and beasts and beast like races immediately got the urge to bow before the supreme King of all monsters.

While all humans felt their senses go into overdrive, almost like what they felt was the power of a demon, a demon so great it could kill them all with a single look, the oldest humans were reminded of the last time they had ever felt such fear and dread, not just for their lives but for that of everyone on earth.

Sheva's eyes widened at the next change that occurred in Raizel's body, his silvery white hair turned a clear gold and from his back emerged two pairs of four large magnificent wings which were ablaze with fire, the flames seemed to burn off all the feathers but that wasn't the case.

The white feathers on his back all turned into an almost void black and it seemed almost ethereal in the way it looked, Raizel's body suddenly fell but she was there to catch him even before Sheva had moved.

Esna brought him down to her, Sheva knelt down and held him in her arms. The wings on his back faded away and Sheva wait patiently, her body already trembling from time to time.

Raizel's eyes fluttered, his senses were in such disarray and overload that it was hurting his mind so he groaned a bit and forcefully calmed himself down. Then he opened his eyes to meet with someone all too familiar to him.

"Aunty?" he called out in a weak voice which he tried adjusting but was suddenly assaulted by her hugging him so damn tight and it surprised him as he couldn't make anything of what was going on.

"Hahhh, my baby boy".

Sheva said uncontrollably in the height of her emotions and although Raizel still hadn't understood any of what was going on yet as his memory was too fuzzy, he reciprocated the hug as that was the least he could do for now.

A minute later they separated and Idris along with every clan member present came forward and bowed before Raizel "Welcome back young lord" they said in unison.

He raised a brow and looked around for a moment "umm, it's....good to be back?".

Sheva scrunched her brows "do you remember what happened at all" she asked after noticing an oddity with Raizel's body language *or is he just disoriented*

"Ah yeah, I fought someone and lost".

Esna was surprised at the way he could say something like that so casually, she'd have expected him to hate losing but it seems he didn't care at all.

"But do you remember whom it was that you fought".

"Hm? Yeah it was– Then all of a sudden a sharp pain struck his mind like a needle had been pierced it, Raizel groaned and held his head. Worry appeared on Sheva and everyone's faces, she inquired about what the problem was.

"I'm okay, it was the Fallen. He disguised himself in the form of Michael and made me think he had killed you and–

Raizel saw his aunt's face change in a second, from surprise to pure rage and she wasn't the only one too as everyone was the same.

"Why are you all like that" he asked utterly confused by why, but he pieced it together and came to the conclusion their anger was directed against the Fallen.

"It wasn't the Fallen".


"Micheal was the one who attacked you.....and it was the fallen that saved you".

Raizel looked the most confused he's ever been in forever, this didn't make sense to him one bit cause he was sure his memories weren't deceiving him.

But Sheva had already figured out exactly what had happened, Micheal had surprisingly messed with his memories. He probably did this once he found he couldn't kill Raizel as easily as before, so if he had to live then it he may as well be used for what Micheal would've surely thought as 'the greater good'. *He's always been one of the most straightforward and confrontational beings in existence, never had I thought it'd be possible for him to be this shrewd and calculative*.

"Forget about this for now, you'll be told the whole story later, for now let's get you covered up" Sheva smiled and manifested a black robe onto Rai's body which alerted him to the fact he had been naked the whole while causing him to become slightly embarrassed.

Before Sheva led him out Raizel got a good look at someone in particular and scrunched his brows as he was sure he'd met her before, but he had no time to spend on remembering where as his aunt held and led him out of the room.

Raizel was given proper attire, it was an open long sleeve white jacket with mana stones absorbed into it as a way to increase its quality and defensive properties at the same time. But it was mostly just for quality, at least that's what he was told by the maids whom he just discovered moments ago had been assigned to him by his aunt.

On the inside was a simple black shirt and his lower half was a matching pair to his jacket, his long now golden and overgrown hair had been styled to look a little different as it was trimmed around and it's length was no longer beneath his waistline but just a bit above.

