

"You incubate them within your body," Bryce's voice was still high, and squeaky.

"Yes," I stood slowly.

I was already feeling the mana within my body circulating through the egg before returning to my core. I inhaled the pure mana, and exhaled much more mana.

"I missed this," I smirked as I started walking.

The cavern had other signs of work as we exited through the tunnel. Someone was carving a line into the stone for some reason. I had to lower my head to walk down the tunnel. I didn't realize why they were carving a line into the stone until I saw the wires that someone had started securing into the groove. My wings twitched as I stepped out into a crisp moonlit night.

The daylight hours on the lizardmen's planet were about the same as earth, but we must have been on a different side of the planet. Here it was night while it would be mid day back there. I wondered if the werewolves had noticed our presence here briefly as I stepped out into the night. Switching to infrared, and checking the surroundings. Only to find that the entire entrance was surrounded by some well hidden werewolves.

Some were even mid transformation. I relayed the information to my bonded silently. Gently holding my hand out to stop Bryce from walking forward on his own. He bumped into my hand since his night vision wasn't as good as my own. Ethan's own night vision had gotten a good boost.

It wasn't as good as my own, but he could see clearly enough to navigate on his own. Savannah, Jax, and Bryce relied heavily on what little light my glowing chest provided.

"You can come out now," I stared straight at the one werewolf that was fully transformed.

He was easily the strongest. I was a known ally to them. The fully transformed werewolf stepped forward slowly as he started reverting back to his human form. I recognized the alfa immediately.

"Long time no see," I snorted.

"Your presence is much more terrifying then it was the last time I saw you," he shrugged as he rolled his shoulders.

Popping them back into place casually.

"A full transformation without the light of the moon," I smiled slowly, "I tapped my tail on the ground. Your strength must have increased a great deal."

"I could transform without the moon," he chuckled, "But I'm not the only one that can anymore."

"How's Aurora, and the others doing?" I created a ball of fire over our heads so that everyone could see now that Bryce wouldn't be face to face with a creature of the night, "Is Goliath taking good care of them?"

"Silvia was pissed when she found out that this was a village of werewolves, but she's much calmer now that her son is starting to recover," he chuckled, "Aurora's treatments have gotten the kid on his feet. He can't go far, but walking is walking."

"That's a huge improvement," I started heading down the hill.

Making sure that I was going slow enough that the others could keep up. Bryce was too focused on the werewolves that had emerged from the darkness. All of them had taken the time to return to human forms so they didn't appear terrifying to Bryce. They just looked like super fit athletes in sports wear. I made it so the fireball followed along behind, and above my head.

Ethan was in stride with the alfa while Savannah, and Jax were a little further back. Savannah was discussing something with one of the female werewolves she clearly knew.

"That kid though," the alfa started laughing heartily, "He's taken quite the liking to Aurora. She has been trying to convince us to make a saddle so she can show him what running feels like."

"Bryce can handle the saddle part," I shocked Bryce out of his daze when I said his name, "We can get his mobile forge or we can have one built. He's quite good at working with dragon scale." I paused, "Aurora should have quite a few random scales laying around by now."

"We can't do much of anything with them," he rubbed the back of his head, "We mentioned destroying them once, but she didn't take that well."

"She's young," I shrugged, "She'll probably grow less attached once she sheds a few more of them."

"You won't have to build a forge," the alfa frowned, "We already have one. It needs some repairs since it hasn't been used since I was a kid."

"If you had a forge," I wondered aloud, "Why didn't you use it?"

"No materials," he snarled, "The military hasn't allowed us to purchase materials in nearly fifteen years. Our master blacksmith passed away twelve years ago, and his apprentices fell out of practice."

"So forge doesn't get used," I nodded, "Could you check it out Bryce?"

"Check out the forge?" Bryce was surprised I was inviting him into the conversation, "There's not much to check."

"You should still check," I would have shrugged if I didn't need my arms, and legs to walk, "Having fires break out in a small wooded village would be a bad thing."

"Yeah," Bryce nodded nervously, "I can do that."

We were taken to Goliath's place. The others could go inside, but I no longer fit through a normal doorframe. I sat outside, and watched the movie they were watching through the window. I felt a little left out. I decided it would be a good time for a hunt.

I wasn't really in the mood for watching a movie I could barely hear while the others talked. I left them alone in Goliath's little house. I was a little surprised Aurora didn't come out to say high, but she might be asleep. I remembered just how deeply I used to sleep. I was beginning to feel as if I needed even less then four hours of sleep.

I chuckled to myself. I started walking toward the beach. The werewolves had been doing a great job of cleaning up any unwanted portal goers. I'd have a better chance finding fish then anything above ground. I flicked my tail as I strode into the water.