

"So what did you find out?" I settled back on the floor calmly.

"Nothing good," Savannah walked around me, and pulled out the chair to my desk, "The backlash can vary greatly from something simple as just switching back without warning to being unable to transform for a while. The more you change your body the more likely you are to experience backlash."

"So I was at high risk right from the beginning," I sighed, "And the bigger I get the worse it'll get."

I couldn't worry about getting too big for my room anymore. It was only a matter of time before I got discovered. I wanted to be strong enough to at least equal Mr. Earl before I was discovered. That way I at least had a shot at getting out of here when it did happen.

"Ethan," I cracked my knuckles suddenly, "Let's go play some VR for a little while."

"Why now?" Savannah snapped, "You're willing to risk backlash for a few games."

"I need to practice fighting," I snorted, "The better I am at kicking ass, the better my chances."

"VR doesn't train your muscles," Savannah's voice was rising slowly.

"I know," I snapped inches from her face, "But right now it's my only option. So deal with it."

I stood slowly, and turned tightly in place so I could go back in my room. I slammed the door with my tail, and switched forms. Pulling on the same clothes I'd been wearing earlier, and stepping out of the room fully dressed.

"Are you coming Ethan?" I glanced back over my shoulder.

"Are you going to wear shoes?" Ethan chuckled.

I glanced down. I hadn't noticed I wasn't wearing shoes. The sensitivity of my skin had gone down again. I honestly couldn't tell I wasn't wearing shoes. I pulled my shoes on quickly, and looked at him again.

"There," I opened the door, "Better? Let's go."

"No close the door," Savannah crossed her arms, "We need to talk some more."

"Well I've been cooped up since I got back," I walked out the door, "Don't feel like staying in the room anymore."

Down the hall I went, and into the elevator. It seemed like Ethan wasn't coming with me this time round. He usually pushed to be around me. Seemed like Savannah, and Ethan were both staying in the room together for now. If I had to guess Savannah was probably interrogating Ethan.

It wasn't a bad thing. He needed to get used to her even if she was forcing him to. I crossed to the main campus building, and took the elevator down to the VR room. I didn't have many credits, but I wanted to get a couple hours in. If I was by myself than I might as well go into the free for all.

I spent what I had left of credits on time in the VR. Ethan was right I really could just sell my venom for more. There was a lot I could do with the experience I got from fighting in VR. I just didn't want to tell Savannah about the system in my head. Normally VR didn't make people stronger, but with me, and my system it did make me stronger.

It was a kind of slow process when I was only dealing with human enemies. At least in the VR world I could act however I wanted as a dragon. I only had two, and a half hours to do this so the sooner I got started the better. I stepped into the pod, and was thrown into the white room again. Long time no see white room.

I changed what mask I was wearing, and signed into a free for all round. I was done with the whole team rounds thing. Just didn't feel like it was worth it without Ethan in the game with me. I was teleported out into the grassy field. Everyone would be able to see me out here, but I didn't really care.

My damage resistance hiked up quite a bit so I wasn't as fragile as I used to be. I switched forms, and snapped my wings open wide. It felt good even if it wasn't real. I flapped my wings down, and shot up in the air. They were more powerful now that I was bigger.

I was excited to see what they could do in real life. I had a view of most of the other players from here. Me vs nineteen random players. This was going to be fun. I opened my wings as wide as they could go.

I started gently maintaining my altitude. Up here I had a complete advantage over all of them. They weren't looking up. I gathered my mana in my mouth, and launched a beam of lightning at the sniper hiding in the grass. It was just a quick snap of energy.

I wasn't exactly sure how much mana this lightning breath thing cost me, but it wasn't the only spell I wanted to test out. My wings tensed as I drew them in to dive. I split the wind ahead of me, and my speed doubled. I snapped my wings open once I was over my next target. The surprise on his face as I dropped in on top of him.

"Holy sh..." was all he got out before my claws dug into his face.

I wasn't hiding anymore. Now that the sniper was gone, and I was coming back down it was time for me to do massive amounts of damage. I ignored the notifications that went off in my head. I had other things to deal with for now. I took half a dozen shots from the right.

I felt the impact, but not much actual pain. I snarled as I ran towards the shooter. He legitimately looked terrified as I bared down on him. I snapped him up in my mouth. Biting him almost in half.

My jaws weren't quite long enough to make it all the way through. He didn't really stand a chance against me in the first place. There were several guys that had seen me brutally kill another player. Easily. They seemed to agree without speaking to each other that they needed to team up to bring me down.