
The Archangel of Fallen : Divinity Slayer

I, am the Heavenly Being who once occupied the highest rank among all beings in the universe. I am the only one who deserves to be honored by heaven and earth, Hell and Heaven, because I am the Archangel who rules over all domination. However, everything changed when I committed an unforgivable sin. And that sins too, has made me loses everything that I am proud of. They would call me a Cursed Being more evil than a Satan, they consider me to be an impure Being and they also consider me to be a being who destroys all hopes of Humans, Angels and all other living Beings. But what they didn't know, they had absolutely no apparent reason to think of me that way, because they knew absolutely nothing about me and how I could fall from all my Grace and Glory. However, even though they all think of me as such, I am still an Angel who will remain faithful to my Creator. I will fly back to Heaven, to cleanse every evil they have bestowed upon me. Because I, am the Archangel who can never fall! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch the Story of a Fallen Archangel, to return to Heaven and cleanse all his unforgivable sins in the latest Fanfic Story: ×The Archangel of Fallen: Divinity Slayer× © Highschool DxD • Ichie Ishibumi ©

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 10 : Fallen Angels in Action! The Owner's Will Eventually Return!

Chapter 10

Fallen Angels in Action! The Owner's Will Eventually Return!


Far away where Ryuma and his friends were, in a room that looked dimly lit, there was a figure of a man with long red hair who was sitting alone on a wooden chair with his face flat. He sat alone, with no one seen in the same room with him, the gaze from both eyes seemed blank, but still sharp.

Leaning his arms on a wide wooden table in front of him, decorated with a small candle emitting a faint light, the red-haired man seemed to be immersed in his own thoughts, regardless of what would happen around him, he focused only on one thought, thinking about something that had just happened.

"There seems to be a creature inside our territory, right, Grayfia?" The man said softly, as if he was asking someone, however, there was absolutely no presence around him but himself, it was really strange...

"You are right, Sirzechs-sama... It seems that this creature is not for us to underestimate at all, he might be able to make troublesome if he wishes..."

But suddenly, a beam of pure white light suddenly appeared right in front of the table where the red-haired man had previously been, and a beautiful figure appeared from behind the bright beam of white light. Her long silver hair, her face that looks very beautiful and the most seductive, is her very mature body, able to make any man will be very easily seduced by her.

"We can't take it too lightly, Sirzechs-sama... He has proven that he can be a very dangerous threat to us." The woman continued with her voice sounding flat, however, every word she said sounded very serious, recently, she felt the presence of a being very different from the creatures she had encountered in her entire life.

"I think you are right, Grayfia... However, it seems that he has a specific purpose rather than just to disrupt our Territorial. It seems, I have to question it to Ria-tan." The red-haired man replied while showing a faint smile on his face, the presence of a creature he had indeed felt since long ago, however, he had not received any reports of chaos in his Territorial area, at least until now.

Everything went normally, just like usual, the presence of the other creature did not cause chaos or damage at all, so he decided to let the creature stop at his family's Territory, but today, there was a strange incident that he felt, a phenomenon that he had never felt before. The center of the strange phenomenon occurs in the Kuoh Academy Area, right where his sister and her peerage are, therefore, he must act quickly, before it is too late. Whoever the mysterious creature is, he will destroy it if the creature has the intention to disturb his family territory, let alone harm his family, he will never be able to let this happen.


In front of Ryuma now, is a large Church building, a sign that before this Church in front of him was a large Church, which must have had a lot of congregations, but now, the Church has been forgotten from people's minds. As an Angel, he was deeply concerned when he saw the place of worship for the Creator, becoming an abandoned place that would now be used as a place to perform forbidden rituals that were in stark opposition to the teachings of the Church.

Anger is of course formed in Ryuma, if they intend to perform forbidden rituals in a sacred place, it is the same as insulting God, the Creator of Nature, he will not be able to allow those who can arbitrarily trample on the sacred teachings of the Church.


A pair of wooden doors slammed backwards for several meters, revealing the depth of the Church that looked worn and weathered, having long been abandoned and unmaintained for many years. The Angel statues have been destroyed, the seats of the congregation have been fragile, making Ryuma who sees it even more angry that humanity has forgotten who created them all.

