

*"We shall try," he bowed as I flared my wings.

*"I will return to my allies now," I bowed in respect, then mentally I spoke to Ethan, and Savannah, {Focus on your new instincts. Let them guide your wings.}

Ethan nodded, and took to the air a few seconds after me. Savannah struggled to get into the air, but followed us both closely. I directed them to fly in my wake. That eased their struggles.

"Ethan," I shook out the kinks in my neck mid flight, "Switch with Savannah. She'll start reverting to human form soon."

Ethan obliged.

{How did you know they would react that way?} Savannah asked mentally.

{They've been raised to respect the laws of dragon kind} I snorted {Dragon law states that strength rules over all else. I killed their strongest. That made me the rule over all.}

Her face pained slightly as I lost the amplification I got from her. Shrinking down a little more so now I was only slightly larger then usual. I swung in flight. My talons closed on her gently. She relaxed in my grip as she began returning to her human form.

Ethan was starting to fall out of sync with me. We would only make it about halfway back to the settlement before we'd have to stop. I didn't like running on pure adrenaline. I shook my head as I wavered in flight. The amount of damage I'd done to my muscles would catch up to me sooner rather then later.

I was actually kind of glad that I was in pain. It distracted me from the fact that I was controlling a male body. A shiver went down my spines. Causing them to rattle against each other. I had to go down after that.

Even if I tried I wouldn't be able to remain in flight much longer. The slow decent was easy for Ethan to follow with his less experienced movements. I landed lightly barely disturbing the grass. Ethan slammed into the earth much less gracefully. It took him a few seconds to steady himself.

The bruising was starting to show on Jax. Savannah was more human than dragon now.

"You said you would explain," Ethan stumbled over the words.

Not used to talking around so many teeth. He growled shaking his head. Jax just laid on the ground trying not to move. Savannah was too busy covering her now exposed breasts. Ethan was still wearing full armor.

The armor made from Wyatt's scales was able to change with him so he would be the only one fully clothed when we returned to the settlement. I raised my talons, and my mana responded in kind. Thin vines wrapped wove themselves around her upper half. Becoming a solid piece of clothing to cover her womanhood.

More small vines came up to stitch her pants back together enough to pass for a pair of shorts. My own muscles burned like someone had tried to pull me apart.

"I hate the after affects of this spell," I snarled off to the side.

"Ethan's right," Savannah demanded, "You aren't Wyatt, and you promised us an explanation."

"My name is Regala," My voice turned to the more feminine tone I was used to, "I'm the former dragon queen who created the spell that turned Wyatt into a dragon." I smirked with a half chuckle, "A fragment of her anyway."

"A fragment of a dead dragon?" Savannah huffed, "Why are you in Wyatt's body?"

"I'm fairly sure it has something to do with the fact that I used my own core to create the spell," I chuckled, "It was a modified resurrection spell so it's not all that surprising that a fragment of my soul managed to stay connected to the core after I created the spell."

"That doesn't explain how you came to be in control of Wyatt's body," Savannah grumbled as her body started to visibly bruise.

"That priestess tried to rip his soul out," My good mood turned sour, "It freed me up to take control."

"What happened to Wyatt?" Ethan snarled.

He'd gotten a better grasp of how to use that mouth of his.

"He's just unconscious," I understood his concern, "His soul has a better attachment to this body then mine. When he wakes up I'll be snapped back either into the soul scape where I was before or into his inner world."

"What was that spell you used?" Savannah looked pained.

"Resonance," I inhaled slowly, "The spell causes my bonded to resonate with me. Temporarily turning them into dragon kin."

"What's the difference between dragon kin, and human bonded?" Savannah grumbled.

Ethan's strong front wavered as he started to revert to human form.

"Dragon kin are bound to the soul of their dragon," I tried to stretch the stiffness out of my muscles, "They hold half the strength of the dragon they're bound to when in human form. In their hybrid form they can control strength similar to that of their dragon. They amplify the strength of the dragon they're bonded with, but they cannot disobey a direct order from the dragon they're bonded to." I felt a bit disgusted by that part of it, "A human bonded can only hold at most a quarter of their dragon's power, and borrow from us. The biggest benefit of having a human bonded is the calming effect you have on us. Dragon's are powerful, arrogant, and short tempered. That only gets worse the older we get. Believe it or not, the three of you have kept Wyatt calm, and reasonable as he's grown. He would be much more violent, and irritable without you."

"Like a pacifier for a baby?" Jax cut in with an irritated tone to his voice.

I cocked my head slightly as I searched Wyatt's memories for what that term meant. I found what I was looking for in his earliest memories. It wasn't the term I would use, but I agreed that it was an accurate way of describing it.

"In a way," I snorted displeasure.