
Technique training

I was able to do pretty much everything Goliath showed me after just a few tries. The kicks, and punches weren't all that different from what I was already doing, but it was hard to tell the difference without using the moves in a fight. Goliath approached me slowly mid way through the class as he watched me improve visibly just in the last twenty minutes. It looked like he was debating on talking to me. My instincts screamed danger, and I jumped to the left.

Barely avoiding a kick that went over where my head was a moment ago.

"What the hell?" I rounded on the guy that almost kicked me in the head, "You trying to kill me?"

The boy that had almost kicked me in the head looked like some sort of native American mixed with white descent. He looked at me somewhat confused since he wasn't expecting me to dodge that.

"Oh," he smiled tensely as he crossed his arms in a obvious manner so I could see his current combat level, "My bad. Didn't see you there."

He was a level seventeen. I wouldn't win if I played fair, and Goliath hadn't stepped in yet so he seemed intent to see how this played out.

"Yeah sure," I held back the snarl that wanted to make it's way out, "I believe it. I doubt you can see much over your bloated ego if you need to take shots like that at your juniors to feel good about yourself."

His eyebrows shot up as a stunned expression, and an angry expression fought for control over his face. I turned while he was still too stunned to form a proper reaction to go over to Goliath.

"Hey," He grabbed me from behind, "You little..."

Was all he got out before he was sailing over my shoulder. I barely broke my stride even with throwing a whole person over my shoulder. I put my foot over his crotch, and looked down at him with a murderous look in my eyes.

"I can't beat you in a fair fight," I stomped between his legs intentionally missing his valuables, "But I never said I'd play fair."

I continued walking as if nothing had happened. I didn't have to look back after that. He wouldn't try anything now. Not until he had a better idea of what I was capable of. Not if he was smart.

"Unorthodox," Goliath smirked as I walked past him to go get some water.

I was kind of surprised Goliath hadn't stepped in. I'd handled it without causing major damage. He must of figured out that I could handle it without doing hurting anyone. I was starting to feel snacky so everything was starting to annoy me. I was getting tired of being angry all the time.

Trapped in this annoying little body. A prison of my own making. Once I get out of here I'll only use my human body when absolutely necessary. I'd have to find somewhere that was fine with me being a dragon. Probably off planet.

At least to start with. I sat down on a bench, and watched people work on the same techniques I had just been shown. There were varying levels of mastery easily visible throughout the class. Most of the class had a decent handle on how to do the moves. There were a few who could hardly handle more than one or two moves, and a one or two that looked like they'd been doing this all their lives.

Some were using mock weapons of different kinds to make up for their lack of skill. While others were just obsessively trying to perfect at least one move. I didn't see any point in either for me. When it came down to it I wouldn't need any weapons or armor. I had my own built in armor, and weapons.

It made me think about that partial change thing the wolves could do. Would I be able to do something like that if I worked at it? I honestly didn't know. It would be useful in situations when I was playing human. Bringing out my claws, tail or wings in a pinch would be a considerable advantage over being completely human.

Well completely human shaped. Which reminded me of Soren. He'd promised me some sort of thing that would help me create my own mana clothing. I needed to remind them of that. I wasn't patient enough to wait forever.

I moved to an empty spot, and started practicing the moves Goliath had shown me again. I kept practicing until the end of class. Goliath didn't ask me to wait, but I waited anyways. I didn't want to walk out with everyone else. My red watch, and the fact that I was a first year in the second year combat class had drawn a lot of attention to me. If I walked out with Goliath then no one would bother me for today.

I waited about half an hour after the end of class to walk out on my own since Goliath was still focused on whatever he was working on. No one was right outside waiting for me so I headed for somewhere desolate to change my face. I switched between infrared, and normal vision to make sure no one was sneaking up on me invisibly. I safely managed to change my face, and took my watch off hiding it in my pocket as I headed out to go get some meat. I wandered through the park on the way back since it was almost always empty, and used the cover of the trees to change my face back.

Slipping my watch back on before heading back to my room with the spoils of my excursion. Once I was back at the room I slipped into my room. Switching forms, and looking out into the common area where Ethan, and Savannah were having a casual discussion. A discussion that surprisingly had nothing to do with me. I didn't even bother pretending to listen as I message Soren through a secret email of his.