
The Archaic Spell

A world where everything you can dream of can be true, a world filled with magic, innovation and the strongest warriors. This is the story about a world which was divided into three kingdoms each of them were living in harmony and peace but nothing lasts forever, soon the world ran into chaos after an individual chose to take revenge on those who were the reason for his tragic life, family and now he holds nothing but grudges against them. With the ambition in his heart to conquer the whole world, he’ll do everything to achieve his goals but little did he know that he was just a pawn in someone’s story. Darkness was lingering in the depths within his kingdom.

NarLeo · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs



Jayce was walking through the hallway when he saw Mark near his locker. "Hey! Mark!" He called him.

Mark turned around to see who it was, "Oh, hi Jayce," he replied.

"How are you doing?" Jayce asked while greeting him. "So far so good," he replied.

As the two were talking, Jayce noticed Samantha was passing by.

"Hey! Samantha!" He said. She took a glance at both of them but didn't say anything and kept walking.

"Your first class is about to start, you should be going now," Mark said.

"Yeah, Imma go now," Jayce said half-heartedly.

"Yeah, Good luck," Mark said casually.

"Aren't you gonna go? I mean it's your first day too." Jayce asked.

"Meh, don't really need to take these lectures," Mark answered,

"Right, Mr. Prodigy" Jayce mocked him as he started walking away. Mark chuckled.

"See you later," Jayce said. "Yeah," Mark replied.

After roaming around for a while he found his class on the first floor of the building. He went in, and took his seat in the second row, a few moments later someone called him from the first row.

"Hey, Jayce, come over here?"

Jayce raised his head to see who it was. It was Samantha, she was wearing a black crop t-shirt and blue jeans.

"Ah, hey Samantha" He stood up from his seat and went to sit beside her.

"I am really sorry for ignoring you both earlier Jayce, I had my reasons," said Samantha in a low tone.

"Hey, it's fine, you don't have to be sorry for that and you said you had your reasons so it's all okay," said Jayce.

As the two were talking the bell rang and the first lecture began.

Professor - Hello students, My name is Amber Johnson, you can call me Miss. Johnson and from now on I'll be your homeroom teacher and my subject is External affairs, also, today we have a new student with us. "Mr. Clark, why don't you give us an introduction?"

"Hey guys I am Jayce Clark, I'm 19 and from Bruges, Belgium. I am one of the guys from the student exchange program and I'll be spending my next 2 years with you guys.

Everyone started mumbling, and one of the girls said "He's tall and kinda cute. I hope he will get along with me" she sighed.

After the Introduction, Jayce took his seat

and the lecture began.

After The Lecture

"Finally, it's over. I didn't think there would be this much difference in the same subject here," said Jayce.

"Mhm," Samantha nodded "oh my next class is in 15 minutes, I'll be going now, see ya later Jayce, bye-bye," she said while waving.

"Bye Samantha" Jayce waved back.

After attending the rest of the lectures, the bell rang for recess, he packed the books and went to the cafeteria, and there he ordered a cheeseburger and a coke and sat at one of the tables. He took out his notebook to look at notes from earlier lectures.

After some time, a tall muscular guy came and stood in front of him. When Jayce raised his head to see who it was, the guy slammed his hand on Jayce's notebook.

"What the heck dude!" Jayce yelled.

"Hah, so you are the loser who was sitting with my girl. Listen here you Squidward, Sam belongs to me and no one here in the entire university hits on her. You get that?!"

"Who?" said Jayce, in confusion

"Samantha! You dumbhead." The guy shouted.

"Alright. Duly noted." Jayce said rolling his eyes

"You better be, or there will be no next time for you, I don't know why losers like you even think of having a conversation with a girl like Samantha. You are nothing, just a loser, you heard it, stay away from her, I don't wanna beat someone on their first day." He said as he turned his back on Jayce.

"Yeah sure," said Jayce while putting his notebook in the bag.

"Hold on… what did he say...?" Jayce wondered while walking towards his next lecture.

After that Jayce attended the rest of his lectures and went back to his new apartment. For the next week, Jayce made sure not to talk to Samantha unless necessary. He only talked with her when needed or she talked to him directly. A week passed just like that. (Then came the day we've all been waiting for.)


Jayce was sitting in the cafeteria when Samantha joined him, "Jayce! You won't believe what happened this morning," Samantha said excitedly, "you remember my music video that got viral?" she asked.

"Um… the one where you played Heather on guitar?" Jayce replied.

"Yeah. So, I received this call today from KPCC radio, they said they liked my voice a lot and they wanted to know if I can write a song for them and if they like it, it'll be on the radio next week." She said ecstatically.

"Wow, that's great news! This will open up a lot of opportunities for your career." Jayce said joyfully.

"I know right!!!" Samantha said and hugged him. Out of impulse, Jayce hugged her back and then he pulled back.

"What are you still doing here? Go write that song!" He said.

