

"Then I've got a simple job for you," I cracked my shoulders, "I've decided to take all of Greenland as my territory. I want you to defend that territory, and all the allies that set foot on it."

Letty's smile made me feel as if I were making a deal with the devil. He may look like a five foot tall albino kid that doesn't get enough sun, but the power that emanated off of him made me feel as if death was looming over my head. I'd thought he was bad enough before. His aura felt like death when he had almost no power at all. Now he was a completely different animal.

I stepped away from the guy slowly. His skin was flawless. Pure perfect white as if he were sculpted from marble. His hair shinned like it had come straight from a shampoo commercial. Then there was his eyes.

They were the brightest blood red color I'd ever seen, and they always had some sort of glow to them. His entire body had a faint glow to it. Not enough for human eyes to detect. Barely enough for my eyes to detect. It gave him an ethereal quality that made him seem as if he wasn't a real physical being.

For me to say his skin was flawless was really saying something. I couldn't see a single flaw on any of his skin. Even with my eyes. The clothing he was wearing was loose. He'd obviously picked it up from someone else.

I was already in human form. I might as well do something with that. I walked away from Letty. While my eyes were off him my spatial senses were completely focused on him. He just vanished from my senses again.

That made me turn around, and look at where he had been a moment ago. Where did he go? How did he escape my senses like that? It shouldn't be possible. This guy disturbed me.

He claimed to be the oldest creature in existence besides the planet itself. I didn't know if I believed him or not. He was just terrifying. All of my senses said so.


I stared at the mountain that had popped up out of nowhere, and destroyed our tents. Savannah had run out mid conversation to go rescue Ethan. Jax had stayed with me. We'd both seen the look on Wyatt's face when that white haired freak looked at him. The guy just appeared wherever he felt like, and started talking to whoever he felt like talking to.

He was mostly helpful, but that didn't get rid of the feeling of danger the guy always had around him. He might as well have a haze of death hanging over his head twenty-four seven. Wyatt the dragon on the other hand did have an air of intimidation around him, but it was completely different than that vampire. His aura seemed to say don't fuck with me, and I won't fuck with you. I liked that about him.

There were a few things that I liked about him. Most of which I couldn't really put into words properly. The more I was around him the more I realized I was drawn to him. It wasn't a physical attraction. I had a very specific type.

Tall, and athletic. Preferably with brown or red hair. How they dressed didn't really matter to me. No this was different. I walked toward him as he stood looking the direction where Letty used to be.

Bastard had already vanished again.

"Are you considering my offer?" Wyatt glanced over his shoulder at me.

"I'm considering accepting your offer," I stared at him, "How certain are you that you'll be able to rescue my mother?"

"I'd be lying if I said I was a hundred percent sure," he turned so he had his side to me, "But I can promise you that if I can't get to her on time I will kill every single person that is even slightly involved with her death."

"So either she comes back or you kill everyone involved with her death," I nodded confirmation, "This contract that you're offering is temporary."

"A two year contract," Wyatt held his hand up as if making a promise, "Scouts honor."

I didn't understand what scouts honor meant.

"You don't know what that means do you?" Wyatt smirked at my confusion, "It means I swear." He switched to draconic, *"I swear on the blood of my ancestors that I will bring back your mother or kill all those that imprisoned her."

He threw his mana into his words so that I still understood his intent. The energy from his words wrapped around his wrist a few times before stamping into his wrist like a tattoo. It looked like multiple infinity signs inter connected into the shape of a bracelet. He'd made his promise official. It would cause him physical pain to break a bloodline oath.

A bloodline oath wasn't nearly as binding as a blood oath. Unlike a blood oath a bloodline oath could be broken. Bloodline oaths would cause a person a great deal of pain before breaking naturally without needing someone to interfere. Blood oaths only broke when you died. That was the only way out of one.

However there was one good side to a blood oath. You couldn't be forced to make a blood oath. It wouldn't take if you were. The only way for you to be trapped in a blood oath was willingly. Bloodline oaths were more fickle in nature.

They were difficult to betray, and disappeared once the oath was fulfilled. There were some rumors that you would be rewarded if you completed a blood oath properly, but that was likely just childish thoughts. Not once had I seen a blood oath break or be removed in all the time that I'd lived. No one had. Humans didn't even know what blood oaths were.

"What exactly are you planning on having me do?" I asked.