
June 1

It didn't take long for me to make my way back to where we were staying for the night. I hadn't killed anyone, but I had done some serious damage. Talk of this would spread quickly. This kind of destruction wouldn't go unnoticed. I wanted to stretch my wings, but now wasn't the time.

A thought occurred to me as I went to change my clothes. Someone might be able to look back through time the same way I could look forward in time. I spread the time element out around me. Out of everything I'd done tonight this cost me more mana then anything else. I was surprised.

I hadn't done anything like this before. I focused on blocking someone from seeing what I was doing here at this moment, and I found it was one hundred percent possible to not leave any imprint on time that I had ever been here. It took me a split second to change back into my slave outfit. I kept blocking myself from leaving an imprint of myself on this moment. We slept briefly before moving on.

I rode the bird quietly beside Sekka. Playing the quiet obedient slave. The only thing that didn't fit that image at the moment was the fact that I was being allowed to ride one of the birds, and that I had swords on my hips. I got tired of riding the bird after a while. We would wait outside of town for a few weeks.

We'd run out of cheap crystals to sell. All we had left was the more expensive crystals. Gravity, space, and poison crystals. People didn't want anything to do with the poison crystals. The space, and gravity crystals were just to expensive to sell.

I'd been more focused on causing chaos lately then I was on stocking our supplies back up. We left the main road, and headed deep into the woods. It didn't take much effort on my part to dig us a large underground cavern to work out of. I let Sekka do as he wished for the most part. Sometimes I would spar with him just to pass the time while I was regenerating my mana.

I debated on returning to my dragon form while we were hidden underground. I didn't know what exactly I was dealing with on this planet. There were powers I still didn't understand. It would be stupid for me to do anything that might be used to give me away later. I needed a way to scrub my existence off of this time, and place that didn't require half of my focus.

Some kind of runic solution would be really nice. Vixen had looked through my memories she knew of a large number of runes that involved time, and sealing that might be useful. I planned to put them to use. I needed to find out what exactly they did. That meant I needed to get them forged.

See what happened when I ran my mana through them. I created three or four mana crystals at a time. Focusing more on the simpler elements. Right now I was doing four fire element crystals at once. On a good day I could create six lightning crystals at once.

Today was not a good day. My body wasn't liking the purified mana. My core seemed to be handling it fine. It didn't always seem to like it either though. Sometimes it would pain me to draw in completely purified mana.

I understood that it probably had something to do with the impurities in my core. Maybe the pure mana was forcing the impurities out of my core. I didn't know if that was the truth of the matter or not. It was just an educated guess really. I missed my bonded.

I had learned to check on them over great distances using my bond to Ethan. That probably was the only reason that this whole mission hadn't driven me crazy yet. That, and the fact that I went wild once in a while. I enjoyed terrorizing the elves. Probably a lot more then I should.

I thought about erasing my presence from time again. It was easy for me to erase my footprints, and just about any other sign that I'd tread through an area, but erasing my presence from time was something new. I hadn't even thought to do something like that until I went to change back to my slave persona. It wasn't all that impossible to believe that if someone could look forward through time they could also look back. The past was unchanging.

It struck me then that it would probably be easier to look back through time then it would be to look forward. If it was possible to erase my presence from a moment in time then it should be possible for me to block someone from seeing my future movements. It was better to test this theory of mine early on then it would be for me to test it later. Regala's memories told me that individuals who possessed the time element were beyond rare. One or two individuals per billion rare.

I was pretty sure that the reason I was able to obtain such a rare element was mainly because my core was once Regala's. Since the time element was so rare, individuals who possessed it would be well taken care of, and well trained. It would be a good idea for me to grasp the concept of erasing our presence from certain moments so they could not look back through time, and track us that way. Considering the fact that no matter how hard I tried to fuse unsuccessfully with my time element in the last year, it would probably be a good idea for me to expand my abilities in a way that allowed me to hinder another from tracking me through time.

I stopped what I was doing for a moment as I placed the twenty crystals I'd created in the last four hours into individual mana resistant boxes. I was out of mana once again. Both my body, and core seemed to groan under the strain of the pure mana coming in. I had become adept at streaming my mana into the elemental rings in my spatial storage device. I couldn't stream as much as I was now in this cavern underground, but I could keep my mana reserve just shy of full.

Did you miss me? I have returned with some more of Wyatt's journey.

Angelina_Bennettcreators' thoughts