

"Does anyone else feel like rushing to their deaths?" I cocked my head as I looked over my shoulder to let them know I was looking right at them, "No." My tone sounded almost amused, "I'm only interested in your slaves. Hand them over willingly, and I will let you live."

The silence that fell between the elves around me. None wanted to move with a deadly opponent in their midst. I remained completely still with my head tilted as if I were looking over my shoulder. A couple of the elves that were out of my line of sight started moving slowly. I pretended not to notice as they moved into my apparent blind spot, and closed in.

They were slow, and cautious. They knew the danger I posed. I held out my hand, and felt them flinch in response with my spatial awareness. The lords long hair cascaded over my wrist as I held his head up for all to see.

"I know your sneaking around back there," I straightened my neck, "I'm the one that killed the city lord, and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that he was far stronger then you morons."

I was kind of glad I saved the head. The fear on their faces was priceless. I sniggered to myself, and tossed the head at the nearest mercenary. He jumped back instead of trying to catch it. Fear was a powerful thing.

"I have no interest in fighting," I looked to the strongest among them, "I really only want your slaves. Hand them over willingly, and I will leave."

I blinked my way out of the group so I was back on the road ahead of them. That simple act gave them room to breath, and reminded them that the distance between us wasn't anywhere near enough. I chuckled to myself as I waited for the wheels in their heads to finish turning. My quiet patience could easily be taken as confidence. I wasn't stupid.

I knew I might be in trouble if I were forced into a fight with the group as a whole. My ability to blink made me unpredictable, and hard to track, but space could be blocked. I'd learned that the hard way when I'd been in the city. That array blocked all spatial travel in or out of the bigger city. I imagined that there were even stronger arrays in the more profitable metropolises.

They would probably be better defended as well so I couldn't just break the array like I did this last one. The silence between us spanned for nearly a minute as I waited for them to decide.

"Time's up," My mana became so thick in that moment that it probably looked like I was doused in a brightly glowing rainbow of elemental colors, "Decide now or I will decide for you."

I snarled at the people in front of me as many of them reached for their blades. It was the first time I'd made the mistake of breaking character, but the fox had never said he was human in the first place. One of the mercenaries in the front row stepped back hesitantly. I was a little impressed at their grit. I raised the gauntlets slowly.

Digging the sharpened clawed fingers into my own flesh. Just enough to draw blood. A thin trial of blood left my body as I withdrew the claws, and simultaneously healed the wounds. I was a user of poison magic, and dominant over those poisons. My body had long since fused to my own poisons so if my theory was correct then my blood would be one of the most lethal poisons around.

Add on the amplification of the gauntlets, and anyone who sustained so much as a scratch would die very quickly without a healer who knew what they were doing. There was at least one healer in the group, but even with their help the vast majority of the people here were going to die once this fight started. I'd been exposed to a great many poisons since the basilisk bit me. Most of which I'd exposed myself to intentionally to raise my poison resistance. Magic enhanced poisons were the only ones that could effect me at this point.

My heart sped up as the excitement of what was coming got to me. I wanted to fight. I wanted to see blood spill. To be completely honest the whole idea excited me way more then it should. The fact that I shouldn't be so excited about bloodshed only seemed to excite me even more.

Was that a result of my bloodlust skill leveling up a few times or just the natural disposition of the predatory beast I was? I crouched slightly as I prepared for slaughter. The excitement of the kill reflected in the mana around me. The smell of fear intensified as I tensed to make my strike.

"We'll give you the slaves," Someone shouted from within the crowd.

My posture relaxed slightly. Then over a dozen powerful spells launched at me at once, and a crappy spatial seal dropped on my head. My elemental dominance over most of those elements came down like a hammer. Driving all the attacks down into the ground short of striking me. The few that did manage to reach me barely scratched my hardened skin.

I cocked my head slowly as I stared at them through the mask.

"That's the last mistake you'll ever make," I spoke in an even almost bored tone.

I surged forward. Blinking around them quickly as I slashed at each, and every one of them. Some of my strikes were enough to kill some of them. The ones I didn't kill went down anyways as the multitude of poisons in my blood started to wreak havoc on their insides. It wasn't as effective as I'd thought it would be so I was glad I tested it on this weaker group instead of someone more powerful.