

A black haired woman in a button up shirt, black leather jacket, black jeans, and high top laced boots walked into a bar. Her loosely curled hair reached halfway down her back. She had a soft looking face that was still sharp enough to make most models green with envy. She was athletic. Yet none of these were her most striking feature.

It was her eyes that drew the most attention. They almost seemed to glow in the low light of the bar. One was an almost golden shade of brown. The other was such an unnerving shade of glacial blue that it seemed to emit a chill of its own. She was a beauty.

Many of the men on the bar stole hidden glances at her as she walked up to the counter with her long feminine stride. Picking a high stool on the corner of the large square bar. She smiled gently at the female bar tender. Ignoring the male one that had come around the bar just to look at the plump curve of her breasts against the tight shirt.

"I'll start with a glass of water," she ran her well trimmed nails along the counter.

They appeared to be painted black, but that was just a choice Wyatt made when Savannah suggested painting his nails. Allowing the natural color of his scales to bleed through only to the nails on her fingers. None of the humans there would ever connect the mature confident woman at the bar with the athletic masculine body. At least I really hoped they wouldn't. It was a little unnerving that I could slide right into Savannah's persona so easily.

We'd done three tests. Before this bar run. Originally I was supposed to go to one of the rare few restaurants, but the three test runs had gone better then I'd predicted. Then there was two hours of outfit tweaking that would make me stand out without looking out of place. Savannah was a very capable liar.

That translated well to my tongue, and mannerisms. It was easy to maintain the confident ridged frame of a military brat. The outfit was meant to draw the eyes of the men in the bar. I pulled my payment card out of my pocket, and tapped it on the counter. The card was grey in color.

That drew the bartenders eyes. I knew the sale of the venom I'd snuck to Calen would go through soon. I'd never held a card like this before Savannah handed it to me. I was interested to see if it would really change color. They were supposed to be white when completely empty.

They'd turn black if you had more then a million credits. Mine was one of the lighter shades of grey. Savannah had to scan me in as an authorized user or the card would have turned red. I patiently waited for the card to change color as I alternated from tapping my card on the counter, and sipping my cup of water. This completely uninterested demeanor had every eligible guy staring at me with interest.

The slow seductive smile that pulled at my lips as the card changed from grey to black.

"You know what," I turned that smile to the bartender, "Do you think I could get a bottle? I've got something to celebrate after all."

"What would you like?" the bartender asked.

"The strongest stuff you got," I laughed, "I don't want to be able to walk in a straight line when I leave."

She handed me what had to be the most expensive bottle behind the bar. I scanned the card to pay for it, and pocketed it. None of the men in the bar had gotten up the courage to come over, and talk to me yet. Now it was time for me to lower my standards by drinking heavily. At first I drank from a cheap wine glass.

After the forth I started giggling to myself as I mentioned this great item I found while hunting on a forest planet that didn't have a guild or outpost built on it.

"You should really take it easy on that," The bartender whispered.

I would have found her concern touching if I wasn't still a hundred percent sober. Taking my actual mass into consideration it wasn't surprising that I wasn't drunk. I'd drank around three quarters of the bottle by now. The flavor actually wasn't all that bad.

"You're funny," I booped her nose with the tip of my finger, "Boop."

I giggled like a schoolgirl after that. The bartender tried to sneak the bottle away from me.

"No," I pulled the bottle away, "That's mine."

I was hoping one of the nervous science types would come up to me sooner rather then later. I stood up taking my bottle with me. Walking over to someone who struck me as one of the smarter science types. Sliding across from the table from him.

"You want to share cutie," I placed the bottle on the table.

His shocked expression was comical. I laughed at his shocked expression before reaching across the table to take his hand.

"Muscle bound boys think they know everything," I allowed my smile to turn to a satisfied smirk as I leaned in to whisper, "Little guys like you are much more willing to be taught. Show me something I've never seen before, and I'll let you have all the fun you can handle."

He swallow nervously. I'd scanned him with my inspect skill to be sure he was the scientist I wanted. There were four science types in the bar. This one was the only one that had his information hidden from me. I slid my hand across the table to run my soft skin over the back of his hand.

"I've got a feeling you can tell me something interesting," I licked my lips gently, "I'm not usually wrong when I get these feelings."

He downed what was left of his drink in a quick swig, and proclaimed, "I've got an idea."