They don't think, who created them, who has given them enjoyment and who has given them a decent life, they don't think anything about it at all. They are only busy in dealing with worldly affairs, without the slightest gratitude to who has created and made them live in this world. Apparently, is this what he always fought for? Is this the result of all the sacrifices he has made along with his friends in the past? If true, then he has made a wrong decision, supposedly, he does not need to protect fragile humanity at all in a battle that took place thousands of years ago.

When they had just set foot on an altar where they were going to search for Asia, they were all surprised by the arrival of a white-haired man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere. The man was seen grinning at the four Devils who had just arrived. While carrying a sword in his right hand, the figure of the man is seen wearing the typical Church robes, this figure is not a stranger to Ryuma, he is also a figure he had warned before, who else if not a man who had previously attacked Issei a few days ago.

"Freed! Where do you hide Asia?!" Issei shouted loudly, recognizing the white-haired man by the name of Freed, questioning where his colleagues were hiding Asia's whereabouts.

"That nun girl? He is under this altar behind me. You will be able to get through it, when you manage to defeat me... I will make sure you will die before my holy power! You are filthy creatures, while I am a holy man!" Freed replied confidently, four to one, it wasn't a problem, because right now, he had an incredible surprise to show the lowly Devils before him right now.

"Hey, it's only this time that I feel upset..." Ryuma said softly, staring intently at Fred with his two piercing eyes, he felt so very angry and annoyed when someone claimed to be a saint, but in reality he was not.

Although this is nothing more than the Vision he will show to him, he can't stand still anymore, Freed has exceeded his limits, he must teach him a lesson he will forever never forget. Despite the fact that he really wanted to kill Freed and end his misguided life so that there would be no more people following his way of life, he realized that he would only add more problems to the Figure.

"You're that Devil! Get ready to perish this time! I won't be able to allow someone to trample on my pride to be able to live in this world." Freed was both angry and annoyed, indeed, at first he felt very afraid of the black-haired young man, but now, he doesn't need to be afraid at all anymore, because he has so much support behind him.


A sacred bullet had been shot right at Ryuma's face, piercing through the air and creating a transparent beam of smoke behind the hot bullet. However, the bullet would be nothing but a futile effort, because such a small attack felt like nothing more than a child's toy for him, just before the bullet penetrated Ryuma's face, suddenly a strange and extraordinary phenomenon occurred.

"You two, you go. I'll take care of this Exorcist myself, I'll catch up with you guys in a few minutes." Ryuma said coldly, telling his three friends to first go to the place where Asia was, while he would keep Freed here.

"Oi! Oi! Don't be careless-"Just before Freed could finish his words, he was left speechless when he realized that Ryuma's figure had now disappeared and moved right behind him, the black-haired young man was seen leaning on his back while showing a big smile on his handsome face. Very quickly, that word was all Freed could think of, he couldn't see the movement of the black-haired young man at all, as if he had just jumped over space or teleported.

"You still remember, don't you?  I once said that if you still don't change, I will teach you a valuable lesson that you will never forget..." Ryuma said softly right beside Freed's right ear, making the man feel shivering as well as goosebumps at the words Ryuma had just said for him.

Realizing that a very dangerous figure is now right behind him, Freed immediately slashes his sword back, and succeeds... He managed to slash his sword right towards Ryuma's neck, however, a very confusing and astonishing strangeness occurred, where, instead of being injured or in pain, the black-haired young man actually smiled very broadly at him, without showing the slightest wound on the neck he had just slashed, Ryuma looked still silent while staring right at Freed with his sharp eyes and highlighted.


With lightning speed, Ryuma immediately punched Freed right in the face so very hard, so hard that he could hear the sound of broken bones, blood splashing in all directions, followed by Freed's body which immediately slammed far back. With just one punch, it can make Freed immediately accept his defeat decisively, especially if Ryuma pulls out all his techniques, it is certain that this world will be shaken very violently with all his extraordinary strength.

