

I pushed my hair back, and thanked my crazy mind for the completely irrelevant line of thought. That had been the last push back to calm that I needed. I waited for Ethan to finish getting ready before heading to class like normal. Knowing that was going to be the last thing I did today that resembled the normal schedule. Savannah being from the girls dorm, and on a completely different schedule didn't come meet at our dorm room like usual.

"Alright," the teacher wasn't his usual somber self, "Today is re-evaluations. As you know you will receive the same testing you did the first day of academy. Those of you that have failed, " he looked at me specifically, "To up your previous physical scores will be assigned a coach from the second year students. Plus new tests will be added for strategy, and situational awareness. We want to know if you can identify, and properly prepare for battles against beast that are stronger, and faster than yourself."

Part of me wanted to give him a dirty look for that look. I guess he still thought of me as a dud. Fine by me. I didn't really care what he thought anyways. It was actually better if I stood out so little that he thought I was going to fail.

I used to be pretty good at strategizing, but lately I'd just been reacting to things as they came. I hadn't been paying attention to his first two months of schooling so I could understand why he thought I would fail. I just hoped I hadn't lost any of my strategic thinking when I changed into a dragon.

"Now I'll be sending you one at a time to the gym to do your physical exams," he continued.

"Why one by one?" I asked without bothering to raise my hand, "Why not all go at once?"

"So your fellow students within this classroom don't know how you score," he gave me a dirty look for interrupting despite the fact that he was answering my question, "Individual scores are kept secret to avoid any bullying due to your scores. We wouldn't want a future strategic genius to get his head knocked around because he scored low on the physical portion or one of our stronger students to start tossing around our weaker ones because he can."

"That happens anyways," I blurted out.

"Excuse me?" the teacher gave me a dirty look that made me almost feel guilty for forgetting his name, "Are you questioning the effectiveness of our disciplinary system?"

"What disciplinary system?" I laughed, "Students thrash other students all the time. Hell I got my head bashed in just the other day."

"I can see why you were targeted," he replied coldly.

While some of the other students nodded along not realizing just how honest that statement really was.

"Keep your mouth shut," I could see veins starting to pop on the teachers forehead, "Questions are for students that actually know what they're talking about."

You don't ask questions if you know what you're talking about. I smiled slowly. This guy wasn't going to like it when I passed the evaluations. I was going to pass. That much I knew for sure.

I would love the look on his face when that happened. We were sent away in alphabetical order. One student every half an hour. Everyone that went to the evaluations didn't come back to the classroom. I had to wait almost five hours before it was my turn.

First it was marksmanship. Which I was pretty sure I aced, and lucky me the skill leveled up. Then it was a quick quarter mile sprint. Which I wasn't stupid enough to go all out for. Then the strength portion which had me worried in the first place.

Ending with a spar against Goliath. All the different portions of the evaluation was walled off from each other using rock walls formed from someone's earth ability.

"I didn't know you were part of this," I squared off against Goliath.

"I am the most skilled in hand to hand combat," Goliath kept his face neutral.

"I'm gonna lose," I chuckled nervously.

I was half relieved, and half panicked about sparring Goliath. Relieved because even if I accidentally went overboard he wouldn't say anything, and panicked because I knew he could crush me if he wanted to. I decided to jump into the fight. Using every block, kick, and punch I'd learned against him. Not a single hit got past his defenses.

His hits on the other hand. I took several. It was like he could read my every move before I made it.

"Ten points," the referee clapped his hands.

Goliath stopped attacked, and I was left genuinely winded from the exchange. There weren't many people that could wind me with a spar that had barely lasted a minute.

"You did well," Goliath nodded slowly, "Please return to your dorm. Don't take any detours. Dinner will be delivered to your room tonight. Just reply your order to the email that will be sent to you in a few minutes."

I nodded to Goliath before doing as I was told. I replied to the email as soon as I got to the room. Ethan was there waiting for me.

"How do you think you did?" I picked up the plastic bin filled with uniforms that was on my desk.

"Fine," Ethan didn't sound or feel very enthusiastic, "I'm allowed to use my ability after all. I'm more worried about how you did."

"I did fine," I placed the plastic bin outside the door, and brought the uniforms back into my room, "I raised most my scores by a few points. Nothing amazing, but enough to keep me out of trouble a while longer."

"You don't know that for sure," Ethan was worried I'd be hunted down for scoring too high.

"Stop worrying," I went into my room, "Do you really have that little faith in me?"