
Level 7

I hoped Goliath would tell me more about rift city this weekend since after this weekend we had less than a week left until we went there. I really hoped he would tell us something to get us at least a little prepared, but at the same time he might not since it would be more like when we went into real combat. At the very least he would have to tell us how to get help if we ended up in a bad situation. Even if he didn't tell us about what we might be facing as a teacher he'd be required to tell us how to contact help in the dome. In domes like rift city it was pretty much impossible to contact the outside world without connecting to the wall communication center.

The walls on rift city were too thick for our simple watch communicators to get through them. No false alarms from kids playing pranks on the outside either. I was so close to level seven too. Just one more good fight would make me one level stronger. One level closer to evolving.

I doubted I'd make it to the evolution before we went to rift city with my hesitation to ask Ethan to pay for some more VR time. I didn't have enough credits with how often I was damaging my clothes. If I didn't accidentally tear them while transforming I nicked them with my talons when I moved them around in my real form. Since I only got five credits daily, and it cost five each piece to repair them I was always low on credits. One day a week was all I was willing to ask for from Ethan.

Class ended, and we went back to the room. I kind of wondered what Goliath would have us do tomorrow. Would he have me sniping again? I was strong in close quarters too, but I gave away too much when fighting in close. On our way to the elevator I noticed a very unpleasantly familiar figure waiting by the elevator.

"What do you want Savannah?" I pressed the elevator button as I tried to ignore her.

"Your control is weak," Savannah stepped closer, "If you don't work on that you'll end up giving yourself away in rift city."

"What does that have to do with you?" I snapped.

"I can show you a few tricks," Savannah stepped into the elevator once it opened.

I leaned against the back of the elevator, and tried to ignore her. Ethan went as far away from her as he could in the elevator.

"If you don't let me keep an eye on you," Savannah whispered as she leaned in close, "I'll tell your roommate exactly who you are. How long do you think you can keep your little secret once he starts spreading it around?"

I laughed. The first time in a long time, but she looked genuinely startled by this reaction.

"Ethan doesn't talk to people," I could still feel a smile on my face, "You could tell him anything you want. He wouldn't tell anyone even if he believed you."

"Fine," Savannah snapped, "I'll tell everyone in the fucking school. I'll put it on a billboard you cocky asshole."

I slammed her into the elevator wall.

"No you won't," I growled as my murderous intent was let loose, "You have no idea how close I came to killing you when you found out. The only thing stopping me now is the threat of discovery. You haven't told anyone about me yet. Which means you either don't have proof or you want something from me? Which is it? Spit it out."

"Your magic is really powerful," Savannah was trembling from fear, "I thought maybe if I showed you control I could learn how you strengthened your magic so fast."

I sucked my murderous intent back in slowly, and let go of her leaning back into the back wall of the elevator.

"Ethan?" I locked eyes with him, "What do you think?"

Now that Ethan was hypnotized into calmness his posture relaxed.

"You do keep throwing drafts around the room," Ethan nodded, "A little more control over it wouldn't hurt."

"Fine," I looked at Savannah, "You can come to the room if you want, but only the common room. I'll decide if what you want to show me is useful or not. Don't make me tell you what will happen if you tell anyone about me."

"What?" Savannah had gained some of her composure back now that she didn't feel like I was going to kill her, "If you kill me you'll be caught anyways, and then one of the big four will be after you stupid."

"There are worse things than death," I let my murderous intent spill out again as the elevator door opened.

The air around me chilled as my mana boiled under the surface. The air stilled as ice crystals formed on all the nearby metal surfaces. Savannah stepped back into the wall of the elevator.

"I'm too tired to deal with you right now," I stepped toward her, and the chill in the air came with me, "Go back to your room, and keep your mouth shut."

I stepped out of the elevator, and glared at Savannah as the doors closed slowly.

25 xp awarded. 400/400 xp until level 7. Leveling up.

Air hissed through my teeth as I started the glowing burning thing again.

"Ethan," I hissed, "Get the door."

Ethan rushed ahead of me as I moved forward quickly. No one would be out in the hall after that sudden flow of murderous intent. At least not close enough to really notice anything. I went through the open door, and straight for my room. Throwing my clothes off, and switching back to my normal self.

I couldn't just murderous intent everyone into submission all the time. It only seemed to give me xp when I interacted directly with people. The burning would fade soon so I decided to get on my bed, and get in some sleep as soon as it went away. Savannah was going to be a problem. Scaring her into silence wouldn't work forever.

She didn't know enough to prove I had magic. She really didn't know anything about me, but she'd be looking for me to screw up now. I needed to work on keeping my elemental affinities in check. I couldn't have them acting up every time I was distressed. I didn't need the terror of her getting what she needed to out me hanging over my head with everything else I was dealing with.