"You didn't study at all, right?" Ryuma asked softly, but his voice sounded so cold and full of threats, right at that very second, Freed felt that this was the end for him, he couldn't do anything anymore at all, because he realized, that he was no match for the black-haired young man at all.

Freed had been defeated, and could only lie helpless on the cold floor, the wound he received on his face was fatal, his jaw had been shattered, his nasal bone had been broken, and blood flow incessantly flowed out of his nostrils, between his mouths and also from his two ear holes. He couldn't feel anything at all, either because he couldn't feel the pain, or he was feeling pain that he couldn't feel anymore, obviously, he couldn't continue fighting again.

Ryuma's strength is indeed very amazing, in fact, he still hasn't used his full strength in the blow, you can imagine if he uses his full strength, then all the creatures he will meet in this world will be nothing in front of him, but unfortunately, he can't do that, he who in fact only borrows, will not be able to master all the extraordinary power possessed by the Figure.

Putting aside Freed who was already helpless, Ryuma immediately walked to the place where Freed had said would be the place where the ritual would take place, an altar below which had an underground room that they would use to perform the heretical ritual. Once there, he realizes that the altar has been destroyed in such a way, and reveals dozens of steps leading into the ground, leading him to conclude that Issei, Kiba and Koneko have arrived at where the girl is.

Just standing right in front of the first step, Ryuma could already feel that there was a lot of life energy gathering below, there was only one that had a strong aura radiance, while the others were nothing more than ordinary living creature energy, so to speak, they were ordinary humans who had no spiritual power at all. Meanwhile, there are some life energies that emit negative auras, which means that the owner of the life energy is a person who has ties to the spiritual world.

Even so, Ryuma didn't think much about the amount of life energy he had just felt, he thought more about the condition of his friends and also an Issei friend that he would save, if the ritual was successful, then all his and his friends' efforts would only be in vain. It is quite a pity, how they can act arbitrarily towards mankind, there is no punishment they deserve other than death, but unfortunately, he is absolutely not allowed to kill them all, after seeing all the sins they have committed, he is still not allowed to kill them all. As it turns out, living as an Angel is quite troublesome, where he cannot act on his own, unlike his original life...


Right where Asia is, there are so many people dressed all in black, surrounding a ritual altar that has been filled with lit candles. On the altar, stood a woman with long dark black hair, her beautiful face and with her beautiful body, looking at some guests who had just arrived with a wide grin displayed on her face.

While right next to it, there was a cross that was large enough, large enough to contain the body of a human being, surprisingly, the cross was not empty at all, but was filled with a blond girl who was struggling to try to untie the ties that were binding her legs and hands.

Undeniably, the figure of the girl tied to the cross is Asia, the figure of Issei's friend as well as the person who will be saved by Kiba, Koneko, Issei and Ryuma, fortunately, the ritual is still about to begin, which means, that their chance to bring Asia home with a safe condition is still there for them.

However, to get to the altar, they would have to pass through the large number of people dressed in all black who were assigned to prevent them from disturbing the ritual, their large numbers, plus each of them who had been armed with sacred weapons, the effort to defeat them all would be quite a difficult thing to do. Although their hopes of bringing Asia home safely were getting smaller, suddenly a hope appeared that immediately made them feel very relieved, with the arrival of this hope, their chances of successfully saving Asia were opened very widely.


From the top of the room, a black-haired young man appeared who was flying through the air using a pair of pitch-black wings, strand after strand of black Angel wings began to fall from above the sky, and landed on the floor surface, making anyone who saw him, will immediately be enveloped by various questions.

A fallen angel they had never seen was also present? A rare phenomenon that is very rare, the Devil Race together with the Fallen Angel Race work together to save a girl from the Church? Hey, isn't that an amazing phenomenon, even though they are from different Factions, it wouldn't be an excuse for them not being able to work together.


A strong gust of wind formed just as Ryuma landed in the midst of the many people dressed in all black, without the slightest concern if they would attack him simultaneously. His face looked so very flat, without the slightest expression displayed on his handsome face, but his eyes looked so very sharp, staring towards the altar where the ritual would be performed.

