
The S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Communications.

"Welcome to The S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy of Communications"

"WOW! This is a huge complex is what I was expecting to say. That's all there is to it? Just 2 buildings, there are colleges I was planning on attending that are bigger than this."

"Its the communications Academy for training qualified field agents, there is no need for a big complex, Candidates are trained for basic fieldwork and learn a lot of theory and practical experience on the protocols we follow, interview techniques, combat skills like close quarters combat, shooting etc, and since we are a spy and intelligence gathering agency any skills relating to those as well. You are trained to be a spy, a detective, a combat specialist, essentially an allrounder capable of handling themselves under any circumstances that one may come across."

"Then what was the operations academy for I have been wondering what that was about if Communications is for field agents? Like you obviously went here, but did you also go to either of the other 2 and what about the watcher where did he go?"

"Well I went only here to Communications so did the watcher and the entire team that evening. Dr Kavita was obviously Science and technology. The thing is even in the Communications Academy, people tend to specialize or rather have multiple specializations, it's just that some people are more suited to some things rather than the others. The operations, on the other hand, are more to train what we call a specialist, they train for more combat and infiltration based roles and have much harsher combat training and learn to protect themselves and the information they carry in case of torture."

"So what now? I complete your standard training course in Communications and then test for Operations?"

"No not exactly, your watcher recommended that you be given a clear for CQC, similarly you will have classes for different subjects with teachers assigned for the more practical skills and recommended list of classes that you have to attend otherwise there is also a list of different classes that you can attend if you choose to."

"Sounds just like any other college except for guns and the spy stuff. "

"Here is your guide," Coulson said a lady in black tracksuit came out of the building.

"Hi my name Dana Webber, I will be your guide to show you around the academy today."

"Hi, I am Nightshade, thanks for the tour."

"Sure my pleasure lets go in. The building on the right is basically the living quarters for everyone, the higher level floors have a few labs for specialized testing and medical centre. The one on the left which We will start with is where all the classes are held on different subjects. I will show you around where some of the major classes are held and the admin department where we are heading right now to get your id card made. After which you will officially be an agent in training at level 1 classification. This building also has labs on the higher floors like the other building."

"Ok cool let's go get me my ID card. Hey wait a minute, what about the combat classes and training with shooting and things like that."

"Aha, that is a secret. You only get to know that after you have the ID card and have passed the introductory tests for getting level 1 classification. Some of the background checks and searches on your history will obviously have been completed. OK let's get you set up here."

After we got set up with my ID card, she took me around and showed me the huge classrooms where multiple courses would be taught that I could attend as well as recommended me some of the courses that most agents would attend and some specialized classes would be taught rarely and told me to be on the lookout for them so I don't miss out on them. After that, we went to see some of the testing labs in that building that I could use to test myself as well as some that could help me figure out how to improve myself. After that, she showed me the walkway on the top floor that connected the 2 buildings and then we went down and she showed me around the living quarters.

These living quarters were amazing rooms with a bed on one side and a desk with a computer on the other with 2 sofas and a TV in the middle with a kitchenette in the back a full bath behind a door next to the desk. This was like a 5-star hotel's room and I was very surprised and happy when I saw it.

Then she said " This is the living quarters for visiting faculty, come on ill show you to your room." that just destroyed my happiness.

Then we went down to the 3rd floor to my assigned room which as I expect was a small room with a single bed and a desk. Thankfully it did have an attached full bath and was still not bad and I could live with it. The room would only be for sleeping, getting ready in the morning and then I would leave for the stuff I was actually here for. The food was served in a Cafeteria and then I would be off training and learning in classes.

After the cafeteria, She took me back to the admin room and there my ID card was activated with a new phone that was readied for me. This new phone would only work while within the vicinity of my card and had an encryption program on it for all my SHIELD Communication.

Once I got that I turned to her and asked her "Now can I see the combat training areas?"

"Yes Night now I can show them to you and this will blow your mind."

She took me back to the elevator and once we got back into the elevator she swiped her card and pressed 0 twice and all the digital numbers on the screen turned into negative numbers and left my jaw hanging on the floor. We went down to the 1st level basement and she then took me around to see all the different training rooms. She told me I could use them all of these rooms once I was cleared for using any of these rooms after I clear the preliminary training for them.

After that, we went back to the cafeteria and she showed me how to use my phone and what all the default apps installed on it did. There was an app for the class schedule to all the classes available by the week or that month, that's how long the classes are preplanned for. There was also an app that had my class schedule where all the rooms I reserve for training also showed up. Last major thing was the notifications app that would send all the urgent and important messages to me.

That was the end of the day, I would be-be starting my training from tomorrow, that would be the start of my life in this whole new world.