"Yeah. I'll see you later." She replied and hopped out of the cafeteria.

Moments later as Jayce was eating his food, the tall guy came to him and said,

"Hey, Squidward," when Jayce looked up, the guy punched him in the face and Jayce fell off from his chair.

"Hey what the hell dude, not you again!" Jayce said furiously

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from my girl, and here you are again, talking to her, and even hugging her! I am gonna make you an example for those who try to hit on my girl." The guy said holding Jayce's collar.

"Okay, now things are going too far. Dude, trust me you don't wanna do this, or you won't like what's gonna follow." Jayce warned him.

"What are you gonna do Squidward, call your mom?" he said while thrusting Jayce.

"Alright bring it on." Said Jayce, cracking his knuckles.

The guy ran toward Jayce and threw a punch on his face but Jayce dodged it then grabbed his wrist. "Wow you are slow, now get ready for a big swing," he said while grabbing his hand and turning, then lifted him with the help of his shoulder and slammed him on the floor.

Everyone was shocked, one of the students said "Man, I never saw someone tossing a person that hard"

The rest of the guy's henchmen started ganging upon him, as they attacked Jayce all at once,

Jayce used a low spinning sweep kick to make two of them fall. Jayce then ran towards the third guy and punched him in the abdomen with a force that pushed him about 5 feet away. As Jayce was standing a little worn out, the first guy came from behind and hit him on the back of his head with a tray which made Jayce fall on the ground, then two of the henchmen picked him up and held him up with both of his hand on either side with him standing at the center, the first guy came and kicked him in the abdomen making him again fall on the ground, and rest of the henchmen starts kicking him as he laid on the floor, bleeding. Jayce held his head and screamed in pain, then after a moment he got up from the ground and stood still.

Jayce looked up at them, his sclera and pupil became black with iris dark blue. Jayce looked at the guy and smirked then with a heavy voice said, 'He did warn you,"

'What's with the heavy voice douchebag, tryna sound cool?' said the tall guy and threw a punch at Jayce. Jayce punched him back right at his punch breaking his knuckles. The guy screamed in agony, "Ahh!".

"What are you gonna do now? Call your mom?" Jayce mocked him.

One of the other guys ran towards Jayce but Jayce slightly turned his head and gave him a back kick which threw him far away. Seeing this the other two ran towards the exit in fear. Jayce then walked to the tall guy and said, "He said you will regret it, and here you are--" Jayce fell unconscious on the ground.

At the same moment, Mark was watching the whole fight from a distance while holding something in his hand.

When Jayce fell to the ground, Mark walked to him and said "Jayce?". "You okay dude?" He said.

"James, help me get him up." He asked his friend in the crowd,

"What about Kevin?" James asked.

"I'm sure his henchmen will take good care of him," Mark replied.

They both picked Jayce from the ground and took him to the nurse.

"You go, I'll take it from here," Mark told James. "Alright," He replied and left.

After a few minutes, Jayce regains his consciousness and saw Mark sitting near him.

"Hey, Mark, you are here again Mr. Knight, argh... I can't remember what happened after that big guy hit me with that tray, I guess I fell unconscious again thanks for saving me again man" said Jayce while trying to get up from the bed

"Yeah about that, I got something to talk about. Meet me after college at my house?" Mark said.

"Sure," Jayce replied.

In the evening,

Jayce reached Mark's house and knocked on the door. Mark opened the door and said, "Close the door behind Jayce." and walked to the room at the corner. Jayce followed him into the room. The room was filled with books and electrical equipment.

"Have a seat Jayce," Mark said and went to get a device that was placed on one of the racks.

"Woah dude, what's this thing? You're working on a project or something? Don't tell me you are building a time machine." Jayce mocked

"Well no, not a time machine, this device is an aura detector, an aura is something that covers your entire body with energy layers, and for some days, I've been reading about these kinds of things. So I made a device that can detect someone's aura and provides you with every little detail and every human being's aura varies from one another, for example, if a person is suffering from depression, the aura around him will be low and if it's below the threshold level, it decreases your lifespan by some amount. Now auras depend on a number of things such as a person's behavior, personality, mood, mental strength, etc." Mark explained

"Mhm, but why are you telling me all of this, you know I am not a student of science," said Jayce with a straight face.

"Yes, I know, but the thing is, today when I was walking in the hallway, suddenly my aura detector detected something that I had seen only once before. And you Jayce, you were there both of the times and after it, you fell unconscious and today, when you fell on the ground and stood up to fight back my readings were off the chart and it felt as if it wasn't you fighting them." Mark said.

"One of my friends from Bruges said something similar," Jayce said anxiously.

"Let me get your readings one more time so I can analyze them," Mark said as he turned on his device.

The machine turned on and the next moment it showed the maximum readings possible with some glitches.

"So? Am I going to die?" Jayce asked, trying to lighten up the tense situation they were in.

"I don't know about that but it seems like there are two different auras being emitted by you," Mark said with concern.

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