Ryuma's arrival is very unexpected, of course, a breath of fresh air for Issei, Kiba and also Koneko, with this, they can at least defeat the people dressed in all black quite easily, then later, they will succeed in saving Asia and punishing Raynare, really very easy.

The people dressed in all black must have felt very surprised when they saw Ryuma, they were confused as to whether the Fallen Angel in front of them was a friend or foe, because, basically, they were also currently serving the Fallen Angel. But they hadn't had time to think about the answers to their questions, suddenly Ryuma immediately walked closer to the ritual altar, without paying the slightest attention to the people dressed in all black who were besieging him.

"Hold him down!" Raynare shouted loudly, telling all of her subordinates to hold Ryuma in place, because she knew, if the black-haired young man reached the ritual altar, then the ritual would forever be unobservable, arguably, the ritual would fail.

Ryuma's footsteps slowly stopped, as he felt that countless people dressed in all black were besieging him from all directions, having prepared to hold him here or even kill him, obviously, they would not let him pass easily. Because he was an Angel who kept God's commands, he couldn't kill them all at all, at least this fight would be a little troublesome, because he could only throw light fists at them, he couldn't risk if someone would die when he dealt too hard a blow.

A fierce battle is inevitable, a Fallen Angel against dozens of misguided Exorcists who are already armed with sacred swords and pistols, will be a one-sided battle, considering Ryuma will fight them all alone. The black-haired young man began lunging and attacking anyone who dared to approach him, even if only with his bare hands, it was more than enough to knock them all down quickly.

But then, Kiba and Koneko decide to help Ryuma defeat dozens of people dressed in black, while Issei, the brown-haired young man is seen running close to the altar to save Asia. Every once in a while, he encounters some problems, namely some people dressed all in black who try to block him, but all these problems can be solved immediately by Ryuma, who immediately forces the people to fall.

Ryuma's prowess and skill in fighting with his bare hands looks so amazing, every attack, will hit right on his target and immediately make his target fall instantly, his movements are also very smooth, anyone who sees him, will think that the black-haired young man is a warrior who is very adept at defeating his enemies, like a warrior who has gained a lot of experience in his battles, because indeed, he is.

The more he threw his fists and kicks at everyone who tried to knock him down, the more angry and annoyed Ryuma would be, if they could do this to him, they should have known that this action they were doing would lead to a great sin. They consider themselves to be holy figures, however, now they are risking the life of a holy nun just to get the advantage, isn't that too much?!


A heavy kick hit the abdomen of one of the dozens of people dressed in all black, which immediately made the person's body crash far enough and ended up hitting a wall so very hard. While Kiba and Koneko were happy that Ryuma managed to defeat all the Exorcists quickly and easily, the black-haired young man felt another feeling.

His soul seemed to tremble, to the point that it made his body unable to be moved by him in the slightest, both his eyes seemed to widen, because at that very second, he realized that he had made a fatal mistake. He slowly turned to the place where one of the dozens of Exorcists dressed in all black was, the person he had previously kicked a little hard, now seen lying on the ground without the slightest sign of movement.

Ryuma's body was forced to kneel on the floor, when he felt extreme pain in his heart, even he spewed a mouthful of fresh blood from his mouth, making Kiba and Koneko who saw his condition change suddenly, felt very worried about him. It seems, he can only help here, he has broken his promise with a figure who is the original owner of everything he has borrowed, now, he must return....

With his eyes faint, Ryuma stared at Kiba and Koneko in turn, he couldn't say a word anymore at all, everything had been taken back by the original owner of everything he had borrowed, which meant, his time in this world was up. Although it was quite short, at least he could return to prove to the person he really intended to save, who had suffered for so long, in the madness that relentlessly hit him, as well as pain.

But he also has to account for an act he just did to that figure, hoping that the figure will forgive him and return to this world again. The person is completely innocent, but must bear the punishment for the actions of irresponsible cursed creatures, a figure who has fallen from all his glory, he will make sure, that the figure will return to get all of his glory, Again...
