
The Archangel of Death

Warning! Addiction ahead. [Change in synopsis is in points below] ****** There are many things that I hate to the point of loathing. But what I hate most about this scenario is a hero who screws up. I mean sure, he can do whatever he wants. But all I'm asking is not to be naïve. This is a story about how I got transmigrated into the world of a novel, about how I tolerated the naïve MC whose actions were no better than a four years old even though he had regressed. And how I, the side character, or a small villain one could say, had to clean up the messes made by the hero and his party. ******** The synopsis might not be that compelling but I'm still learning folks. I hope you give this novel a read until the free chapters before you decide whether to drop it or keep reading it. Looking forward to working with all of you! Stay tuned! A few points: 1: The cover is A.I generated and it is completely mine. 2: The new update schedule is one chapter per day. But the option of bonus chapters is now available. 3: [100 power stones= 1 bonus chapter] [300 power stones= 2 bonus chapters] [5 golden tickets= 1 bonus chapter] 4: The free release ends at 50 chapters. 5: Please, Please, Please, Do not hesitate to point out my mistakes as they will help me improve my novel. Any suggestions that you have are also welcome. 6: Most importantly, do not forget to write a review. Whatever you think. Don't hesitate.

Bad_Wolf_7811 · Fantasy
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252 Chs


Chapter 28

As much as I would like to tease a girl who was sitting here yesterday like she had won in poker, and now with a cute embarrassed expression that was arousing the sadistic bastard in me, I was very worried about the quest that had popped up.

Sure, Asmara was talented, but that wasn't a reason enough for me to marry her. As far as talent was concerned, I could make a firefly a flame dragon. What worried me was the motive behind this quest.

Although Asmara wasn't a main heroine, it would be correct to say that she was a concubine, in other words, a sub heroine. And Eric had clear eyes on her due to her talent.

Now if something between us happened, that would be pitting Eric against me. I'm not afraid of Eric but I am worried about the consequences that would bring. For all I know the world might explode if he dies.

Taking a risk with no reward wasn't my style. However, the reward wasn't available from the system. I had to do this no matter what.

"I would like to begin with a thank you and an apology." Richard began to speak. Although I'm kind of a selfish person, I know how to treat elders.

"Thank you would be appreciated but I won't be shameful enough to let an elder apologize to me," I replied with utmost sincerity.

He smiled and replied, "Then let us keep it to gratitude." He began and continued after a brief sigh, "It was thanks to you that we were able to investigate and find traces of a very dangerous poison. Although it wasn't dangerous to me, it was very dangerous to a low-ranking person, namely my granddaughter."

I nodded. "I apologize as many refreshments laced with poison had already been served by the time I found out about the poison. And even then, I couldn't act recklessly and alarm the spies."

My prepared excuse made sense so he nodded.

[Though you were the one to poison them in the first place]

'A small-time stomach poison. No one would have died.' I retorted. It's not like it matters anyway. They don't know I did it and by doing so, they were focused on their true enemies.

"Be that as it may, I would like to personally thank you for what you have done." He turned and signaled Asmara who reluctantly came forward and presented me with an artifact. An A-rank artifact.

"This is a small token of my gratitude. I hope his highness won't be disappointed by it." Richard spoke while I took the artifact from Asmara who was reluctant to let go of it.

[Tears of Parabellum]

[Rank: A+]

[A magical artifact that can restore mana completely. The condition is to charge it with strong tear-inducing emotions such as sadness, strong happiness, or tickling might work as well.]

I checked the description and although it was very high in rank, the recharge condition was very weird. However, it was good to have. It is useless to me since I have no mana but for Alicia, who has a very high amount of mana due to her blessing, and the status of a saint, this artifact would be amazing.

And since there is no restriction that only the person who can charge it can use it, means I can just have someone else in immense pain, which I might be the one to induce, charge it, and then give it to Alicia.

"I have to say, you are very generous in your gratitude," I replied while the artifact disappeared from my hand. He was surprised at this act but chose to keep quiet about it.

"How did you do that?!" However, her granddaughter didn't share his wisdom and loudly asked me. I only smiled at her but didn't reply.

I turned to Richard and asked, "Surely that isn't all you are here for."

"Your Highness is indeed perceptive about this. But I would like it if we are alone for this conversation." He glanced at Rose and Max but that didn't include his family members.

"I'm sorry but if your family members are here, then my subordinates can stay as well." I straightforwardly replied and the leaving Max and Rose halted. They looked at each other troubled but no one spoke.

"Are you comparing us to peasants?" Victor spoke from the side. Richard was about to admonish him but I spoke before him, "Please keep in mind where you are, Sir Victor. I am the master of this domain. What I say goes."

Victor turned red at my answer and I could see that Asmara wasn't too happy with my answer too but I couldn't give a sh*t. Max and Rose were my subordinates and they needed to see that my orders were above even the emperor's.

"I apologize for my son's rash behavior. If you trust them, then we have no problem with them staying." Richard spoke and I nodded in response. I had a strong urge to say that his son should leave since he couldn't be trusted but I gave him the benefit of the doubt.