After this Raizel was led back to his aunt who decided to spill the truth of what had happened at his request and it just surprised him to no end, right now they were out of the heavens completely and were on one of Gaia's physical manifestations in the material plane but this he had already guessed.

It was the clarification of the situation that happened between he and Micheal that shocked him, specifically after he found out his memories were in such disarray because of him. And the Fallen saving him was still a mystery as to why he would do so, his aunt didn't seem to have the answers either but she told him of the other things that happened in the heavens after his disappearance.

She said some new beings who pronounced themselves as the 'ink of creation' appeared out of nowhere and caused a huge shift in the hierarchy of the heavens, but this served as no interest to him at all as he had found himself at a crossroads.

"It is completely up to you to decide what path you shall take from here, and whichever it is I'll be fine with it, I have more than a million methods of keeping you safe" she smiled and assured him.

Raizel knew she wasn't lying in the slightest bit, he could live as he was right now, away from all the chaos of the heavens. Invisible but completely weak to do anything if things were to one day possibly get out of hand, he's lost nearly all his divinity, he couldn't feel his dragon side at all and domination had been sealed, he could feel it but if felt so cold and detached from him.

He was truly just pig waiting to be slaughtered, but he was in now helpless nor out of options. And so Raizel's mind had already been made up from the very beginning even before she asked, Sheva smiled as she too already knew what his chosen path was.

"Forgive me aunty, but I can't ever run from a fight. And this battle might be the greatest I'll ever experience, that is my answer" Raizel smiled, meaning every word he just said.

"But first, I'll get married".












The 82 heads of all eavesdroppers popped up around the room, it couldn't be helped as what they just heard caught them all way offguard.

"Oh wow, if only the concept of privacy existed" Raizel said with clear as day sarcasm.

They all turned their floating heads away in embarrassment not daring to look their young Lord in the eye, Raizel sighed and got up "that was only a joke aunty" he chuckled

Sheva smiled and got up too "come, there's still some things I have to show you" she walked out of the room together with him. After his little tour to familiarise him with the inside of the tower which was a realm unto itself, Raizel was shown his skyscraper like abode which had just been built minutes ago, then was given a simple plain silver cuff bracelet by one of his maids.

"What's this" he asked in a curious tone.

"Ah umm. This is a bracelet I created an hour ago for you young lord, it's made using the power of advanced technology and Magic, the only one of its kind too, it holds a special AI meant to answer most of your questions of the world outside. It's mainly just for convenience that I made it and nothing else, please don't be mad at me for overstepping my boundaries young lord, it's completely understandable if you–

"Thank you, this will help a whole lot" then he smiled.

The maid looked a bit surprised but she took a bow "it's my pleasure" then she was gone the next instant.

Raizel turned to his ask and asked "why would she admire me".

Sheva smiled "quite sharp eh, well, you may not have paid any attention to it in the heavens before but you were seen as the number 1 prime candidate for a mate. You have no idea how many of our clan members were waiting for the age you reach maturity so the could pounce on you"

Raizel a brow "interesting, but shouldn't that have changed now since I've fallen from grace" he asked, but Sheva's smile just grew wider "once you become well versed in the matters of the heart, then you'll understand change doesn't come so easily".

*I guess the statement about gods by that guys mouth was true, were all mostly just incredibly powerful children* soon after Raizel parted ways with his aunt for now and stepped into this skyscraper like abode, his room was at the uppermost floor as he was told by the house just now.

One might be asking what he meant, well the minute he stepped into the building Raizel felt a connection with it, he was aware of every last detail and he was also given the ability to move anywhere he wanted in the house with just a single thought, could also summon anything he wanted with a thought also and this extended to the surroundings outside of his new home

To sum it all up this house was definitely alive in a sense of the word, Raizel willed himself to his incredibly spacious and luxurious room. He walked to the edge of of the many glass panels showing him the view of the outside, not the outside of the building but the outside world itself.

