

She dropped the bullets to the ground with a casual indifferance.

"Time to go little one," she leaned down towards me.

I flinched away from her. I didn't want to go. Not with my bonded her in danger.

"You won't leave without your bonded," she lifted my head as if it weighed nothing.

For a creature that had such a formless, and soft looking body, she was as solid as a granite wall. No I wouldn't leave them. She read me like an open book. She set my head down gently, and split into five different versions of her. One made of earth.

One made of wind. One made of water. One made of lightning. The last one made of fire. The one made of fire moved forward to intercept the soldiers.

Wind, and water headed towards Ethan, and Savannah. Earth sank into the ground. Lightning came to me. Fire intercepted Mr. Earl's attack. Absorbing the fire into herself.

I didn't want to leave. Not yet. Wind touched Ethan, and vanished with him. Fire, and the soldiers were having some sort of standoff. Water touched Savannah, and vanished with her. A moment of stillness followed with the soldiers unsure of what to do with a literal incarnation of fire in front of them.

"All done," lightning touched me, and we vanished.

Fire vanishing with us. I lost consciousness after that. I didn't know what would happen next, but I'd accomplished what I'd set out to do. What the dragon queen asked me to do. That means that I'll live through this.


We appeared in a white stone room all of a sudden. With the fragment of the spirit that transported us. First it was Ethan with the wind fragment. Then me with the water fragment. I had time to look around before Jax showed up with the earth fragment.

He rolled around on the ground clutching his head with an expression of pain on his face. Then Wyatt, and the final two fragments showed up. I looked at Wyatt who was out cold, and Jax in pain with a look of confusion on my face. What the fuck was Jax doing here?

"Jax," I grabbed his shoulder, and turned him to look at me, "You need to close off the bond to Wyatt."

I glanced over to Wyatt's scorched, and emaciated body. I'd closed off my connection to Wyatt when he was being burned. There was no way he wasn't in pain right now with how much damage his body had taken. The way Ethan was grimacing told me that he was enduring the pain with Wyatt. If I was right, and Jax was bonded to Wyatt then he wasn't used to this kind of pain.

"Jax calm down," I gripped his shoulder tight, "Track the pain back to where it's coming from in your head, and close it off."

"What?" Jax winced as if speaking was painful.

"Track the pain back to the source within your mind," I gripped his shoulder tightly, "Then close it like off. Like shutting a door."

Jax closed his eyes, and focused for a few minutes. After some intense focus the color came back to his face, and he laid on the floor all splayed out.

"How did you bond to Wyatt?" Ethan asked in a tone of rage far beyond anything he'd ever shown to me.

"I don't know," Jax sat up with a look of exhaustion on his face, "The pain hit after Wyatt kicked me out of his dream world."

"You were in his inner world," Ethan practically snarled as he rushed forward.

"He didn't do it on purpose," I stepped between the two of them, "We should wait until Wyatt wakes up, and let Wyatt explain what happened. Wyatt might have done it on purpose."

Ethan stopped going after Jax for now, and retreated back to Wyatt. I didn't know what was going on, but Wyatt was likely to know what happened between him, and Jax. The five fragments of the spirit drew close together before fusing into one being once again. She turned pure white once again, and turned her attention to us.

"He will be absolutely ravenous when he wakes," the place where her mouth was supposed to be didn't move, but her voice carried her intent clearly anyways, "I will bring him something to feed on when that happens, but I don't think that you humans will have the stomach to see a drakeling eating in their feral state."

"Your English is good," I straightened as I looked at her.

"You think I'm speaking English?" she focused her glowing white eyes on me, "I am not using a primitive human language."

"Then how can we understand you?" Jax watched her warily.

"The language I'm using right now is the original language," she seemed to sigh at us, "I believe you human's called it the primal language. It was the first language to be spoken on this world. Long before you humans began creating languages of your own." Her body rotated in the air so her back was facing us, she invited us to follow with a single finger, "Dragons were the first mortal race to learn it. It's a difficult language to learn since it requires the ability to use pure mana, and infuse it with intent."

"So your just infusing mana with the intent of what you want to say?" I asked slowly as we followed her.

"Exactly," she responded, "But its easier said than done. If I were to start teaching you today, it would take two or three decades to learn the control required to use the language."

Jax upped his pace so he was in step with me as he glanced back at an enraged Ethan. We followed the floating white lady to a wall that opened up for us to continue. On the other side of the wall there was a series of tunnels, and rooms. Most were closed off, but we could clearly see the outlines of the rooms. There were only three open rooms.