"What does His Highness know about the pope?" Richard began and asked. I could see in what direction this was going and this was definitely not the subject to discuss in front of his son.

"The church is the second face of the coin that is called the Cortum empire. They used to handle the inquisition work of the imperial family before the Silver Sun Knights came to form. The pope is the face of the organization." I gave an overview saying nothing about the pope himself.

Richard nodded and asked, "And what about the Pope?"

"I have no idea about him. I didn't have enough time to research him." I replied. I knew about the pope but I was living under a convenient lie that made me the master of the truth.

"Hmm. We suspect that the pope is after the throne." Richard spoke and almost everyone in the room was astonished. Even from his family's side. Everyone except for Victor, a detail I didn't fail to notice, and from the looks of it, Richard knew too.

I wasn't also surprised but my reason was evident. I didn't know anything about it as far as they were concerned.

"And what does that have to do with me?" I asked.

"We suspect that the pope is using the first imperial prince, the first crown candidate to get to the throne. My reason for coming is here to show you my support." He displayed his agenda which once again surprised everyone.

"It makes sense that you want to support your grand son-in-law," I replied. His expression, however, turned awkward on that.

[It seems you were tight]

'Of course I was.'

"Unfortunately, Your Highness, your engagement with Asmara was broken earlier today in public," Richard replied awkwardly.

"Then it doesn't make sense for you to be here," I replied with a questioning expression on my face.

He was a little surprised when I showed no surprise to that news but he was soon to collect himself.

"My previous deal with your father was that my granddaughter would marry you and in turn, he would cure her sickness which he did but we were the ones who did not follow the deal so we already owe you a huge debt." He recounted the story of me and Asmara's engagement.

"Unfortunately, I have nothing to do with it. That's between you and the crown prince so you can deal with him if you want to even the slate. If you want to deal with me, then you will have to propose something that would benefit me." I replied.

He was again surprised and not just him, the rest of his family members were surprised as well. I could have used that fact to make him support me but I am wise enough to know that iron fist isn't the way to truly rule.

"Then shouldn't you be offering us something for our support?" Asmara quipped from the side, a little offended by my remarks so far.

I smiled and simply replied, "Well, I'm not the one going against the church now, am I?"

It was simple. I had nothing to do with the church. Even the two spies I killed won't make me their enemy. The Hayez house, however, is.

If they go down the line of not joining them, then if the church's representative which in this case was the first imperial prince, takes hold of the throne, then the first house to be targeted would be the Hayez family house and they knew that.

All the other houses were there for centuries but the Hayez house gained that title through achievements. The other dukes don't really like them. But Richard won't choose to side with the church because they were against his master, the emperor, so the only thing that would happen if the church's representative came into power, is their annihilation.

Richard knew that and so did the rest of them. That was why Victor was so desperately trying to win the favor of the crown prince.

"It seems that His Highness is very wise. Yes. You are indeed correct." Richard replied before he asked, "Then what is your demand?"

I smiled and replied, "Now if you have to really ask that, Sir Richard, then I would have to assume you are not serious enough."

[You're good at bull*hiting]

'Of course I am.' The answer is nothing. I don't want anything from them. What I do need, I can't ask them of her so bluntly. So that was the only possible reply to send them thinking and painting me as a wise man.

And sure enough, it worked. They looked at each other but had no idea what to offer me. They could offer me an S-rank artifact but what if I don't want it?

[And I thought you said you don't mess with elders]

'I don't disrespect elders. But this is a business deal. I have to portray myself as the dominant party.'

They need something, not me. No matter how selfless Richard is, even he cares about his family. He doesn't want them to lose glory after him so he is trying everything in his power to cement their position.

Even after ten minutes, when their stares didn't come up with a solution, at that point Asmara spoke, "I will marry you."

I smiled and asked before Kyle could say anything, "Tell me, Lady Asmara, do you really mean it? Or are you just saying that because you see no other choice?"

"I'm saying that because I want it." She replied.

"No, you don't," I replied swiftly.

"How can you know?" She asked equally swiftly.

"Because I saw how you fought in that arena. You fought desperately to clear your name from me. Do you really expect me to believe that you have changed your mind?" I explained and asked to which she turned silent.

"Where are my manners?" I said after a few minutes of silence and procured a pot filled with tea and seven cups. I filled all seven cups with tea. They all watched with amazement as I filled the cups with steamy hot green tea.

I picked one and gave it to Richard while I signaled Max and Rose to give the rest to the rest of the guests.

I gave two of the last three cups to Rose and Max once they came back to my side, picked my own, and took a small sip.

Ahh, the taste. 'Thanks Allison' I thanked the girl who had put this in the shop for me to purchase.

"It's very good. What is this?" Richard asked once he had taken a sip too. The rest were also very surprised by the taste of the tea.

"A very special brew of my own," I replied.

"Now Sir Richard, we can spend the whole night here trying to discuss politics or we can begin with something very simple." I proposed.

"What do you mean, your highness?" Richard asked, curious.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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