

My muscles tensed up slowly as I thought about what I was going to do next. This was going to be fun. I loved harassing the elven nobility. I kind of wished that killing them was more of an option. A petty thief that occasionally killed, and a murderer that steals were two very different things.

Everything I'd done so far suggested that I wasn't interested in killing, but wouldn't hesitate to do so if you got in my way. I folded my arms over my chest, and looked over to Sekka. He was sleeping peacefully on the bed. I stood up cautiously. Not wanting to make too much noise.

This room didn't have a window like the last hotel we'd stayed in so I had to leave through the door. Walking past reception quietly. There was a man at the desk. He looked a little concerned to see a slave walking alone out the front doors, but the blades on my hips silenced any complaints. I walked into the narrow alley between buildings, and scaled to the roof with ease.

Memorizing the layout of the city for a few minutes as I thought about what I might do next. I had about four hours to go before Sekka woke up. He might wake up once he sensed my absence. We were in the outer ring of this sprawling city. Yet it was still smaller then the capitol according to Sekka.

I rushed along the roofs of the outer ring. Circling the whole outer ring in about an hour. Taking note of the sale yards for livestock, and slaves as well as a few other things I might need to worry about should I decide to attack this city. The middle ring had a barrier surrounding it that seemed to begin on top of the walls. I slipped through the upper half of one of the gates into the inner ring without getting spotted, and then ran my way through the middle ring across the roofs.

You needed to have a good amount of money to live in one of these inner rings. The central ring had another barrier on it that was completely different then the outer two barriers. This one didn't seem to block elements like the other two, but acted more like an actual physical barrier. The amount of power required to get into that inner ring was impressive. Examining the rune structures I could see told me that this barrier didn't just bar entry, but told someone whenever he was crossed through without permission.

I refrained from touching the barrier just in case that set the barrier off as well. I couldn't sneak through the gates to get into the inner most circle. I frowned to myself as I looked at the barrier. I returned to the hotel a little disappointed after circling the inner barrier a few more times looking for a weak point or break of some sort. If the lord of the last big city we'd been in had been rich, and powerful then the lord of this city was richer, and more powerful.

He definitely had more money. The palace at the top of the hill was visible throughout most of the city. It looked like a massive tree that was piercing the sky. It wasn't quite tall enough to actually pierce the sky obviously, but the upper branches weren't contained within the inner two barriers. It was unbelievably impressive.

The number of individual residences within that massive palace as well as the number of extended family living within spoke of a large rich family experience. They were a well established extended noble family. Some probably couldn't fight to save their lives, but there was no way they held onto their position without having several powerful individuals within the family. I wasn't ready to take on this kind of power. It was simply too soon.

It was time to abandon the nice guy act. Even weak elves gave me over a million experience. The stronger ones ranged from two million to twenty million. A predatory smile spread across my face as I descended back down to the alley way. My fingers leaving gouges in the stone wall.

I was built tougher then the average human so it was easy for my fingers to dig through the common crafting stone. I dropped the smile as I walked back into the hotel, and back up to Sekka's room. Sekka was quiet as he watched me enter the room. He hadn't been awake long.

"Where did you go?" He frowned at me.

I made sure the door was properly closed before answering.

"I just took a look around the city, and at the barriers," I shrugged, "I won't be able to get into the inner ring unnoticed."

"I could have told you that," Sekka snorted, and flopped back down onto the bed.

"I just had to see for myself," I looked over to the blade that was still leaned up against the wall for target practice, "We can't lay siege to this little city. We don't have enough people, and even if we did we wouldn't get far if all the bigger cities are as well defended as this one."

"Wait until you see the capitol," Sekka stared at the roof, "We're getting closer to my mother, and we're barely six month into this mess. We'll reach the capitol in three more months at our current pace."

"I'm fine with that," I shrugged, "I was hoping to a full year here. We haven't quite hit the numbers of rescued human slaves I was aiming for."

"Well we've managed to get ahold of about a thousand slaves," he continued staring at the roof, "How many more could you possibly want?"

"I wanted enough to create my own small nation," I answered honestly.

"Your own nation?" he laughed aloud at that, "You'd need hundreds of thousands for that."

"Not to start with," I felt like getting defensive, "Ten thousand would be a good start."

"We're not going to get ten thousand unless you plan on upping you time table," he sat up in bed, "That would require us to split up."