And he could change the view anytime he wanted, "seems this was built at an intersection point between dimensions, I know I can physically into the outside world if I wanted". For the next five minutes Raizel was on tour around the world, he saw a lot of things, a lot of massive leviathan tech monsters which stayed high up in the clouds, many statues of his aunt and of some of his other clan members.

He felt every last one of them held a type of power he wasn't accustomed to yet, then there was the many other special beings with powers he also wasn't accustomed to yet. The only thing he recognised was the feeling of Magic, "very interesting" he whispered.

Raizel moved away from the panels and walked towards his bed, sitting down at the edge of it. He took a look at the back of his left hand where six golden wings were engraved onto it, he had tried making it obvious to his aunt to see if she noticed but it seemed no one could see it except him. And then there was the bracelet he still held in his hand so he just wore it onto the wrist of his left arm, the next second Rai felt something rush over his body.

>[Host identified]<

>[Welcome, the great dragon ouroboros]<

Then something sprang out of the bracelet, a small being which Raizel identified to be similar in nature to a sprite but a bit different too. *No, it's definitely a sprite but something has been modified, most likely due to it being fused with technology*.

The little thing bowed "my name is Eva and I'm your no.1 personal guide on all things earth" said the thing in a cheerful voice that somehow felt a bit dead at the same time.

"Can I get a quick rundown on the history of this world, preferably from the time of my clans descent up until this moment" he requested.

The little sprite nod her head and then took on a very specific form, then her narration began....


Raizel willed himself to the exit of his home and stepped outside for a little test but was met with a guest, seeing her once more he instantly remembered who she was "Esna" the words rolled from his tongue unconsciously.

A look of surprise appeared on her face which soon after turned into a smile "so you do remember me after all" she said.

"Of course I do, you were that crazy woman who attacked me out of nowhere as a child" Rai said without a care in the world.

A dark look appeared on her face almost immediately after he said that "well of course, I guess that's the impact I left after all" Esna said through a forced smile.

Raizel couldn't help but chuckle "did aunty send you to get me" he asked and then stepped out of his home proper, walking towards the open field surrounding his home, *that's probably about 40 hectares* he estimated after spreading his senses over the land.

Esna who followed close by shook her head "not exactly, she just asked that I make you aware of how you begin school tomorrow".

His steps came to an immediate halt as the news hit Raizel like a truck, he turned to face Esna with a pure look of disbelief written all over his face "what!?" He exclaimed.

"Don't think of the worst case scenario yet, this is very much different. We already thought about the right way to go about this 1,000 year ago" Esna hurriedly said.

He crossed his arms "I'm listening".

"Whew, alright. School has been greatly modified in a way that would suit your taste. The greatest boon to you is the fact you get to fight a lot more now, then there's also the fact you get to have competitions from your peers because performance actually gets graded, and I'm sure you never want to be second to anyone".

"You're no longer the most untouchable being in the heavens you know, and you get to also have interactions with those similar in age to you, you've barely developed any social skills which as quite bad for someone who's a leader".

"Ahh, right. I keep forgetting the reason why I was able to become the Ouroboros".

Esna gave a nervous chuckle "well, for now the power of the name is no longer with you. It only stays with the strongest member of the clan, and right now it's back to your aunt".

"Hm, understandable" he shrugged.

"And I'll also responsible for training you now" announced Esna in a very smug tone which Rai couldn't miss even if he were a deaf man so he couldn't help but groan internally.

"Is this really necessary".


Her reply came with no hesitation in between, "but first I need to take a look at your current state".

«gods eye»

Esna scrunched her brows "a bit weird"

"What is".

"I can't find your dragon heart, nor the flames that go along with that side. And where's domination too" she had so many questions.

Raizel placed a hand on his chest"ah yeah, it seems my dragon heart may possibly have been erased".

"What!?" She exclaimed.

"But I can still feel domination, it's just sealed off from me. Seems I still have access to my hybrid dragon transformation for some reason though, so my dragon heart may be somewhere I can't reach. And you seemingly can't reach either" Raizel concluded and released his hybrid form as proof for her to see.

