

I halfway expected them to hug, but Savannah had thought her mom was dead since she was a small child. She'd only seen the woman in photos. Even if someone rarely saw their mother's face it wasn't something you forgot easily. It seems that the elves had taken her alive all this time. That made my lip lift into a snarl when I realized just how little reason Savannah's father actually had to hate the magical races.

I just watched the awkward encounter for a while as Savannah was introduced to her younger siblings. Even Sekka seemed a bit overwhelmed by this new situation. He just found out he had an older sister after all. It wasn't all that surprising that the two of them both felt a little overwhelmed by this whole situation. I held up the time crystal Letty had given me.

It appeared the elf queen had kept the time crystals on her when she came to attack me. I'd gotten back the payment I'd given her for the slaves. Letty had neglected to separate the crystals after he collected them, and they'd fused. That reminded me that I had a prisoner to worry about. His name was Sefrika if I remembered correctly.

It was an interesting name that meant something like accidentally on time in old elvish or was it unexpectedly wanted. Elves really did like their unusual names. I found them a little irritating. Why couldn't they use more straightforward names like humans did? Then again, humans could use some odd inspiration for names occasionally as well.

Some people could be painfully unimaginative. I chose to just not think about it right now. I was bored, and busy as it was so I really didn't have time to ponder such insignificant things. I headed down to the prison that Letty had been constructing in his spare time. It seemed the ancient vampire knew quite a lot about containing friend, and foe alike.

I knew Sefrika was in the last cell on the first floor so I walked through the prison with purpose. Why did I choose to go alone? Well it was the middle of the night. After Savannah's reunion with her mother, and a few hours pondering all the paperwork Letty stuck in my face between treating patients I kept circling back to the thought of having a prisoner, and I realized I didn't like it. Forcing someone to bend to my will was way more work then I cared to deal with so the best outcome would be to set this elf free with a warning.

There was this nagging feeling at the back of my mind that he might know more about the time element as well. It made me curious. I knew I hadn't used the full scope of the elements abilities. I was the type of person that relied on talent, and instinct after all so I hadn't used the full range of any of my elements. That kind of dedication was really only necessary for someone who only had one element to worry about.

It only took me a few seconds to cross the distance from the opening of the first floor to the last cell in the row. I looked down at Sefrika from the front outside of the cell. I could feel even my own impressive amount of mana being suppressed from outside the cell. I could only imagine what it felt like to actually be in that cell. From what Letty had told me I could tell that the lower floors were even worse.

Which was why the only people who could work in this prison were non magic users. Magic was a useful ability that not all humans possessed. Jobs for humans that didn't have magic was something I hadn't thought of. It seemed as if Letty was always ahead of everything. The fact that he was four or five steps ahead at any given time actually disturbed me a great deal.

Letty could actually very easily handle everything he was making me do now. Which only frustrated me even more because he didn't plan to have any sort of future in this country we were building. Why was he willing to do so much work? Oh right. I ran my fingers back through my messy hair.

He's doing all of this so that I'll kill him. I was certain the time element was the key to killing the immortal vampire, but to be certain I needed to test my theory. I couldn't do that until my core was properly healed. My hand came to rest in front of my heart. I still remembered the lecture he'd given me about damaging my core.

Turned out that without his help I'd be dead now. Letty wouldn't be putting that safety net back into place for me anymore. If I damaged my core again then that could be the end of me. I'd significantly shortened my lifespan with how much damage I'd already done. Considering the fact that my lifespan was nearly a thousand years I wasn't too worried about the two or three hundred I'd lost.

Especially since I was physically only three or four years old right now. The idea of having hundreds of years ahead of me was disturbing in it's own way. I guess I shouldn't worry about it. Those years were going to come at me whether I liked it or not. I didn't plan on dying to get out of it either so there was really no real need to worry about it.

Sefrika seemed to notice me about then.

"What are you here for?" he looked up at me with a mix of hared, and caution.

"I want to know what you know of the time element," I crossed my arms defensively.

"Why do you think I'll give you that information?" Sefrika frowned at me.

"Because I can offer you something you want in exchange," I crouched down so I could look him in the eye.