Looking at the transformation Esna could feel nothing of the aura that belonged to a dragon, the transformation felt..... empty, it was like a dead shell. It was an insult to call it a hybrid form, it felt more like a costume the way it was now.

"So this for now in the meantime you're possibly no longer a tribrid but a–

"Hybrid? Correct". He suppressed the hybrid form and levitated a bit then released his four magnificent and ethereal black wings, from his right hand raged the crimson flames and from his left raged his demon flames and his hair itself became the Seraphim flames.

"This is what I have now, seems in return for losing my dragon heart I attained my Devil-Angel form, something I didn't have before" Rai explained.

"And the little strand of your original divinity you still have left".

Rai raised a brow and she explained further"there's still one tiny strand of divinity left in your core, it's tiny, almost the size of an atom but it's enough. You're still perfectly Immortal and self-sustaining as long as no demi-god or full god wills you dead".


"Mhm, I'll be back soon, I need to go tell your aunt this" then Esna vanished from his sight.

Raizel released the form and flew back down then closed his eyes *hmm, the Devil-Angel form is good but overkill. I should reserve it for times when I'd ever need to go all out, learning to use my two sides in both partial and fully released forms would be much better*.

"There's also the fact I don't know the full limits of my ability in a normal state, I'm not a divine being anymore so innate command over creation as I will it is off limits, domination is an even bigger no-no at the moment.

"Or perhaps not, Magic and Cultivation huh, this will serve me incredibly well in the long run" Raizel smiled and for the next few hours began himself to separate his forms at will while also testing the limits of his normal state.

With the help of his home and also Eva's assistance, Raizel did a whole number of insane tests on himself to find his limits and feeling quite proud about what they were while Eva just seems to be in shock at how her young lord could have such an insane body while practically mortal with no Magic nor cultivation base yet.

Although he wasn't able separate his Devil-Angel form yet, there was some small progress, and so as to push himself Raizel gave himself a minimum of five days to fully master it. Even if most of his potential is nowhere to be seen, he was still a natural prodigy and it would be a disgrace to him if he couldn't master it in such a short time.

He willed himself back into his home and willed it to summon a library of specific books that would help broaden his knowledge on the world outside "it's a weird thing isn't it Eva".

"What is?" She asked.

"I quite dislike lectures, yet I'm quite fond of reading. What a duality that is" he chuckled and picked out a number of books that caught his eye and settled down to read them right there amongst the pile.

Some hours later his aunt came looking for him and she found Rai laying amongst a pile of books with the little sprite watching over him, the moment Eva saw her she flew up and gave a bow "hello Lady Sheva".

Sheva smiled "hello Eva, there's no need to be like that" then she crouched before Raizel, "I guess he gets exhausted now too huh".

"Not exactly Lady Sheva, his physical state suffers no fatigue. His tamina is seemingly endless by my reading, but he can get mentally fatigued now".

"I see".

She checked Raizel's body herself *it really isn't there anymore, what happened in the thousand years he was asleep* Sheva questioned and then decided to peer a little deeper, she looked to where domination itself was sealed especially and scrunched her brows. "Let's try something" she whispered.

Sheva made a bold move and tried to break the seal on it, but the moment her will touched it she gasped and smiled some seconds after. Right in her consciousness was a single gigantic eye with a vertically slit pupil, even the full manifestation of her original dragon form was like an ant before it. And it's body.

Then she pulled her will away entirely*huuuu, it's changed so much, i have no idea how but this is definitely a good thing*. She smiled, then got up and left, still smiling as she walked away leaving a confused Eva to wonder what put her in such a mood.

*Evolution of a true dragon form, oh how exciting it'll be once it's fully completed".


It'll be advised that you check the second auxiliary chapter before reading the next real chapter

It'll contain a good amount of the Mutant rankings, cultivation ranks and Mage ranks.

they will also come with descriptions as to the basic idea of what is gained by attaining those levels.

SOLACEcreators' thoughts